2015 Fandom Meme

Dec 27, 2015 18:40

I did the 2015 Fandom Meme, inspired by frelling_tralk. I mostly speak in generalities for a lot of forms of media but beware of specific spoilers for Mad Men, House of Cards, Transparent, and Homeland.

Fargo: You're a little touched... )

mad men: born alone and you die alone, books, meme, unreal, fargo: zip code north dakota

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sunclouds33 December 28 2015, 04:05:14 UTC
Wow, I had no idea that American Crime Story was a Ryan Murphy show. Thanks for the info. As someone who stuck with Glee from beginning to end, I totally feel being burned by Ryan Murphy shows. But yeah, the cast, the promos, the subject matter draws me in.

I love Anthony Bourdain through No Reservations to Parts Unknown. I've always WANTED to love travel shows, but so many of them are disappointing. Bourdain's off the beaten path eating/travel is great, as well as his tendency to essay and pontificate in the middle of the show. It made me realize that I don't want to just see a personality stuff their face and gaze at something pretty- I want to hear their honest reactions, even if they're not perfectly PC worded. I read his book Medium Raw- and enjoyed it. So, it's strange for me that it's taken me so long to read the infamous Kitchen Confidential. It reads even better than he narrates his shows.

I totally get what you mean about Mad Men. I get super-defensive at varying interpretations- and I have to cool down to open my mind


velvetwhip December 28 2015, 04:04:05 UTC
I liked seeing your take on all the shows I'm not watching. Maybe I'll give one of your faves a try.



sunclouds33 December 28 2015, 04:17:35 UTC
You should! I think I expressed my FAVES. I'm not sure if you like '70s stuff, despite your love of old movies- but even still I'd recommend Fargo to anyone who liked the Coen Brothers movies.

BTW, I should have said in the meme that I'm looking for the latest Coen Brothers collaboration- Hail Ceasar!, a satirical send-up of old studio Hollywood. Wasn't aware of it until my double-feature trip to the movies on Christmas.


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sunclouds33 December 29 2015, 20:22:42 UTC
I LOVE THAT. When you have the whole canon laid out in front of you and it throws elements into relief that weren't obvious before--it's so great.It's insane how Mad Men left so many of its fans in suspense for a historical drama set in a white collar workplace. It's like one of my favorite Jon Stewart bits- he was making fun of adults who were waiting in bookstores at midnight for the release of the Bill Clinton memoir My Life. Jon Stewart exclaimed, "Adults, this isn't Harry Potter. You can't possibly be eager for new information. What, are you just going to get the book and go home to start it at 1 am and go, 'Yup, I remember that incident. Aha, that event happened too." AND YET, Mad Men's suspense over how a group of One Percenters would turn up, even though everyone knows how the external broader history ends up, WAS SO REAL ( ... )


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