RTML BK 3:The Birth 4/7 LOTR,Slash, Mpreg

Jun 24, 2006 23:25

and here is part four.

Return To My Love III: The Birth
By Summer
Beta Read by Grapeofdeath
I dedicate this story to Honeyvinegar. A true inspiration and I look forward to many more Zeke and Casey stories.
Class: Slash, Lord of the Rings
Warnings: Mpreg
Pairings: Frodo/Sam
Writer’s note: Ten years later, Frodo returns to Middle-Earth, healed--whole and with child. This is the continuing love of Frodo and Sam


The discomfort down in his lower region one morning had Frodo seeking out Aragorn.

Although Frodo hated having to be looked at, especially in that certain area, the changes in his body had him gravely concerned. Aragorn dismissed all morning duties and quickly examined the hobbit. After a few minutes, Aragorn informed Frodo he could get dressed.

“Well?” Frodo asked impatiently.

Aragorn sat down beside Frodo and quickly placed a protective arm around him. “All is going accordingly, as mentioned in Elronds books. It seems your body is preparing for the birth.”

Sighing with relief, Frodo leaned his head upon Aragorn's chest. “Oh, Aragorn, some days I wish this was over with. The back pain and the sleepless nights--the cravings and then-- other days I want to keep this little life inside of me, safe from all harm.”

“You are still worrying about the mysterious attacker?” asked Aragorn, as he stroked Frodo's curls tenderly.

Frodo nodded and, removing his head from Aragorn's chest, looked deeply in Aragorn's eyes. Even as Frodo spoke, Aragorn was vehemently shaking his head.

“Perhaps after the birthing it may be wise if I left for the shire. Just for a time, Aragorn--this last attack could have caused you much grief. You must think of Arwen and the children--”

Rising to his feet, Aragorn continued to shake his head as he paced the room. “I will hear no more of this. It was not your fault what happened in Arwen's chambers. The blame lies only at the one responsible for doing these evil acts and I will find him and he will be punished. As for leaving, the day you leave for the shire will be made only by you, freely making that choice. Not by force or some veiled threat. I will not lose you to this madman. I love you, Frodo. You know this?”

Sighing, Frodo nodded and sat down in the empty chair. When he looked back into Aragorn's eyes, he smiled lightly. “And some days I wish I was back in Bree. Days when it was just a ranger that I faced, not a King, that I too love dearly.”

That evening, Frodo dined with both the King and Queen. Sam, as usual, was a bit uneasy. He had never found being waited upon easy to contend with. He was too use to tending to others, to his children, to Frodo. But somehow, the four enjoyed the quiet dinner. And when Frodo retired for the evening, he laid contently and for the first time in weeks without pain in Sam's arms. It seemed the baby had settled down for a good nap.


The following morning, Frodo was found by Eowyn in the library reading over Armienas's pregnancy and life. Sam was in the kitchens helping Baradain with Frodo's eleveneses.


Getting his attention, Eowyn handed the special letter to Frodo's hands. Delighted to see Celeborn's signature, Frodo thanked Eowyn and opened it. Inside was a brief letter in which Frodo found most intriguing. It was later at Elevenses with Aragorn and Arwen present that Frodo read it out loud for all to hear.

“Dearest Master Baggins, I wrote to you as soon as I received your letter, just this past evening by Haldir. I am delighted to inform you that you have no reason to fear over the magic of these rings, gifted to you by my Lady and Lord Elrond. The rings that you and Master Samwise wear are indeed elvish made. With the drawings you have given to me, I can tell that they were made in the first age. Also, in a brief time of looking at the drawings, I was able to recall and identify them. They are referred to as the Gemini keepstones.

The creator of these rings has long since passed over the sea and at this time his name eludes me. He was a favorite in my Lady's court, however, and I can still remember his face.

I am also, with great gladness, able to inform you and set you at ease that their is no hidden evil or malice contained within these gemstones. They do however, as you are aware contain some magic, as all elves enjoy putting into any object we create.

The rings are not just a symbol of love. It is also a vow of eternal love, soul mates, which even back in those days of the first age was hard to come by. As long as your wear them, your souls will be entwined. No matter how far apart you are from each other, you will always feel the others presence. It will also lead you back to each other if lost, for the love you have is like a map.

I am also surprised that my Lady did not inform you of their hidden power. Perhaps she delighted in giving this gift and hoped that you would, in time as you have, look to me for confirmation of its power.

