Return To My Love chapter 4: 1/4 WIP,

Aug 22, 2006 07:27

This story is still in the writing stages, but as I am impatient to at least post the first we go. Although this series is Mpreg Frodo/Sam this part of the story is not dealing with Mpreg.
Agh, also forgot. For those who have not read the series from the start. Just follow this link. It will take you to my website and the main home page where the Return series begins. Or, you can also go directly to Summers slash stories and hit the Lord of the Rings link to go to the story. Enjoy!

Return To My Love IV: The Unwanted
By Summer
Beta’d by grapeofdeath
Rating: R
Dedicating this story to those who requested more Return to my Love series.
Warnings: This series is Mpreg, however not in this part of the series. Also for those of tender heart, a tragic death of a hobbit and Elf (Not a Main character) occurs

Takes place three months after Frodo and Sam return from the Shire. We are nearing the end of spring. Over sixteen years have passed since the War of the Rings, and three years since Frodo returned to Middle-Earth. The year is roughly 3035 (calendar for men), 1435 (Shire calendar).

The Fourth age

(Ages of the Children- Hobbit years- of Sam/Rose: Elanor is 16, Frodo Lad is 12, Rose is 11, little Merry is 10, Pippin lad is 9, Goldilocks is 8, Hamfast is 7, Daisy is 5, Primrose is 3, Frodo/Sam: Bilbo is 2 ½ -- Not sticking to age canon from book, though I am keeping chronological at this point and time. Pip and Di: Sunshine aged six and Faramir is about 2 years old. Merry and Estella: Eowyn is 6, and Rory is a little over a year old.)


Her husband was dead and she knew she would soon follow him. Ignoring the pain and the smell of blood all around her, she continued to crawl onwards, making her way to the river. As a child she had always been afraid of the river, now she knew it was her only hope. She had seen the boat when they had been passing this way just hours before and she could only hope and pray that it would still be there.

Her wish was granted. It still hovered on the banks. With the last of her strength, she got to her feet and made her last few steps to the small wooden boat. She did not know if it was elvish or man made, but for the moment all she could wish was that it would get her most precious treasure to safety. She laid the wrapped package into the boat and then gave it a shove.

The sound of heavy footsteps was heard coming from behind her. She did not have to turn to know what was coming. She saw the large looming shadow and gave one last glance at the boat, to see it slowly making its way down the river. She closed her eyes, hoping that one more wish would be granted. Let my baby live. She stumbled to the ground and knew no more.


Aragorn was just leaving his children's play room, after spending most of the morning playing with them, and intended to have a short nap before heading to the conference room. He was only halfway down the corridor when Faramir came running up towards him, completely out of breath, and looking as pale as a ghost. One look into the young stewards eyes was enough to tell Aragorn that something was wrong.


Sitting on the throne, Aragorn held the baby gently in his arms. It screamed and struggled, small fists waving in the air. This was not however the wailing of a bad or ill tempered baby, they were the cries of mourning and fear. It did not recognize the smell of the man holding her. Her. It was a girl. To him it looked like a newborn human baby, but it was not. He also knew that this little faunt was about four months old. He laid a kiss on her forehead and tried his best to send waves of healing and comfort toward the babe.

‘You are safe little one. No one is going to hurt you.’

Though the cries lessoned a little, they did not cease completely. It was then that the Queen entered the room. It seemed she had heard of the visitor and after putting the twins down for a nap, she had come at once to the throne room. She opened her arms and Aragorn handed the babe tenderly over to her. At once the babies cries diminished even more, softening to small sobs of distress.

For a moment Aragorn looked on at his wife. She was in her seventh month of pregnancy and looked as radiant as ever. He looked forward to his next child's birth, which he and Arwen both agreed that the next would most likely be a girl. They could sense it. They had not yet decided on a name, however they would before the next princess's birth. It seemed the Valar were bent on helping them cope with the loss of their first child.

Facing Faramir and an Ithilien guardsmen, Aragorn got to the business at hand. “What happened?”

