RTML Book3: The Birth 5/7 LOTR, Slash MPREG

Jun 25, 2006 13:15

and now the next exciting chapter.


Return To My Love III: The Birth
By Summer
Beta Read by Grapeofdeath
I dedicate this story to Honeyvinegar. A true inspiration and I look forward to many more Zeke and Casey stories.
Class: Slash, Lord of the Rings
Warnings: Mpreg
Pairings: Frodo/Sam
Writer’s note: Ten years later, Frodo returns to Middle-Earth, healed--whole and with child. This is the continuing love of Frodo and Sam


It was later that evening, Frodo was just coming from his bath, that trumpets rang out announcing a party was approaching Ithilien.

Legolas and Gimli were coming with no less than three huge wagons and what appeared to be a cluster of hobbits. Sam at once hurried to the gates to greet the party.

Frodo remained behind, nervously wondering what new trial he was about to face.

It was approaching late evening and Frodo was just contemplating the evening meal, when loud voices filled the courtyard.

Frodo looked down from his bedroom window and saw Legolas and Gimli arrive with one wagon packed with children. Samwise, with the help of Merry and Pippin, who drew up in ponies, hurried to unload the wagon.

Each little body squealed in delight and hugged their long absent father as they were pulled from the wagon. The last and what appeared to be the oldest child, unmistakably Elanor, hugged her father the hardest. “Papa! I missed you!”

Frodo smiled and basked in the happy sight. Redressing, Frodo decided that now was the time to face the music, come what may. Slowly making his way to the courtyard, Frodo could hear the happy chatter of child voices speaking to there father.

“Oh Da, we saw the new smial. Mr. Legolas and Mr. Gimli showed it to us. It is beautiful.”

“I even have my own room, Da?”

“Of course, Frodo, my lad. You as well Elanor. What of you younglings? What do you think?”

A young boys voice at once spoke. “It is not as beautiful as Bag End, Da, but I do like it. The pond is really nice and the garden.”

Another voice dived in.

“I love the parlor, it is so spacious And the fireplace is even nicer than the fireplace in Bag end.”

“I saw the city,” cried yet another young voice. “It is all made of stone. Oh Da, it really is magnificent. And the White city... it is so big!”

“Big!” chorused all of them.

Sam's laugh, followed by Legolas and Gimli's, filled the air. Frodo reached the bottom steps and looked over to see Sam surrounded by all of his children. Elanor had one of her father's arms in hers. Two young boys were latched onto his legs, and a baby, no more than a year old, was curled into her father's other arm, softly cooing in contentment. The rest of the lot seemed to be trying to get some room to also hug their father. Sam greeted all with smiles, hugs and kisses.

It was Merry and Pippin, his cousins, who spotted Frodo first. Leaving the gathering, Merry made his way over to Frodo with a beaming smile on his face and his arms wide open.


At once they embraced and Frodo did the same with Pippin.

“I missed you, cousins!”

“And I you,” shouted Merry. “We were so worried we wouldn't make it in time for the birth.”

Pippin giggled, hitting Merry on the back of his shoulder. “We were a bit delayed. We were just reaching the gap of Rohan when someone's wife went into labor.”

Merry glared at Pippin, but then smiled and faced Frodo. “Yes... Rory has made it into this world. He took his time coming I might add. Estella was begging me to go in and get him towards the end.”

Frodo looked at the two of them in shock. “You brought Estella and Diamond with you?”

Merry and Pip both shrugged there shoulders. “Well, yeah. We intend to stay for quite a while. Besides, we had to check in on our second home. I must say Estella is most pleased with the smials, which by the way she and Di stayed to unload some of our things as well as tidy things up a bit. I told her we would be back in the morning.”

“So's Di. Though she does want to add a few changes and additions. Wait until you get to see my little Eowyn too.” Pip grinned and proudly announced to Frodo. “Oh and we'll be needing a nursery. Looks like she is carrying again.” He then added cheekily. “We never did get to stop off at Rivendell. You wouldn't want to tell me now, should I be making the nursery fit for a boy or a girl?”

Frodo sealed his lips.

“That is so unfair, cousin.”

All three laughed and that brought the attention of the others. Frodo soon found nine pairs of little eyes looking at him. Not sure what to do, Frodo could only stare back at them. His mouth felt dry and he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to keep standing since his legs suddenly seemed quite heavy.

Would they accept him as Sam kept telling him, or were they about to shun him in anger? Angry at taking them away from their home at Bag End. Frodo tried to breathe and found that he couldn't. His heart felt sick and he was sure he was going to faint.