It is not an all powerful consuming magic as the Dark Lords. These Rings, as you will notice in time, have slowed the aging process. For that was the reason of their creation. They were meant to be given as a gift to mortal lovers, friends to elves. It will lengthen your life span. Not by thousands of years, but perhaps a few hundred. So long as you wear the rings you shall not age another day, until such time as you both either grow weary of the other or of life.

Fear not that the rings shall cause any harm to your unborn child for its effect is only upon its wearer. As these rings were created out of love and by the power of good, they can and will only bring much lightness of heart to you and Master Samwise. Whenever there is danger, you will know by the glow, as of Sting when Orcs were near.

Be assured, I, like many others, delight in the knowledge that you have returned from the West. Healed and whole and with child. Such delight in this news and the birth of my own great grandchildren, inform my granddaughter that I intend to come the following spring for an extended visit.”

Frodo paused to hear the happy gasp of Arwen in the news that her Grandfather not only knew of the birth of the prince and princess, but intended to come for a visit. She would spend most of the remaining part of the year making preparations for his coming. Frodo then continued to read the rest.

“In all of your happiness, I detect a cloud above you, Master Baggins. Fear not this darkness, for its hand will be revealed and all will be well once again. May your light always outshine all others and may the days of your return be forever marked as the conquest of love and its triumph over all things. Yours, Celeborn”

Seeing the delight in Arwen's eyes, Frodo handed over the letter where he was sure she re-read the news of her grandfather's visit next spring.

“So much to do, so much to plan.” So excited, Arwen raced out of the room, already trying to figure out which room would be best to put her grandfather in.

Frodo looked to Sam and just simply smiled. Sam did the same and when they both faced Aragorn all three started to laugh.


It was two days later, leaving Sam in the garden, that Frodo returned to his bed chambers for a much needed nap, that he discovered a person in his room. None other than the midwife, who had helped the birthing of Eowyn's and the Queen’s children.

Frodo was a bit taken back to see her unfolding the bed for him and looked equally shocked. Then straightening, she smiled at Frodo with an all too friendly expression.

“I was asked by Master healer Graham to check in on you. I apologize for entering the chamber in your absence,I saw you coming up the stairs and made haste to see to your comfort.”

She even fluffed the pillows.

Frodo smiled and moved to the nearby table. As he reached for a cup of tea, Frodo was slightly taken back when he saw that his ring was glowing.

“I too am sorry. I remember seeing you at Lady Eowyn's child birth and the queens...however not after--” For a moment Frodo thought he saw a frown on the midwife's face, then like a flicker it was gone. Back in place was the all too friendly smile. A forced smile.

“Yes, I am afraid I was present at the Queen's birthing. As if it was my calling. I had to leave for Ithilien for a time. I only returned a few weeks ago, after helping a few other pregnant females.” She then paused to add, “Human females give a natural birth.”

“Lady Eowyn speaks highly of you. I am sorry, your name was never told to me.”

She grinned and offered to help Frodo into a nearby chair as he seemed unwilling to go to his bed at the moment.

“Josephine Chamberly.”

“Josephine. That is a beautiful name.”

“As is yours,” she replied quickly.

Once seated, Frodo looked her over and saw that she was not a woman of elderly years. She looked to be in her thirties with very long black hair, that was neatly pulled back under a cloth. She was dressed in a brown robe with a belt on her waist. A small brown sack was nestled on her right side and for a second Frodo thought he saw movement within it. Or was it just the way she moved that made it look like --he turned to look down at her hands and saw upon her right hand was a gold band.

“You are married?” he asked.

“Yes, but he is deceased. He died during the great war. While I was having his child.”

Frodo met her eyes and realized though they were green in color they seemed dark and glazed over. “The child?”

“Died three days later.”

“My condolences for your loss.”

“Yes. My loss.” She moved slowly towards the table and, with Frodo's nod of agreement, sat down on the opposite side. She poured two cups of tea and handed one to Frodo. Frodo took it, but did not sip from it.

“Did you ever think of remarrying?”

She seemed to scoff at that notion and shrugged. “Never. The marriage I had was arranged. The only things that meant anything to me was my child. A child I conceived by a human male and a child I carried inside of me for nine long months. A very natural time.”

Frodo felt a cold chill go through him. How he wished desperately that Sam had come with him now. He did not trust this woman. She had seemed so kind months before, but now-- Was he just imagining things? Was he just looking for anyone to place blame to sending those letters and those snakes? Surely no woman could have done such evil deeds. She seemed friendly enough smiling at him.

“We in Minas Tirith are told quite often how much we owe the periannaths for saving us from Sauron. I never did thank you. Thank you,” she replied and it sounded more like, 'I hate you.'

Frodo took a breath and felt his baby move, kicking. Some pain seemed to shoot down his back. Frodo grimaced.