The guardsmen bowed his head and with a confirmation from Faramir to speak, he told his story. “I was just relieved from my duties near Osgilitih's South riverbank. I had decided to have a late meal by the waters, when I spotted a boat coming towards me. It did not appear to have anyone inside. I was weary of a trap or something foul at work and was about to set my bow into the boat to sink it before it reached the docks. When I was just about to strike, I heard a loud wail come from inside. I swam out to the boat and pulled it ashore. When I looked within, I found this baby... not a human baby and knew at once I should call upon Prince Faramir.”

Faramir nodded, now cutting in to finish the story. “I knew you would want to see the babe.”

Aragorn turned to his wife and saw Arwen smiling sadly down at the baby, her arms holding it ever so carefully and more than a bit affectionately. The baby had freed her legs once more and were at least twice the size of any human baby feet and on the tops of them were clumps of fur. The delicate pointed ears were touched gently by Arwen's fingertips.

“A Half --I mean Hobbit babe,” Faramir concluded.

The babies cries returned to its high pitch once more, her face reddening and tears spilled down the chubby cheeks. Arwen held the child towards her face and gave the baby a soft cuddle. Again the baby softened its cries and seemed to finally start falling asleep. It had been a long and hard day for this wee one.

“She's beautiful.” Arwen nodded and, sitting down beside Aragorn, unwrapped the cloth around the little one and took a closer look at the baby.

She was certainly a girl. She was wearing a pink dress, though it seemed certainly not the best of quality, even by hobbit standards. Her skin was a pale color which reminded everyone of Frodo's fair complexion. It almost made the baby look a bit elvish and she appeared to have no physical deformities. For all intense and purposes she looked like any other hobbit child.

Except for one thing. Her eyes were the strangest color. They were neither blue, brown, green, black or gray. They looked like the color of lilacs, almost purple. With those eyes and her soft and pale skin she was one of the most beautiful babies Arwen had ever seen. And though Arwen no longer held the light of the eldar within her, she knew that this baby was special. That she had a purpose in this life.

“Her parents will be frantic in searching for this child,” Aragorn replied, having risen and now stood over his wife and smiled down at the baby. He had never seen such a beautiful child. “Faramir, you will take a garrison of men and begin a search on foot by the river for them. Leave no stone, no woods, no hill unsearched. Send several men to the nearest villages and see if any family of hobbits visiting this area are about.”

Faramir and the guardsmen bowed and quickly made their way out of the throne room. Aragorn looked over the baby and shook his head filled with worry and concern. “Her parents will be beside themselves in fright over losing this one. We will have to reunite you with them as quickly as possible, right precious?” Aragorn was relieved to see the baby had drifted off to sleep. But of course, who would not fall asleep in his wife's arms.

Arwen let out a sob and she turned to face her husband. Seeing her sadness, Aragorn placed one of his arms around her shoulders. “Arwen? Beloved, what is it?”

Arwen shook her head and regaining her composure she closed her eyes, allowing the vision to come to her. When it was over, tears fell down her cheeks.


“I sense they are not living.”

Aragorn only looked on at her, shaking his head. “You could be wrong.”

“I am certain.”

He continued to stare at his wife in confusion. Arwen only held the baby closer in her arms, almost as if trying to shield the small one from any more anguish and pain. “I just know, Elessar. She is alone.”

“I don't understand.”

“I don't either. I just--know. There is something else. I don't think she is all hobbit. I see the light of the eldar is within her. And you should also know she has--limited senses.”

Aragorn was confused even more by this proclamation, as Arwen placed the baby in his arms. She took both her hands and clapped once, loudly, next to the babies ears. Aragorn was astonished when the baby did not respond to the sound. Giving the child back, Aragorn copied Arwen's hand, trying to make an even louder sound. The baby didn't move nor make any response to the loud sound. Any other baby would be screaming in terror at the noise.

Aragorn stared on in horror; the baby was deaf.


Frodo and Sam rode quickly towards Minas Tirith. Frodo had just put Bilbo and Prim down for a nap and sent the older children out to play when an Gondorian messenger arrived summoning Lord Frodo and Lord Samwise to the King.

