Title: AU: Drabble: Dance
Based upon: Viewfinder
Pairing: Fei x ??
Rating: R
Spoilers: None
Warnings: AU, sexual situation with some blood involved
Summary: Fei dances with a beautiful, dangerous stranger.
Notes: After reading
lilt_rill’s fic yesterday, I wanted to see Fei dance. Some of you may recognize the person he dances with. It’s only necessary
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Comments 30
*falls over*
*reaches up, grabs keyboard*
*typing on floor- has wireless keyboard*
Their hair swirled and mingled, crimson and black, blood and death, baring their souls for those who dared see the truth: they were slayers of men, and their dance was the lust and fire of the kill.
I'm glad the fan was on while I was reading this. This does sound really different than your normal. But it's SO good. *hugs* Man, your range impresses me, woman!!
Now, when is this and Road Trip going up? Man...thinking about them in the same 30 seconds. *sits and stares* Wow. Now, how about we try merging the 2 together, and your beta will no longer be able to walk properly.
I was going to wait and put Roadtrip up after Sue posted Ch 21 of Heat, for some depression relief. She liked the pirate and parrot as well, something about dying when they appeared.^^
Originally I was going to have Asami and Takaba chasing the pirate (separately of course) out to sea, but I got bored with it. But you never know. *Another* pirate might just show up while they're on vacation. Because no one realizes it yet, but Asami's secretary was never at the restaurant, Hahahahaha!
Uh, I don't mind "Man". I use it that way. I think it's all in how you grew up.^^
You stole the last of my few remaining brain cells.
This is..............
And I was just taking a quick break from Ch21.
How am I supposed to go back to work now????
I wasn't sure, since it was different than my usual. Thanks.
Though it ended up being less about dance and more about sex. But, now that I think about it, the best dancing always does.^^
*dies happy*
Schwarz will be in it too. Have you read ingenius_inc's Crawford and Schuldig? They're so tasty. This will be a smutty thing, with Asami abd Crawford being wicked puppet masters. ^_^
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