Title: The Key to it All Pairings, Characters: Asami x Akihito, Feilong, Tao, Yoh, Mikhail Rating: R Spoilers: up to NT8 Warnings/genre: Continuation from NT8, romance
In unison with Aki -> "did he just "love"??? meow meow meow meowwwwww *dancing around* hehehehee
Oh I also notice that both Fei and Asami keep complimenting each other with "sexy"...men they haven't really got over each other right :)
and I love Aki-chan's outfit so sexxxyyy...I also like the way you protrait Mikhail and Yoh to be just obsessed men who do anything to possess what he wants...I was worried that there are people out there who like Yoh might not like this...but I guess it is understandable for what he did (I cant help but grinning)
He said it! He finally said it! It was like pulling teeth. I still have the image of Takaba in that get-up in my head. He looks good enough to eat. They're so close to going home now. Yoh is dead and Tao will see his master be happy. Nyah! On to the next chapter.
I loved Asami reaction to Fei Long and his place he keeps his gun, "That's very sexy, the thigh holster." I agree completely, I would love to touch that gun, plus quite a few other things on his body. *sigh* You always come up with the greatest lines and it does seem like Fei Long would put his gun there.
*nose-bleed* *faint* WOW so descriptive on the clothes that Fei Long put Akihito in. I love Asami telling him "And when you get back you can dance for me in that."
Akihito played the part as *pet* so well, even going so far as sitting at Fei Long's feet and rubbing his head on his thighs. Mikhail certainly did not like that!!
Too bad all their plans went awry. But Mikhail is, I am glad to see, very loyal to Fei Long and gets himself in trouble. Fei Long asks him why, but he just doesn't understand that Mikhail might actually love him. I see a great budding romance going on with them. YEA!!
Of course Asami to the rescue and I know I wasn't mistaken when he finally said it "I'd never love anyone who wasn’t strong.". Oh
( ... )
he said it *___* *the fluff dose administered* ^__~
tao was pure love in this chapter ^^ *hugs him again*
and fei said that aki is a friend. i would so love it if it was really like that. the way they acted in this chapter showed that they care for eachother and are ready to risk their lives. and did i understood it welll that asami regards himself fei`s friend too? ^__^ sometimes he really knows how to act right ^__^
Ha, you know I didn't notice that about what Asami said. I was only thinking about revenge. But he wasn't really clear about that, was he? I think their feelings for one another involved mutual respect, still a healthy dose of distrust, but also an admiration that will slip into friendship in the future. This is what I hope for the manga. ^_^
Comments 13
Oh I also notice that both Fei and Asami keep complimenting each other with "sexy"...men they haven't really got over each other right :)
and I love Aki-chan's outfit so sexxxyyy...I also like the way you protrait Mikhail and Yoh to be just obsessed men who do anything to possess what he wants...I was worried that there are people out there who like Yoh might not like this...but I guess it is understandable for what he did (I cant help but grinning)
*nose-bleed* *faint* WOW so descriptive on the clothes that Fei Long put Akihito in. I love Asami telling him "And when you get back you can dance for me in that."
Akihito played the part as *pet* so well, even going so far as sitting at Fei Long's feet and rubbing his head on his thighs. Mikhail certainly did not like that!!
Too bad all their plans went awry. But Mikhail is, I am glad to see, very loyal to Fei Long and gets himself in trouble. Fei Long asks him why, but he just doesn't understand that Mikhail might actually love him. I see a great budding romance going on with them. YEA!!
Of course Asami to the rescue and I know I wasn't mistaken when he finally said it "I'd never love anyone who wasn’t strong.". Oh ( ... )
*the fluff dose administered*
tao was pure love in this chapter ^^
*hugs him again*
and fei said that aki is a friend. i would so love it if it was really like that. the way they acted in this chapter showed that they care for eachother and are ready to risk their lives.
and did i understood it welll that asami regards himself fei`s friend too?
sometimes he really knows how to act right ^__^
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