Zombie Jesus

Apr 04, 2010 23:58

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rl, doctor who, random, stuff, fandom

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Comments 12

sarahsoph April 5 2010, 12:57:58 UTC
The only reason I am hung up on this holiday is that it is a holiday that involves chocolate. In particular I am very impressed that in the days afterwards you can buy some rather cheap chocolate. That's all Easter is about to me.


sunny_serenity April 5 2010, 22:06:28 UTC
Hehe, chocolate! That's a good reason. I was only complaining cos of the severe monkey wrench it ALWAYS places in my eatery plans.


luxuria_oceanus April 5 2010, 17:03:43 UTC
I'm with you on all of the dislikes. Right now the only thing that has me curious is the girl. Him? Not so much. And when I saw the opening credits... WHY did they see the necessity to change it? If it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT!


sunny_serenity April 5 2010, 22:08:29 UTC
Yes. When the companion is more interesting than the Doctor then, no. I'm calling her Donna Jr. she seems like a Jr. ...also, what's with all the WATER allusions: Amy POND, RIVER Song, WATERS of Mars...


luxuria_oceanus April 6 2010, 04:36:33 UTC
You have a point.

HA! Yes, she does have a bit of Donna in her (other than the red hair). She's not as awesome as Donna, but she does have the cojones of a potential Donna.

O.o Huh. You have a point...


sunny_serenity April 6 2010, 22:26:53 UTC
She's not as awesome as Donna, but she does have the cojones of a potential Donna.

EXACTLY. She's got moxie.


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sunny_serenity April 5 2010, 22:12:03 UTC
Ugh, the bowtie... wasn't there another Doctor that had a bowtie though? Also, the inside of the TARDIS looks like they've cannibalised the set of Torchwood. Meh.

Moffat kind of IS the man when it comes to writing super awesome eps, but I think the pressures of a showrunner may take it's toll. I hope he can pull it off.

Donna Jr is one of those latchkey kids who either develops a savvy working street knowledge OR reads a lot and is a brain. Maybe she's both?


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sunny_serenity April 6 2010, 22:34:12 UTC
GAH! I don't even know about this now... I really really want to but camping with only two people is um, not something I'm comfortable with. Maybe if there were more than two of us, plus we'll be out of state and camping in Hawaii is FAR different from camping in Washington. o__0 Quite intimidating.

The clock is ticking at a very high volume on this thing.


laregan April 6 2010, 08:35:13 UTC
TARDIS. do. not. want.

Sonic Screwdriver. do. not. want.

Do Wants David Back.

Do likes Donna Jr.

Also, i dig the bow tie. not necessarily the man wearing it, but i dig the bow tie. it could be worse. it could be a piece of celery again. *shrugs*



sunny_serenity April 6 2010, 22:34:57 UTC
We can safely go with 'meh'.


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