Title: The Key to it All Pairings, Characters: Asami x Akihito, Feilong, Tao, Yoh, Mikhail Rating: R Spoilers: up to NT8 Warnings/genre: Continuation from NT8, romance
You know? You are a goddess with words! I love this fic!!! I laughed so much again. And, still, its very touching. Only the cliffhangers, baby! Stopping at the best scenes is soooooo evil of you :P
Awww I do feel bad for Fei...but I guess something in yaoiland stay true...smexing and sometimes forcing will lead to love :) I mean Fei being with Aki this long...if without at least desire...he probably wont want to bet with Aki every single night...there is a thing you do for vengeance...but when revenge is blended with pleasure -> it's so sweet that you get addicted to it, ne ne? :) Tao is really cute..I wonder if Fei will actually fall for Tao when he gets older...I think Tao will make the bestest lover Fei could ever have (nice story too...I raise you up just to be mine, lover *giggle*)
As for the main pair...Asami is hard head as always...but this time Sunflower's Aki-chan has the strong will enough to clash with the head of steel of Asami hehee
I feel so sorry for everybody! Even Tao is suffering. That stupid Asami deserves a kick in the shins to make him understand what he has is worth more than power and pride. Koh is dumb. Hong Kong is not in Malaysia. That was hilarious. This one made me cry too. On to the next chapter!
Oh I feel very sad for Akihito to step in the middle of this conversation between Fei Long and Asami~ "But it's different with you because you love him, hmm? "Me? No. I don't love anyone." "Now who's fooling himself? For someone who prides himself on honesty, you're being quite the liar." "He's mine. He's my responsibility. I enjoy him. But he's nothing more than a convenience."
Convenience? Who is fooling who here. Asami is denying it all and Fei Long and luckily even Akihito see through that.
I just love Tao he is always so loyal to his Master Fei Long who needs and deserves to be loved. *sniff sniff*
asami... *shakes head* sometimes he`s just such an idiot...
kou... *rolls eyes* men...
but fei... he is a nice person, deep inside, just like tao says. but all the circumstances made him who he is and he cannot let himself be himself. the scene with tao was so sad, when fei was talking about the guardian angel... i almost started to cry. i don`t wanna him lonely like that T__T
Comments 9
I love this fic!!! I laughed so much again. And, still, its very touching. Only the cliffhangers, baby! Stopping at the best scenes is soooooo evil of you :P
As for the main pair...Asami is hard head as always...but this time Sunflower's Aki-chan has the strong will enough to clash with the head of steel of Asami hehee
"But it's different with you because you love him, hmm?
"Me? No. I don't love anyone."
"Now who's fooling himself? For someone who prides himself on honesty, you're being quite the liar."
"He's mine. He's my responsibility. I enjoy him. But he's nothing more than a convenience."
Convenience? Who is fooling who here. Asami is denying it all and Fei Long and luckily even Akihito see through that.
I just love Tao he is always so loyal to his Master Fei Long who needs and deserves to be loved. *sniff sniff*
*shakes head*
sometimes he`s just such an idiot...
*rolls eyes*
but fei... he is a nice person, deep inside, just like tao says. but all the circumstances made him who he is and he cannot let himself be himself.
the scene with tao was so sad, when fei was talking about the guardian angel... i almost started to cry.
i don`t wanna him lonely like that T__T
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