Title: The Key to it All Pairings, Characters: Asami x Akihito, Feilong, Tao, Yoh, Mikhail Rating: R Spoilers: up to NT8 Warnings/genre: Continuation from NT8, romance
LOL...I think Aki should not be 23 years old but rather 16 cause he sure acts all and all like it...but that's what make him so cuteeeeeee...
I like the understanding between him and Asami with few words -> so adorable....and finally some resolve between the two old enemyyy...one last thing is I just love that Fei asked Asami that, "did you tell him?" after Asami sweared on Aki's head...I mean Fei and all outsiders us fan seems to know more than the two that involved in this (namely Aki and Asami :)
I have to admit that "sharp pointy teeth" reminded me of the Black Beast of Caerbanogh. I was laughing my head off.
I am very curious. What is akira? Is it a dog or a snake? I Googled it but ... I got Kurosawa or the manga and a music band. Not much help from Google.
From reading this chapter, I think we were both looking at the second volume just recently. I finished typing up two more chapters of my fic and I had to look at that volume to make sure I was getting the facts straight. I'm mentioning this 'cause I don't want my fic to come across as a copy of yours. It's just a coincidence that we're using the same resource. ^_^
This chapter was lighter and it made me laugh. Thank you for writing it.
Believe it or not, I have Kourou no Hana so committed to memory I just typed from that. That's kind of pitiful lol.
Similarities can't be helped when we're writing about the same incidents. What's strange to me is how fans can see them so differently.^^ I'm interested in seeing what you're writing. I'm behind on reading all the fics, so I've not read your chapter 2 yet. I need to do that, but tomorrow when I'm more awake.
Thanks for commenting. I'm glad you're enjoying it. :)
I think I have memorized that movie from all the times I've watched it.
Well that explains why I couldn't find it. I typed Akira and not akita. Those are the dogs with the piglet tail! So cute. I've seen them around. The one in the link looks like a ball of cotton.
Well the thing is that I saw the same thing you saw and interpreted the events the same way. I have to get the last two chapters betaed and posted. Thank you for reading my fic. I try to do the characters and the readers the justice they deserve. It's humbling that other people read what I write. :)
"That's not a good idea. You should make him swear that if he lies his dick will fall off. It's his most precious thing. He wouldn't chance losing it."
Asami and Feilong stared at him with gaping mouths. Akihito blushed and shrugged. "Well it's true."
I burst out laughing at this and spent a whole minute giggling insanely. As I've just been friended I'm now going through as many of your stories as I can find and I have to say I absolutely love your writing.
I was unable to finish your story last night, so I finished reading it today. As always it is as good as all the other stories you have written.
I am glad to see that Asami and Fei Long were finally talking and the truth came out. Hopefully this will be the beginning of their healing. But Fei Long still is riling up Asami's feathers with comments like this "Akihito. Come here and sit at my feet. Where you belong."
I like the reference that Asami made to Akihito as being an Akita, they are strong, beautiful and very loyal dogs. It was funny that there is a a similarity on Akihito's name and Akita. If even a faint similarity it was very clever even if you did not do it on purpose.
asami and fei... woman, you`re impossible ^^; they`ve just made up after 7 years and are already behaving like an old married couple XD
aki`s comment about asami`s dick XD ROTFL!!!!!!
ok, now to more serious things. i love the chemics between asami and takaba. it`s perfect. all the gestures, the right words, the witty comments... ^__^ *hugs you tightly*
and i wonder about the kids :P will aki be able to persuade asami in the future? hehe, lil akihitos sure would be cute ^__^ asami`s kids would be smartasses. lol, and if there was a possiblility of them having children (their both) they`d be like tao :D
Comments 20
I like the understanding between him and Asami with few words -> so adorable....and finally some resolve between the two old enemyyy...one last thing is I just love that Fei asked Asami that, "did you tell him?" after Asami sweared on Aki's head...I mean Fei and all outsiders us fan seems to know more than the two that involved in this (namely Aki and Asami :)
I am very curious. What is akira? Is it a dog or a snake? I Googled it but ... I got Kurosawa or the manga and a music band. Not much help from Google.
From reading this chapter, I think we were both looking at the second volume just recently. I finished typing up two more chapters of my fic and I had to look at that volume to make sure I was getting the facts straight. I'm mentioning this 'cause I don't want my fic to come across as a copy of yours. It's just a coincidence that we're using the same resource. ^_^
This chapter was lighter and it made me laugh. Thank you for writing it.
An akita is a Japanese breed of dog known for fierceness and loyalty. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akita_Inu
Believe it or not, I have Kourou no Hana so committed to memory I just typed from that. That's kind of pitiful lol.
Similarities can't be helped when we're writing about the same incidents. What's strange to me is how fans can see them so differently.^^ I'm interested in seeing what you're writing. I'm behind on reading all the fics, so I've not read your chapter 2 yet. I need to do that, but tomorrow when I'm more awake.
Thanks for commenting. I'm glad you're enjoying it. :)
Well that explains why I couldn't find it. I typed Akira and not akita. Those are the dogs with the piglet tail! So cute. I've seen them around. The one in the link looks like a ball of cotton.
Well the thing is that I saw the same thing you saw and interpreted the events the same way. I have to get the last two chapters betaed and posted. Thank you for reading my fic. I try to do the characters and the readers the justice they deserve. It's humbling that other people read what I write. :)
Asami and Feilong stared at him with gaping mouths. Akihito blushed and shrugged. "Well it's true."
I burst out laughing at this and spent a whole minute giggling insanely. As I've just been friended I'm now going through as many of your stories as I can find and I have to say I absolutely love your writing.
Now, on to the next chapter! ^_^
I am glad to see that Asami and Fei Long were finally talking and the truth came out. Hopefully this will be the beginning of their healing. But Fei Long still is riling up Asami's feathers with comments like this "Akihito. Come here and sit at my feet. Where you belong."
I like the reference that Asami made to Akihito as being an Akita, they are strong, beautiful and very loyal dogs. It was funny that there is a a similarity on Akihito's name and Akita. If even a faint similarity it was very clever even if you did not do it on purpose.
Well here go to the next chapter~
aki`s comment about asami`s dick XD
ok, now to more serious things.
i love the chemics between asami and takaba. it`s perfect. all the gestures, the right words, the witty comments... ^__^
*hugs you tightly*
and i wonder about the kids :P will aki be able to persuade asami in the future? hehe, lil akihitos sure would be cute ^__^
asami`s kids would be smartasses.
lol, and if there was a possiblility of them having children (their both) they`d be like tao :D
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