Then suddenly a cry of joy rang out. “Uncle Frodo!” And the next minute, Frodo had his arms and legs and every part of his body being hugged by a mass of children.

Legolas, Gimli, Merry, Pippin and Sam all laughed at the sight. Frodo's fears at last were put to rest and he basked in the joy of Rose's children as they welcomed him into their home and into their hearts.


After a lengthy meal, Frodo and Sam set about getting the children ready for bed. They decided to let them sleep near the fire place in their bed chambers. Eowyn and Arwen fetched blankets and pillows with the help of the servants and before long the children were nestled in, but unwilling to go to sleep without a story.

Arwen was most happy to sit on the floor, in the center of them all, and tell them the delightful tale of Luthien and Beren.

Frodo and Sam watched them all nearby, enjoying the very serene scene. When the children finally did hear the call of sleep, Arwen gave each of them a kiss and a wink to Frodo and Sam before heading out the door. Tomorrow would be a long day. A day of more happy meetings as the children met Aragorn, the King. As well as getting a chance to see the White city, which to them, had only been in stories and books. To them everything seemed to be an adventure. Not a single one seemed upset or missing home.

“I told you!” Sam replied rather smugly. “Nothing to be worrying about.”

But, as Frodo retired to his bed, he was having a bit difficulty getting the blankets up, when a small hand bent down and brought the blanket up to his chest. Frodo looked into two beautiful blue eyes and hair of pure sunlight. Elanor.

He had last seen her when she was but four years old. A striking child even then, one look could see that when she reached her tweens, Sam would have to beat the male hobbits off with his hoe. She was beautiful and in so many ways looked like her mother.

“Elanor. You look much like your mother.”

Elanor smiled and placed her hand into Frodo's. “I have no memories of you, Uncle Frodo. Though my papa told me much about you. So much so, that I feel like I have always known you. I was so happy to learn of your return. So happy.”

Frodo went to speak, but Elanor already moved up and placed a kiss on Frodo's cheek. “Mama would have been happy too. Papa--was never the same after you left. He missed you so much.”

Frodo reached over and smoothed back one of her stray curls and nodded. “I wish Rose was still here with us all. I am sorry. She was a good friend to me.”

“Don't be sad. She had ten happy years with papa. She did not regret anything, except maybe not able to show you how much she cared for you. And she did, you know. You were a part of her family and you always will be. Know you are indeed welcome in our family. My papa has a big heart and has lots of room to love some more.”

Frodo couldn’t help but ask, “How can you accept all this. I mean--”

Elanor shushed him with her fingers and Frodo for one moment thought he was looking at Rose Cotton once more, not her child. “Mama told me once, before she died, that the love between parent and child can never be broken. No one can take that place. But children grow and become adults and move away and have families of their own. That is normal and expected, but it leaves those parents very lonely and very much alone. She wanted us to know that if she ever died that papa should not be by himself. That we should not only accept, but make welcome to who ever he finds love with again, to take not her place, but help with the loneliness of time. Maybe--maybe my mother knew, Uncle Frodo, that she was not long for this world and that she knew--somehow you would come back.”

He felt the tears spring into his eyes and Elanor hugged him softly. “Welcome back to our family, Uncle Frodo. And know truly, that we all look forward to our siblings arrival.”

Elanor was back in bed when Sam returned from the bathhouse. He glanced over all the children and was not surprised to find that Primrose had decided, not to sleep on the floor, but sleep in her father's bed. She had already made herself comfortable next to Frodo, with her thumb in her mouth.

Frodo smiled as Sam huffed with no heat and got in on the other side. “Better get use to it, Sam. Another is coming. I think we may need a bigger bed.”

Sam chuckled lightly and reaching out his hand, he clutched onto Frodo's. The day was over and both of them joined the children in a welcomed and peaceful sleep. When morning came, it was no surprise to Frodo to find that a few more little ones had slipped into their bed. Frodo smiled and stared out the window as the sunlight filled the room and felt as if he was on top of the world. When he had returned to Middle-Earth he was sure he had reached as happy as he could ever be, but now he realized he had at last reached the highest point.

He had, at long last, come home.


Later that morning the children were quickly gathered up by Sam and, with Pippin, Legolas and Gimli, made for the Smial near Ithilien. Sam went with them to see to the last (and where to put the other two wagons of belongings from the Shire) arrangements and make certain that Estella and Di had everything they needed.

It was no surprise to anyone, that the Queen and Lady Eowyn also decided to ride with them. The two maidens wanted to welcome the wives of Merry and Pippin to Gondor in true friendly fashion.

Merry, however, stayed behind.