Still unaccustomed to being addressed as a Lord, Sam snorted in amusement and then hurried down to Pip and Merry and asked if Estella and Di could look after the children while he and Frodo went to find out what had happened. As soon as Frodo had brought out the ponies and had them saddled, they made their way quickly to the white city.


It was nearing dusk when Sam and Frodo finally made it to the citadel. As Frodo and Sam entered the great hall, they found a small audience awaiting them. Several of the King's ambassador's and advisor's were present. At the end of the hall was Aragorn and the Queen. She was holding something in her arms, though Frodo couldn't quite make out what it was exactly.

Reaching Aragorn, Frodo wasn't sure whether to bow or hug the King. Aragorn already made the decision for him. He rose before Frodo, then knelt before the hobbit and gave Frodo a warm embrace, which was given equally to Sam.

To Frodo and Sam it was the gesture of a dear friend, a brothers welcome. To others it was a declaration of high esteem the King held these two in honor.

For let it be said, “That there would be no Gondor and no King without the sacrifice the Hobbits of the Shire. Praise them with great praise!”

“My little brothers.”

Frodo smiled at Aragorn, then nodded, returning to the reason why they had been summoned. “What has happened? The Shire?”

Aragorn smiled, shaking his head. “No, all is well in the Shire. It is forever green and at peace. No, I am afraid it is something else altogether. As of right now, we are uncertain of what exactly has happened.”

And so Aragorn told Frodo and Sam about a small baby being found in a boat set adrift. Aragorn also informed Frodo that the baby was not human, but a hobbit and not completely hobbit. She was part elvish. Frodo stared at Aragorn in wonder. Arwen came forward and handed the baby into Frodo‘s arms.

Frodo stared down at the very light bundle in complete wonder and joy. Samwise moved forward and removed the cloth to reveal a pale face with rosy red cheeks and puffed up lips. Her skin reminded Sam at once of Frodo's skin color, soft and milky white. Her ears were delicate and pointed. She appeared perfectly unharmed and had all ten fingers and ten toes. Frodo counted them and Sam double checked just to make sure.

“She's beautiful,” Frodo whispered. His heart melting at the sight of the baby. A small hand jerked and opened and Sam slid his finger into it. The hand snapped closed and held on tight.

“And quite the grip. This one will be able to handle herself if some tween tries to get uppity with her.”

Frodo laughed and looked on at the baby to see two eyes open. Frodo gasped at the color of them and just like the one holding her, the baby seemed to stop and stare equally back at the pair of blue eyes. For a moment all was still and Frodo smiled.

Samwise seemed completely smitten himself and Frodo handed the baby into his arms. Sam rocked the baby slightly and at once began to speak softly to her. “Oh my, you really are a pretty thing. Course you know that, don't you?”

Frodo turned to Aragorn and saw the expression's on his and Arwen's face turn from joy to sadness. “What is it?”

Aragorn swallowed and told them. “She cannot hear. She’s deaf.”

Sam paused and glanced at Aragorn, and then turned back to the baby, and continued right on talking as if nothing had been said. “...and before long you’ll be running along fields looking for wild mushrooms to eat.”

“Sam--” Aragorn started to speak, however Sam shrugged and looked at his King with a smile.

“I heard you, Sir. Pardon me for saying so, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't speak to the child. Remember Ruby Proudfeet, Frodo me dear? She was only a year old when she got the terrible fever. It almost took her life it did, but it didn't. It however damaged her hearing and she was made deaf.”

Frodo smiled as the face of a simple plain hobbit girl with the twinkle in her eye came to him. “I remember her. She was such a sweet and kind girl... and very clever.”

Aragorn looked at them in surprise, listening to a story of another child who would never hear.

“Ruby's parents refused to allow anyone to pity her. They taught her to read lips and in time, she could do it very well. She could tell you what someone was saying nearly two hundred feet away.” Both Sam and Frodo nodded proudly. “Sometimes I think she could understand things even better then some folk who could hear. She's married now to a Hardbottle and has five little ones. They are all quite healthy and they can all hear quite well and they can read lips.”

