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Comments 5

laregan July 17 2009, 08:24:02 UTC
Woot. For Leverage season uno on DVD. Must have Leverage MARATHON!

Like you haven't squee'd in public before. lol.


sunny_serenity July 19 2009, 04:24:07 UTC
Oh, show! Show is love. The commentary is also amusing.

*shrug* Fangirl side effect.


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sunny_serenity July 19 2009, 04:30:58 UTC
Good lesson. I don't really pay attention to things of this sort but I was hoping that BSG'd finally get something like LOTR did at the Oscars.

Awww, DS9!! That was prolly my second fave. Oh, Trek.

Indeed. It came out on July 14th, the day before s2 premiered.

Ack! NOOOOOOOOOO! I need CLOSURE on Pretender. I guess fic will be the balm.


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sunny_serenity July 19 2009, 23:06:29 UTC
There must be some kind of unwritten rule in the universe that characters named Parker must be made of awesome.

One can dream. I'll dream it with you.


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sunny_serenity July 19 2009, 04:32:59 UTC
Bah. That sucks. I went for the DVDs. It's a very open ended let's leave the audience hanging for EVAR finale. And apparently the movies don't leave you with a sense of CLOSURE either. But hey, TV movie with limited resolution is better than no resolution.


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