Mar 04, 2002 15:26
azume becki: my god, what a weirdo.
ckyrl: who who?
azume becki: im trying to recruit him to ERUHOH, and hes acting like im asking to surrender his immortal soul or something.
azume becki: how male.
ckyrl: well you asking him to surrender his freedom
ckyrl: whats his name??
azume becki: im not telling YOU
ckyrl: well ill report you for unfair trading if you are infact a corporation like YOU say you are
ckyrl: what DO you have to say about that HMMM!?
azume becki: oh shush.
azume becki: i dont feel like talking about world domination ^^
ckyrl: oh not interested no more?has the desire faded?
azume becki: oh my god
azume becki: if only there were a world with no males.
ckyrl: well im not gonna say the obvious reply to that. but you cant back away
azume becki: back away from what?
ckyrl: the question of, have you lost your desire
azume becki: desire for what?
azume becki: world domination?
ckyrl: yes
azume becki: of course not.
ckyrl: but does it consume your every thought?
azume becki: i just dont feel like competing every time we talk, gah.
ckyrl: i call this working for the greater good of society