Aragorn and Arwen both laughed. The rest of the people in the room lit up with smiles. Trust a hobbit to take no nonsense and make a tragedy into a challenge instead.

Frodo and Sam both did not look surprised when Aragorn spoke his intent. “I know it's short notice and I do realize you have already ten little ones at home but it would only be until we found her parents or any kin--” Aragron wasn't allowed to finish.

“We will take her,” Frodo replied with a firm nod to Sam who also nodded in agreement. Aragorn leaned back in his chair, feeling a weight of sadness lift from his shoulders.

“Thank you. Several ladies have stepped forward willing to care for the--baby, however I felt since she was partially hobbit, we should try to keep her with her kin, as we all know hobbit babies are quite different to human babies.”

Frodo and Sam did not disagree.


It was not until Frodo and Sam were on their way back home, and through the gates, that Frodo turned to Sam. “Sam--”

He was about to speak but Sam only cut Frodo off. “Pardon me, Frodo, me dear, but I know what you’re going to say. I stand by our decision. Just another to love.”

“It may only be for a few weeks, a month at the most,” Frodo replied, looking down at the sleeping baby all wrapped up in the specially created knapsack, courtesy of Sam's creative ingenuity.

When Bilbo was just a baby, Frodo had a desire to go to market, but did not want to leave his young son alone. Sam, with the help of Estella, created the baby carrier. It was really just a back pack, redesigned to be worn in the front, with looped straps that secured over the wearers neck and waist so the baby was held in place. Already, Frodo seemed to hold a hint of sadness in his voice.

Could one get attached to a baby that quickly, Sam wondered. Maybe not for others, but for Frodo it took only a few seconds holding and seeing the baby girl to capture his heart.

“The children?”

“They will adore her.”

“Should we give her a name?”

Sam shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I think calling her 'hey you' would be rather impolite, I'd say.”

Frodo smiled at his Sam. He was always so strong, so reliable, so loving. Always willing to take what ever life sent at them with no regrets and no looking back.

“Tomorrow we shall give her name.”


The crib was brought out from the storage room, however bedroom rearranging would have to wait until morning, as the hour was late and waking the other children seemed rather silly. Putting the crib at the end of the bed, Frodo and Sam made up the bed and set the little one down gently. The baby never made a peep, having slept her entire journey and continued to dream on in what ever dreams babies had.

Sam changed into his night clothes and was in bed in a few moments. Frodo had then changed, but instead of getting into bed, he took to standing over the crib and seemed fixated on the small one. Sam could see the love in those blue eyes quite clearly.

Sam stared at the two for a long moment, locking in this precious memory forever in his mind. It seemed so natural for Frodo to become an instant father. But then, even when Frodo was young, he use to take to watching the other smaller children in Brandy Hall. Frodo had also taken to caring for others when he moved to Bag end. Especially to one curious and yet shy gardener's son.

“Can you imagine, Sam, going through life not being able to hear?”

Sam got out of the bed and moved to his lover, placing his arms gently around Frodo's waist. “She can still see and smell.”

“Ruby never quite spoke fluently when she grew up, but she still managed a few words to communicate her needs. Sam... she was a year old before she became deaf. How will we teach this one to even understand what we say?”

Sam smiled and shrugged. “Let's not be worrying none about what tomorrow will bring, me dear. All she needs is to be fed, changed, washed and loved. I think we can provide her with that. The rest will all come in time.”

As Frodo got into bed, he still couldn't help but worry about the small child. “And she is part elvish and her eyes... She's different, but in a good way. Special.”

“That she is.”

As Frodo laid his head against Sam's shoulder, Frodo sighed softly. “Part elvish and part hobbit. She won't have a easy life growing up. Being deaf and being half of something. I hate thinking how cruel people can be, Sam. What happens if--”

Sam did not point out to Frodo that it really wasn't their concern. After all, her parents would be found and that would be the end of it. Instead, Sam replied, “She's a survivor, Mr. Frodo, make no mistake about that. She'll be fine.”

Frodo wasn't so sure.


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