Possibly, the only things worse than the rationalizing, self-enabling addicts are the quitters. I don't mean people who, after a struggle, manage to quit something that was destroying them. I am referring to people who half-try at every single thing that could possibly help them out. Give them a 12-step program, and they'll stop at Step 4. They've tried every fad diet
without thinking about what the diets mean, and they lose their nerve before they even lose two pounds, ballooning right back and possibly beyond the previous weight, into depression. Go ahead and
insert exercise for a similar headshake, from me. The idea is fairly simple: Most of you are clearly not accepting the idea that a Deterministic system is in place that makes every action happen, not wholesale (which is actually kind of necessary for Determinism to work), so you're kind of stuck with the ugly little problems that free will brings up. You almost always are starting because you decided to, or made decisions that led to you feeling forced to make the decision towards the task or activity, and yet here you are, acting like your only option is to quit, before really going through any options that might just be really uncomfortable (but that's hardly that horrible when up against not ever finishing anything).
The same could be said of people in discussions, when they're trying to prove their points. They lay down some groundwork, or simply give the conclusion, but they never quite finish, ¿do they? They ramble, they dart about from supposed "point" to "point," letting any little thing distract them, until they've run out of time or patience to impart their supposed "knowledge," and simply don't even finish in order to give the sense that they might have an attention span in this modern age, they just up and