
Jun 19, 2008 13:26

Dream: Serenity. Mal. Zoe. Lil Boy?!?!?! ( Bzumwahuh? )

awesomeness, boring life stuff, teevee: sytycd, hanging out with the dream king, jossverse, teevee: firefly

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Comments 6

luxuria_oceanus June 20 2008, 00:36:09 UTC

Wow, that was the cutest dream ever, but you wanna know why I'm laughing?

'Cause I felt like I was reading fic instead of a dream.

*pinches cheek* I love my Smiley and her crazy dreams!


sunny_serenity June 24 2008, 20:35:00 UTC
LOL! Well then, I'm glad you liked it. *iz pinched* ^_^


sombras_azules June 20 2008, 02:11:16 UTC
I wanna have a Firefly dream. Preferably involving me and Mal and no clothing.


sunny_serenity June 24 2008, 20:36:02 UTC
He is made of hotness.


squeakyboots March 22 2011, 23:12:54 UTC
Hah! I got it! And not such a bad idea if I do say so myself. Can't say that I ever cared much for Inara.


sunny_serenity March 22 2011, 23:34:12 UTC
Who knew right? Anyway, yeah, Inara was my least favourite. I shipped in the sense that everyone's interpersonal relationships were what interested me. How they all worked as a unit. In their place. Dynamics. How they fit. Shipping for me came after everything was over and now I can bend them all to my will. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


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