Since I just about finished my past character meme (except Rust from True Detective who I have writers block on), I decided to bring back a new (old) character meme to play
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1. DO I LIKE THIS CHARACTER? DO I EVER?! How' bout FAVORITE FEMALE CHARACTER EVAH. She's my bad-ass bookworm, my Jew-witch lesbian who's totally the girl next door. I admire her so much- but she provides totally fascinating controversies which are fruit for discussion. Willow was totes my fave when I finished the series. But irrational fandom hate towards her for like, being a survivor or not being a shrink/social work combined with a blank check combined with a limitless, perfect magical battery of power for her peer, Buffy just MADE ME LOVE WILLOW EVEN MORE
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Our insecurity is pretty similar. I think Willow is worse off than me. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a nice house. I went through spurts of popularity and friendlessness as a kid to know that the grade school pecking order to actually really silly unlike Willow who was always bullied with no support other than from Xander and later Buffy. However, we both really try give our self-esteem a practical edge- "If I do X thing and prove my worth, I'll be considered more highly and feel better!". However, we're both terrified of failure. I also play the piano but balk at performing in front of others and I try to get writing gratification online because I'm afraid to share this side of myself online to physical people and judging faces that I can see. We primarily judge ourselves but really, we're always ranking everyone and everything. I love and respect people- but I'll come out with an unflattering assessment of what they've been doing and shock myself with the bitchiness but a critique-factory is always running in my brain. I
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7. I'd love her as a best friend. However after S6 as written, I'd be very wary of her. But I'd still want her on the side rather than against me
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Still, she makes me stop and think because she's thoughtful, educated, selfish but not *monstrous*, a woman who's not a pervert, but she facilitated rapes on a grand scale. From the beginning, she forces every law-abiding, educated, classy person to ponder on what horrible thing they'd take part in if it was part of the New Economy.
Yeeees, exactly! She is the sort of person we're not really conditioned to see as villainous (except maybe in the form of dark femme fatal) but Adelle's actions are, in a lot of respects, horrible. She, and the entirety of Man on the Street, holds a mirror up to the audience
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1. I'm actually pretty meh on Spike. Sometimes, I feel like the only one since most of fandom either passionately loves him or passionately hates him. He's entertaining as a villain- but frequently pretty stupid. I can't get very excited about his soul quest because it all centers of Spike's Love of Helluva Woman Buffy. And then when Spike gets a soul, he doesn't do heinous Angel type things with a soul but he also just kind of follows Buffy and then Angel around and makes everything about his either all-consuming love of Buffy or his Mountain Dew-like importance squabbles and faux-brotherly love with Angel. I like characters with complex social networks with friends, frenemies, families, AND love interests. Not just love interests. I like characters who have stories centering on their own moral independent choices. I like characters who carry the full or a lot of the weight of their choices through a long-running series to completely evaluate them instead of a bifurcation of "had soul"/"didn't have a soul". Spike is really not my
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1. Eh, I'm torn. Angel's anti-heroness is interesting in broad strokes but he spends a lot of his screentime on a minute to minute basis being broody boring. The flow of his story feels very original and worth discussion- but it's frustrating to keep guessing whether he's designed as a anti-hero or whether he's very incompetently designed as a hero
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9. Although, despite my answer in #8, I'd hype the Angelus arc to get someone into BtVS. And I'd say that Angel, himself, gets a lot more interesting and watchable on AtS to turn someone onto trying the spinoff instead of just stopping at BtVS.
10. I think Angel's popularity is mixed. From my understanding, the biggest Angel and Bangel fans left hard-core fandom after Angel became a genocidal maniac in the comics and disappointed many of them. Spike/Spuffy seems to have won the war, especially when the vampires are compared head to head. I hang out in a VERY Angel-hostile part of fandom to match my opinions. However, I do think Angel still has a strong-hold of Angel-lovers and FLAWLESS CHAMPIRE! fans among the Cangel and Cordelia fans on Tumblr.
Comments 17
Still, she makes me stop and think because she's thoughtful, educated, selfish but not *monstrous*, a woman who's not a pervert, but she facilitated rapes on a grand scale. From the beginning, she forces every law-abiding, educated, classy person to ponder on what horrible thing they'd take part in if it was part of the New Economy.
Yeeees, exactly! She is the sort of person we're not really conditioned to see as villainous (except maybe in the form of dark femme fatal) but Adelle's actions are, in a lot of respects, horrible. She, and the entirety of Man on the Street, holds a mirror up to the audience ( ... )
10. I think Angel's popularity is mixed. From my understanding, the biggest Angel and Bangel fans left hard-core fandom after Angel became a genocidal maniac in the comics and disappointed many of them. Spike/Spuffy seems to have won the war, especially when the vampires are compared head to head. I hang out in a VERY Angel-hostile part of fandom to match my opinions. However, I do think Angel still has a strong-hold of Angel-lovers and FLAWLESS CHAMPIRE! fans among the Cangel and Cordelia fans on Tumblr.
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