Title: The Key to it All Pairings, Characters: Asami x Akihito, Mikhail x Feilong, Tao, Yoh Rating: R Spoilers: up to NT8 Warnings/genre: Continuation from NT8, romance
Thank you for this brilliant story! It literally kept me on the edge of my seat from the beginning to the end, even with the bickering and Tao's interference bringing in some comic relief.
It was an excellent mix of action and romance, without either overshadowing the other, and I absolutely loved it :)
Oh my BOINKING BISHIES!!! I gotta get this squee outta my system first. 'scuse me.
Oh gosh. I don't know where to begin with this but I absolutely love this. It's sweet, hot, sad and everything VF is rolled in one.
"You absolutely may not have sex until that wound is healed. That means six full weeks. Any sooner and you could experience some real problems. Have I made myself clear on that?"
"And I've communicated that to Asami-san time and again, whenever I caught him trying to molest you. Besides, after his little stunt he'll be in no condition himself for a while."
ROFLMAO!! That had me smirking. I can SO see Asami molesting Akihito like that. Hee.
"Oh no, don't worry. It would take more than what he's been through to kill him. I get the feeling he's the human equivalent of a New York City cockroach."
A very hot, uber seme cockroach.
And gawds, this one really, really made my heart go doki doki and melt in a puddle of goo
Wow! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I had so much fun writing this, but it really makes my day to know someone enjoyed reading it as much as you did. Thank you!
Asami as a priest?? *snort* I'll have some of whatever you've been drinking! XDDD
XD You really don't want what I'm drinking if you want to live long to write more threesomes. Hee. Well, it is hard to imagine Asami as a priest but he could be a priest that still hasn't curbed his worldly desires yet and why can't Akihito be the Satan that tempts him down the path to darkness to which there is no turning back? It'd be so interesting to see Asami thinks that it was ALL his brilliant idea when it has been Akihito's manipulation all along.
Ah, well, nvm forget it then. I need to go drink some more of that stuff that made me think improbable thoughts :p
Ah, I see what you're getting at now. That is an interesting idea. Though I'd almost rather write it in the manga setting, twisting the events slightly so that Satan/Akihito manipulates the yakuza Asami into some act against his will.
Hmm, this one really has the wheels turning. I'll have to see if I can find a plot I like to go around it. *hugs*
Oh, I loved this story so much. It was beautiful! I knew I would when I saw it was you :)
Oh, I really wish the real story would end something like this. It was just so satisfying to see Asami and Fei forgive and understand. To see Asami and Aki admit how they feel.. Ohhh, so many warm fuzzies *hugs you*
I had to say I couldnt help but smile when Asami commented on how Aki was like a flower in the sun. ^^ GAH!~ I cant form proper words anymore!!! So wonderful. *sigh* Thank you soo much! I know Im not the only who is grateful for this beautiful piece.
Thank you! That's very nice of you to say. :) I hope something like this happens too (I guess that's obvious if I wrote it LOL). I so want something good to come out of this Hong Kong arc. I suppose we'll see on Monday. *crosses fingers*
O.o Mmmmmm... *dies of shock* ... ... Well, that was a lovely story. The interactions were perfect. I, well, what else can I say? It was exciting, the characterizations, perfect. I can so imagine Asami saying those lines to Akihito.
Thank you very much. :) It took me quite a while to figure out exactly how I thought Asami would say it, so I'm really glad you think his words seem right.
Comments 154
It was an excellent mix of action and romance, without either overshadowing the other, and I absolutely loved it :)
Oh gosh. I don't know where to begin with this but I absolutely love this. It's sweet, hot, sad and everything VF is rolled in one.
"You absolutely may not have sex until that wound is healed. That means six full weeks. Any sooner and you could experience some real problems. Have I made myself clear on that?"
"And I've communicated that to Asami-san time and again, whenever I caught him trying to molest you. Besides, after his little stunt he'll be in no condition himself for a while."
ROFLMAO!! That had me smirking. I can SO see Asami molesting Akihito like that. Hee.
"Oh no, don't worry. It would take more than what he's been through to kill him. I get the feeling he's the human equivalent of a New York City cockroach."
A very hot, uber seme cockroach.
And gawds, this one really, really made my heart go doki doki and melt in a puddle of goo
"Please don't give up. Please don't die. Please don't leave ( ... )
Asami as a priest?? *snort* I'll have some of whatever you've been drinking! XDDD
Ah, well, nvm forget it then. I need to go drink some more of that stuff that made me think improbable thoughts :p
Hmm, this one really has the wheels turning. I'll have to see if I can find a plot I like to go around it. *hugs*
Oh, I really wish the real story would end something like this. It was just so satisfying to see Asami and Fei forgive and understand. To see Asami and Aki admit how they feel.. Ohhh, so many warm fuzzies *hugs you*
I had to say I couldnt help but smile when Asami commented on how Aki was like a flower in the sun. ^^ GAH!~ I cant form proper words anymore!!! So wonderful. *sigh* Thank you soo much! I know Im not the only who is grateful for this beautiful piece.
*sends you warm fuzzies* ^_^
Well, that was a lovely story. The interactions were perfect. I, well, what else can I say? It was exciting, the characterizations, perfect. I can so imagine Asami saying those lines to Akihito.
Ack, it was great.
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