“A muscle spasm little one? That is quite normal and natural for a woman carrying. Fear not, I am sure Our King and Master Graham will see to the child's safe birth. They are both quite--capable.”

He nodded absently, putting down his cup of tea. The sound of crying got his attention and Frodo remembered Star. Getting to his feet, Frodo made his way to the other side of the room where a small box had been placed by the window. All curled up in a thick blanket was Star, she had woken and was eager for something to eat.

Picking her up, Frodo turned to Josephine and made his way over to the table. Setting the kitten down on the corner, Frodo poured some cream into a saucer and handed it to Star who eagerly lapped at her meal. Seating himself once more, Frodo glanced at his ring and saw it was still glowing. Could Sam's be glowing as well? Was he on his way?

“Lady Eowyn speaks so highly of you that she has said when she returns to Ithilien that she wants to hire you as a full time nanny for her children.”

“Yes. She asked me just this morning. She is a lovely woman, strong and brave. I have agreed to do so. I will of course miss being in the city, however I find my tastes have soured as of late.”

Frodo tried to remain calm and stroked Star as she continued to lap at her milk. “And why is that, my Lady?”

The woman arched an eyebrow and shrugged. “I am a woman of nature and in the past few years, much unnatural things have been taking place here.”

Frodo tried to meet her eyes, but found he couldn't. His heart was beating fast now and the baby was kicking again. His baby was unsettled as he was now becoming. Frodo finally brought his eyes up and stared into Josephine's face and saw pure hatred in her eyes. Hatred directed at him.

“I am sorry to be such a poor host, however I am feeling a bit tired. Perhaps we can talk again later. Tomorrow?”

She rose from her chair, without a word, and seemed to be making her way out. Instead, she paused at the closed door and then, with a flick of a switch, she locked it into place. Frodo swallowed.

“Let us not play anymore games, Ringbearer. You now know who is behind all. A pity, I hoped to be out of here before your return. I wanted to be far from the city before your body was discovered.” She turned and faced Frodo and though she held no weapon in her arms, she looked like she could kill just with her stare.

Frodo got to his feet, taking the kitten with him, who meowed at her interrupted meal. But feeling Frodo's hands on her fur, she began to purr contentedly.

“You wrote the letter at the smial?”

“A hole in the ground, like a rabbit. You creatures are disgusting animals.”

Frodo moved towards the window and glanced out to see if he could see Sam in the courtyard. He could not see him. Was Sam on his way?

“It is how we live. We hobbits. We love the earth. To us it is natural to live--.”

“Mother earth you mean. She must look upon you like ants getting beneath her skin.”

Frodo swallowed and watched in terror as she took two steps forward. “Why are you doing this? I have not harmed you.”

“Only women should be allowed to have babies. Not men. They are weak and are incapable of creating life. Only death.”

“That is not so.”

“Isn't it? How many wars upon Middle-Earth were the creation by a woman? You will find none. Only men have created war. Women should have been rulers of the world. Not men. Then we would have had peace long ago. And during the war of the ring, perhaps my child would still be alive if the King had been attending to me, rather than seeing to the Ringbearer. Only later to wed an Elf woman! An Elf for a queen?”

Frodo licked his dry lips and felt the kitten turn in his hands. She looked at the approaching woman and seemed to not like what she was seeing and hissed at the human. Frodo held the kitten closer to his chest. So, she not only had great prejudice against him carrying a baby and interspecies marriage but also blamed him for the death of her child.

“The dead rat was your second warning. You still did not listen, did you?”

“The snakes could have killed the Queen and the King's children? Did you not know that?”

The woman only smiled. “Pity. An elf queen? Who would hear of such things? Such unnatural things, to bond out of your own species. Our King began his degradation of humanity with such a union. Then he allowed you to come. You! A male halfling with child. Another disgrace. It is disgusting seeing your swollen body, where only a woman has the right to have.”

Backed as far as he could go against the wall, Frodo watched in horror as the woman continued to take steps towards him. Her left hand moved downwards. She pushed up a piece of cloth revealing a long white boot, where she proceeded to pull an object from it. A very long and very sharp dagger.

“So many speak such sweet words of you. How innocent and pure you are. How beautiful you are. And yet they speak nothing of the thing that you carry... A thing that is probably another vile creation of Sauron. One that I will rid the world of.”

She raised the knife to strike and Frodo clutched at his stomach, his eyes closed in fear. “No, please!”

The strike did not fall. A sudden thump was heard, followed by something metal hitting the floor in the distance. Frodo opened his eyes and saw in surprise Lady Eowyn.