Sitting quietly by the fireplace, Frodo was still trying to complete the second quilt and found it was just not happening. His mind couldn't concentrate. He was still basking in the pure happiness of belonging he felt in his heart and soul.

Merry knocked on the door and, after a brief time, entered the room. Frodo was so consumed in his own thoughts he did not hear Merry enter and only noticed him when he was finally standing beside him.

“Oh, Mer, you scared me.”

“No wonder, I knocked three times. You were off in another place?”

Frodo grinned. “A happy place.”

“That is to be sure, with that smile in your eyes.”

Frodo noticed the small wrapped package in his hands and looked at Merry curiously.

“What is that?”

“Something special. Although more presents are coming. I was going to wait, but I just couldn't. Too impatient.”

He then handed Frodo the small package. It seemed light and soft. Frodo looked at Merry questioningly.

“A few months ago. Well, we were just packing to leave when Lady Eowyn's letter came.”


Merry wrapped his arms around his chest and nodded. “Letter. She asked me if I could look for a certain something. And I want you to know that it took me a long time to track this down. I will have you know that it has quite the story behind it. But first... open it.”

Frodo, still looking puzzled, began to unwrap the gift and as he did Merry recounted the story.

“Long years it has been told to me that Aunt Lobelia took many things that did not belong to her. I spoke to my father, Saradoc, who at first didn't know what I was talking about. After some prodding, I did manage to learn that he gave the blanket to Lobelia just after you came to the hall. But then Aunt Lobelia died three winters ago and I had no knowledge of where all her belongings or supposed belongings had been placed. Especially with Pimple being gone.”

Frodo gasped as he held a very old and worn blanket in his arms. It's colors had faded through the years, but still the delicate beading and creation of the quilt was unmistakable. Sunflowers, daisies, roses, lilacs all made with a precise hand. At the corner of it was the initials PB.

Frodo once again felt the tears come to his eyes and he looked at Merry in delight unable to stop the flow of emotions. “Merry!”

“My mum, after Aunt Lobelia's death, had to go over her property and estate. My father hasn't been well since his touch of the chill last year. So after some questioning with her, she was able to inform me where she had put most of Aunt Lobelia's things. Years ago, when she was going through everything, she was not surprised to find many of the objects in Lobelia's home had been stolen or lost property from others. Others that Lobelia denied taking years ago. Including your mother's quilt.”

Frodo gave Merry a fierce hug, nearly knocking the wind out of Merry. Breaking the hug, Merry finished his tale all with a happy grin on his face.

“Estella, Pip and Di, looked all over the storage room. Three days. That much stuff, it took us three days and it was in the very last trunk in the corner room.”

“Oh Merry! Merry, thank you! Oh, thank you!”

Merry looked at his cousin. “The other surprise will be this afternoon. I shall say no more.”

Frodo and Merry spent the rest of the evening together, talking not about the Ring or the War, but of childhood memories and adventures shared by two rascals of the hall.


Later in the day, sure enough, Merry was quite correct. Estella, Di and the children returned with Sam. In tow, they had a trunk brought up by the King's guards. After the luncheon, Frodo was surprised to once again be surrounded by what is now known as a baby shower, only Shire style.

Cakes, drinks, fruits and lots of mushrooms.

The children were distracted by the King and Faramir, who sat themselves on the ground, intent on some story telling in the courtyard and found instead that the children used them as a sitting perch. The huge men were fascinating and in true fashion of wee hobbits, set upon asking the Prince of Ithilien and King of Gondor every question they could think of.

“Why is the sky blue?”

“Do you really command all of Middle-Earth?”

“I don't see your sword? Do you really have a sword?”

“If the King has come back, how come you live so far away from the Shire?”

“You do realize you have too many names? We'll just have to call you Uncle Strider.”

“Did you really fight Sauron single handedly at the Black Gates?”

“What is that funny stuff on your face. Ewww, hair? Whoever heard of hair on a face?”

“You have very nice eyes for a human. But you walk way too loud. You should get rid of those boots. Be lots quieter and can sneak up on people. Don‘t cha think?”

And the inevitable question, “How do you get so big eating so little?” courtesy of a four year old Daisy who looked Aragorn and Faramir up and down with squinted eyes and was the spitting image of her father.

Upstairs in Frodo and Sam’s bedroom, Estella held her small newborn in her arms and bestowed a kiss upon Frodo as he opened up a special present she had gotten for him when she heard of his return. An ink and feather set and several empty bound books. So he could write, not stories of a Ring, but of each little note about his child's birth and growth.

“I am so pleased you returned dearest cousin. We missed you so very much. Not a day has gone by that my Mer doesn’t speak of you.”

