Potter Re-Read

Mar 20, 2011 14:10

RESUMED! Sorry it's been so long. Life, has been busy what with visiting relatives and tsunamis... Anyway. Forward.

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potter!verse, that time i read harry potter wrong, potter!verse: kiiiiiiiiiids, from this side, observations, ready mcreaderson: potter!verse

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sunny_serenity March 21 2011, 08:20:01 UTC
LOL, don't worry about it bb, it gives me something to do during the week. i haven't been very good with this either due to all the crazy stuff life decided to throw at me but i do enjoy doing this.

wow, six? damn this really has been people's childhoods, eh? yes! the history! still haven't gotten to that part yet though... i'm somewhere in diagon alley methinks. most of this post is coming off of notes that are weeks old so... i'm eager to get to the history of the school parts and those old wizard ways entrenched in the stones themselves. EXCITE!


borg_princess March 21 2011, 03:30:53 UTC
Chamber of Secrets is slowly becoming my least favourite book. It might be because of Molly Weasley

Agreed so hard, I hate Molly sfm, I can't articulate the reasons, just, ARGH. >:[

I also think Harry probably has an impossible neat freak/OCD/cleaning complex

I don't think so? I mean, when he was cleaning out his trunk at the beginning of DH, he had, like, moldy food and crap in there, so...yeah, gross! I think he's kind of a slob, actually, lol. Wasn't there a scene in GoF when they were weighing the wands and his was all grubby and dirty?

being placed behind barred windows and a cat door for food with one bathroom break per 12 hours. Gah, that's worse than prison. PRISONERS HAVE TOILETS IN THEIR CELLS.

He gives Hedwig his food as he only sips broth for his one meal. Break. My. Fucking. Heart. Guys... *sigh* I kind of wish that Harry was more obviously psychologically damaged because of this. I mean, people talk about his recklessness, demonstrating a lack of care for his own life, but that could be because he doesn't think ( ... )


sunny_serenity March 21 2011, 08:48:19 UTC

I think he's kind of a slob, actually, lol.

so totally keeping an eye out for this trait because i've seen so many differing opinions about this through the fic world that idek!

...we get NOTHING, no consequences at all from his mistreatment.

This is why I think I don't give him a lot of credit, because it has no realistic impact on him?

...but he emerges perfectly all right, no insecurity, no feeling of worthlessness, still able to make friends and open up to others, etc. People attribute that to his pure heart and everything, which, fine, as fans, I understand that, but to me, it seems to cheapen the serious issue of child abuse to suggest it has no impact at all on him.Okay, this? I place solely on Rowling's shoulders because THIS? THIS IS A GODSDAMNED GOLDMINE OF CHARACTER TRAIT AND BEHAVIOUR RIPE FOR THE PICKING. DEVELOP THIS. GOD. DAMN. WHERE IS THE LONG TERM CONSEQUENCE? ANY ONE, NO MATTER HOW WELL ADJUSTED TO 'NORMAL', DOES NOT LIVE A LIFE ( ... )


borg_princess March 21 2011, 09:00:15 UTC
Er, random, not really related, but I'm writing something for a fic exchange and I have about a thousand words and I was wondering if I could email it to you you and get your thoughts? It deals with young!Harry but I'm not sure if I'm getting it right, because he kind of seems more like emo!OotP!Harry only I can't think of a way to rewrite him to make it more appropriate and I kind of think he would be a moody child anyway? What with everyone hating his guts or not wanting to be around him because he's BAD NEWS and such? AS IF THAT WOULDN'T MAKE YOU UPSET AND GLUM AND RESENTFUL.

(And if so, can you give/pm me your email addy?)


borg_princess March 21 2011, 11:44:56 UTC
Hee! I’m glad you enjoy discussion, even when we don’t agree!

Okay, you haven’t read DH, so you don’t know the passage I’m referring to- it’s at the beginning, so this isn’t a spoiler!

Harry had spent the morning completely emptying his school trunk for the first time since he had packed it six years ago. At the start of the intervening school years, he had merely skimmed off the topmost three quarters of the contents and replaced or updated them, leaving a layer of general debris at the bottom-old quills, desiccated beetle eyes, single socks that no longer fit. Minutes previously, Harry had plunged his hand into this mulch

Never fully emptied it! Beetle eyes! MULCH. :O

I place solely on Rowling's shoulders

Yeah, you know how characters are sometimes known for being ‘cooler than they’re written’? Harry’s more damaged than he’s written!

THIS IS A GODSDAMNED GOLDMINE OF CHARACTER TRAIT AND BEHAVIOUR RIPE FOR THE PICKINGExactly! I’d’ve found him more interesting and sympathetic if that were the case! I think she thinks he’d be ( ... )


afigureofspeech March 23 2011, 20:54:44 UTC
CoS was always my least favorite book, even when I first read it. Idk why really, just was. Couldn't compare to PoA I guess lol (there were only the first three out at the time).

I do like reading your reviews of the books. It's interesting hearing the perspective of someone first reading them as an adult that can take a more analytical look at the story and characters than I ever did on the first read-throughs. :)


borg_princess March 29 2011, 11:55:39 UTC
A lot of people say CoS was their least fave. I guess the first book was exciting because it was a new world and then people expected it to get bigger and better but it was still self-contained and kind of quiet for a while before something major happened and then another lull?

PoA is the best, though, so much love.


sunny_serenity April 1 2011, 21:26:45 UTC
PoA is my gateway drug. UNF.


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sunny_serenity April 7 2011, 07:23:39 UTC
Hiya! Thanks for stopping by and it's okay if you do it more often. Whether they be in agreement or contrary to mine, I like to hear/read other people's opinions cos it might make me think differently.

There were so many thing left unaddressed in canon that a lot of fandom took for granted. I'm not sure if that's due to the target age of Potter or if some of the themes weren't taken seriously by the older audience. Whatever the case may be, I WISH IT WERE DIFFERENT.


beege22 May 18 2011, 19:37:37 UTC
>This is why I excuse the boy from not catching on to things quickly and being rash in almost all his decisions because LOOK AT THE WAY HE WAS RAISED. IN. A. CUPBOARD. Yet. YET. through all of this he still thinks of others. He gives Hedwig his food as he only sips broth for his one meal. Break. My. Fucking. Heart. Guys... *sigh ( ... )


sunny_serenity May 18 2011, 20:52:34 UTC
I like your words. They are far more articulate and concise to what I ~feel for this boy. He really puts himself out there when it comes to trusting adults and sometimes it's really awesome and other times it just makes him regret things more... THIS. BOY. OMG.

And when you consider the way she latches on to Harry in light of his fame and (possible) inherited wealth, well.

Hmm... as awful as Molly Weasley is I don't think that she's the money grubbing type of witch. If she were she wouldn't have married Arthur. So while she may be uneven with certain things, I think she really loves Harry out of being friends with his parents and because as a mother her instinct is to take care of him. Julie Walters does an excellent job of portraying this in the films. Molly is less grating to me there because she's such a phenom. LOVE. HER.


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