this has been a cultural service announcement

Apr 08, 2011 10:31

Okay, let’s get something straight about this ‘soul surfer’ movie, Bethany Hamilton caused her own shark attack.  The first rule of the ocean is Never Turn Your Back.  In Hawaiian culture there is more than one meaning to everything. Never Turn Your Back to the ocean means never physically turning your back but more importantly, underneath this ( Read more... )

cinematic ventures, from this side

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Comments 10

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sunny_serenity April 8 2011, 19:39:20 UTC
Soul Surfer, it comes out this week.


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sunny_serenity April 11 2011, 09:11:36 UTC


aprilvolition April 8 2011, 18:21:19 UTC
Hollywood kind of sucks, a lot. I haven't seen the movie yet, but it looked pretty hollywood cliched. I was gonna pass on it : /

I like the cultural service announcement. I have to say, Hawaiian culture is something I know very little about. Despite it being a place I very much want to visit. I think I should educate myself a little more now.


sunny_serenity April 8 2011, 19:44:21 UTC
Short of creating our own forms of entertainment, it's sad that majority of the population allows this kind of crap to go down.

It's very similar to a lot of native and tribal cultures, much reverance for the world and spirits around you. You know, stuff that hippies try to replicate.


odakota_rose April 9 2011, 01:29:34 UTC
Thank you. I had a feeling this movie had gotten hit by the glossified Hollywood bug. Wasn't planning on watching because it looked like a bucket of cliches and schmoop. Good to know, though.

I think you make some really good points also, because while I'm really happy she survived, she took a really stupid risk and nearly paid with her life. I don't quite see the point in making a movie about that.


sunny_serenity April 11 2011, 09:09:31 UTC
I know right? Make your lame ass story into a lame ass movie has been done how many times?

Exactly. I'm glad she's not dead too but don't bring this kind of shit on yourself and then use it as a platform to spew your values all over everyone. Plus, what does it really teach?


kit_a_licious April 9 2011, 02:39:09 UTC


sunny_serenity April 11 2011, 09:09:55 UTC
Truth hurts.


canuck_kat April 9 2011, 14:54:08 UTC
At least she doesn't blame sharks for what happened... but that's just from I read.

I hate cultural indifference. It's almost worst than cultural ignorance or stupidity.


sunny_serenity April 11 2011, 09:10:47 UTC
I hate cultural indifference. It's almost worst than cultural ignorance or stupidity.



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