“Your little Eowyn and Rory are a delight to see. Never did I think that my cousin, Merry, would have to confront the dreaded days of parenthood. I hope they are half as much fun to watch as Merry was.”

Merry at once looked at Frodo in a mock grimace. “I don’t know whether to say thank you, or smack you cousin.”

Di also gave a gift. “A small stuffed animal, which is in the shape of an owl. I think all children should have something soft to cling to at night.”

Frodo agreed whole heartily as he twirled Pippin‘s daughter, Sunshine not yet three, in his arms before opening the gift.

“She truly is a bit of sunshine, Pip.”

The last gift of course was from everyone. It was at least 12 by 14 inches and was flat. Unraveling the present, Frodo was stunned to see it was a painting and not just any painting. It was a picture of his parents. His mother and father.

Frodo couldn't believe his eyes. He had seen the picture before, but long ago.

“It originally was in the care of Aunt Dora Baggins home.” Estella quickly explained to everyone in the room. “She was Drogo's sister. After she died, the painting went missing. We found it in the storage room. Right behind the trunk that had your mother's quilt.”

Frodo showed the picture to everyone and all were quite moved. All could see that Frodo had each of his parents looks. Though it was his mother he had the strongest resemblance.

The picture was taken perhaps many years ago, and crafted sometime around his parents marriage. Drogo stood beside a blooming apple tree, dressed in a deep brown vest and matching shorts. His hair was neatly brushed and had bright white teeth and deep blue eyes. Blue eyes that seemed full of happiness. It was clear that he was a hobbit in love. One could also see a bit of a belly was forming from many a good meal made by the love of his life.

Primula was slightly different. She sat just to his right on a white stone bench holding a bouquet of roses, daisies and lilacs in her hands. Aragorn and Arwen would both recall having the same thoughts. That she looked so much like Frodo that in a sense she had a quality that was not exactly hobbit like. Elvish perhaps with the delicate and soft facial features and the skin that was pale and glowing all at the same time. She was also quite slender looking and had long dark curls that fell past her waist.

Her eyes were the most startling of all for they were the same exact blue as her son's. Gentle, soft and full of life, revealing every emotion she felt. This moment in time she was full of happiness and tranquility. She was dressed in a soft white and green laced gown. A wreath of flowers were in her hair and a small veil was slipped just underneath it, cascading all around her shoulders and down to her feet. She was a true vision of beauty.

Arwen and Eowyn both felt tears come to their eyes. “She was so beautiful. I can see why she was loved by all.”

Frodo felt his own tears, unable to believe that in one day, the two objects he had always hoped to find had finally come back to him. Bilbo had spent quite a few years trying to locate Frodo's comfort blanket and the portrait that should have rightfully been given to Frodo after the death of his parents. But no one could tell him where it was.

All this time, it had been Lobelia who had taken them. She had indeed been a very angry and hateful woman. Frodo found this was one act that would take a long time to mend his heart, but he knew someday he would forgive her. For holding a grudge against anyone, especially those gone from his life was just simply not worth the effort.

“She was. They both were.” Frodo replied as the tears fell down his cheeks. Sam moved to Frodo's side and hugged his lover tightly.

“Merry and Pippin brought my Gaffer and mama's portrait from Bag End too. We will place them both in the family living room, right above the mantel, next to the fireplace so we can have them looking on at us.”

Frodo nodded feeling completely at peace. What more could a hobbit want? What more could he want?


As the days followed, Frodo started to spend as much time as he could with the children, hoping to not only get to know them but also allow them to get to know him as well. Not Frodo, the Ringbearer or even Samwise's beloved Master, but as Uncle Frodo, who desired nothing more than to be a part of their lives.

Curious about how the Gamgee Homestead was coming, Frodo made several attempts to convince Aragorn to let him go down to Ithilien.

But Aragorn would not permit it. “Too close to your time, Frodo.”

“But I want to see the nursery and I have yet to even walk inside of our home to be...”

“Patience. You will see it soon enough. Think only of the child inside of you. Your time is approaching.”

Indeed it was. As August passed, and they entered September, Frodo found he was once again feeling pain in his back. The nosebleeds returned, including cramps in his legs and in his stomach and twice in one day Frodo fainted, once in the corridor and once on his way from the bathhouse.

Aragorn spoke to the Master healer Graham and Frodo soon found himself confined to his bed. Unhappy with this turn of events, Frodo obeyed the orders, hoping only now that the baby inside of him was well and would be born into this world safely and without incident.

As weeks slowly passed and Frodo tried to occupy his time with reading books and telling Sam and Rose's children stories, he nearly forgot the date of his and Bilbo's birthday. Frodo was most distressed when his birthday came that he had not prepared and gotten all those he loved presents.

To Frodo's astonishment, however, he needed not worry for Arwen and Eowyn set about having a small party in Frodo's own room with lots of cakes and lemon water, as well as games for the children to play and even more delightful stories to tell.

Sam also helped with giving each of the children a small gift, courtesy of Uncle Frodo. Eowyn’s children were each given a personalized cup. Pip and Merry’s children were given a new outfit of clothing.

Elanor was given a golden bracelet with her name engraved on it. Frodo’s namesake was given a brand new vest. Rose’s namesake, was given a basket to hold all her treasures (usually flowers she found and picked to give to her father or make into wreaths).

Merry and Pippin’s namesake were each given a carved wooden horse to play with. Goldilocks was given a rag doll that matched her hair. Hamfast was given a handful of mushrooms (Which he shared with his siblings). Daisy of course already received her present--the kitten, Star. Daisy had taken it upon herself to inform everyone that this was her new pet. “Mine, she’s mine! My Star.”

Star seemed unbothered by the announcement, though perhaps later it could be noted, that Star allowed Daisy to believe the kitten belonged to her. For as we all know, kittens are not owned by anyone, but own it‘s people. If anything, Star had decided to latch onto this Gamgee child and adopt it as its own rightful property.

‘Mine. My hobbit child.’

Last was Primrose, who was given three candy sticks which she happily licked away at until they were gone.

“Where did you get all these gifts, Sam?”

Sam only laughed and pointed in the direction of Arwen and Eowyn. Frodo laughed in return. He might have known.


With his birthday passed, Frodo settled on waiting and waiting, impatient now for the child‘s birth. Unsure when the event would happen, but knowing soon was driving him nearly to the end of his wits.

Then September passed and the days fell into October. As the leaves on the trees turned to vibrant colors and the air began to chill slightly, Frodo knew, as did everyone, that his day was indeed coming.


October the sixth did not sit well with Samwise Gamgee. He dreaded this day of all days. Ever since Frodo's return, Sam couldn't help but fear that the healing Frodo received in the West would not be enough. That the anniversary and the days Frodo had been struck down by the Witch-King of Angmar would return with the bringing of this day.

So much sadness and dread came with the approaching of this day and Sam was unsettled and did not sleep at all that night. In the morning, he refused to leave Frodo's side, insisting the children go out into the courtyard and play with Eowyn's sons.

But children are not so stupid or gullible. They had heard many times the story of Frodo Baggins and each of them new why this day had set their father into a panic and frenzy. They did not wish to leave.

It was Eowyn that finally convinced them to go outside and play. “Soon winter will be upon us and going outside will be quite limited. Come now, I have a game I wish you to play. I want each of you to find me a golden or red leaf... come.”

Alone in the room, Sam fiddled and fussed around Frodo, until finally Frodo grabbed Sam's hand and pulled him to his body.

“Sam, hush. Fear not. I will not fall ill this day. My wounds are healed. I am well.”

Sam looked into Frodo's eyes and sighed. “That obvious?”

“Translucent,” Frodo replied back and then stopped. A pain shot through him and he gasped feeling a warm rush start to come down his legs.

Sam at once paled as the fear of the day came back to haunt him. It was happening. Frodo was going to get sick. It was all his fault, he... And then Frodo was smiling and looked at Sam with a flow of love in his voice.

“Oh Sam. Could you do me a favor and go down to the kitchen and get me a few pickled eggs and a mushroom or two... and some rolls and butter. Oh, and on your way back.--could you stop by the throne room and ask Aragorn to come and visit with me.”

Sam smiled, just starting to relax. The baby must have been kicking, that‘s all.

“Sure, I can do that. Although, Aragorn may be a bit busy this morning you know trying to--” He paused half way to the door and looked at Frodo questioningly. “Ahem, is this a regular, checking things over visit, or a just seeing how your doing visit or--” He paused to see Frodo clearly shaking his head, a smile all the while on his lips.

Sam made a dash for the door and started running when he got into the corridor. “STRIDER!!!!”

A voice called after him. “And the pickled eggs, Sam. Don't forget the pickled eggs.”


Need to catch up?: You may go to this direct link to read book one and two

All previous parts:

part one http://summershobbit.livejournal.com/81932.html#cutid1

part two http://summershobbit.livejournal.com/82908.html#cutid1

part three http://summershobbit.livejournal.com/82945.html#cutid1

part four http://summershobbit.livejournal.com/83216.html#cutid1

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