She held a sword at Josephine's throat and on the other side of the room the dagger lay. Josephine stared in shock at Eowyn, her hand clutching her wrist where blood was now dripping. The two women stared at each other. One in hatred and the other with a will that was long ago used to destroy the witch king.


Josephine turned to see the door was still closed. Eowyn only shook her head at the woman.

“I was here when you first entered the room. You forget the King has ordered the Ringbearer never to be left alone. I had come earlier to help prepare a bath for Frodo, and while in the tub house, I heard the patter of feet. Not Hobbit feet. I have kept hidden long enough, heard enough.”

Josephine only glared at her in anger. “You of all women should understand why I had to do this. It is unnatural!” she replied, pointing her finger at Frodo.

Eowyn only held the sword closer to her throat. “You are not only mad but evil as well. To think that I would want any harm to come to Frodo Baggins? The Ringbearer who suffered so to save us all from Sauron. The one that sacrificed his very life so we could live in peace. If anyone is vile, it is you. I cannot believe I thought you would make a great nanny to my children. To think, that the years to come, you would teach them the same malice and prejudice within you. The one who tried to kill my Queen and my King's children. I should kill you with this sword myself. No, I will have the King see to you. And he will.”

Eowyn faced Frodo. “Go to the door and call the Guards, Frodo.”

Frodo wasted no time and hurried to the door, just as the sound of running steps were heard and Sam's familiar voice calling his name. With a relieved smile, Frodo unlocked and opened the door. Unfortunately, hearing Sam's cry caused Eowyn to turn her head and it was enough for Josephine to try and flee out the window.

Eowyn chased after her. Reaching the window, Eowyn looked out to see that the woman was trying to walk on the ledge. “You cannot escape, Josephine. Come back, the ledge is too small. Don't be a fool.”

But Josephine seemed an apt and fit woman and was indeed making her way across the ledge. But then suddenly, her body jolted as if she had been stung. She made a loud wail, lost her footing and fell. She landed two stories down on her back.

Eowyn shook her head and turned from the window to see Frodo in Sam's arms, sobbing. Reaching her friends, she gave each of them a hug and then made her way outside. Reaching Josephine's form where several guards now gathered, she was not surprised the guards were stomping the ground with there feet.

“Stay back, my lady,” called one of the guards. “It seems the woman was attacked by several black spiders. Where they came from is not known for I am certain that none of this species were in the city.”

Eowyn looked across the guards and saw one last spider lived. It was crawling on the woman’s back, looking for escape. It was killed quickly by a guards sword. Unable to bare the sight another moment, she headed back to the citadel. She could see Faramir was with the King and Queen, who were staring in horror at the death of the mid-wife. It seemed it was going to be her sore duty to inform them that the woman was the one behind all the threats and the attack against them all.

That night, Josephine's body was burned. Her ashes were to be taken in the morning out of the city.

Since she had no kin and because she had tried to harm the King's family, it was his decree that her ashes would be scattered out of the city. He had first wished her remains to be scattered in the lands of Mordor. Frodo, however, beseeched Aragorn to be merciful.

For Frodo, Aragorn permitted her ashes then to be scattered in Sirith Mountain.


Deep into the night, Frodo found he could not sleep. Sam held Frodo close in his arms and kissed his cheek and neck repeatedly.

“Frodo love, do not blame yourself. The woman was wicked. She deserved what happened. Killed by the spiders she meant to throw in our bed to kill you. You and our child. She not only meant to kill our child, but Strider's too. Don't be thinking about it anymore... please. If you desire now to return to the Shire, I won't be trying to stop you. But just know this, to be driven away from a place that has brought you much happiness. by one individual's nasty--”

Frodo cut Sam off with a low hiss. “One individual. How can you be so sure their is only one? What if more exist? What have I done, Sam? I should have listened to--to him. He tried to convince me to adopt instead. To be like Bilbo. But I was selfish. I wanted more. I wanted a child of my own. Of my body and blood. Mine to hold. I never even gave it any thought of what would come in the future. How many will look at my child in disgust and say in whispers or behind our back how unnatural--”

“Don't you say that!” Sam yelled, his anger getting the better of him. But Frodo had already pulled away from him and stared off into the wall. Tears were already swimming in his eyes.

“And when our child grows, who will he or she call father and mother? And what if--”

Sam pulled Frodo back into his arms and Frodo closed his eyes, shaking. A soft meow was heard and Frodo looked down at the side of the bed to see Star had left her private bed seeking another.

Frodo reached down and picked up the kitten and held Star in his arms. She purred in contentment as if all that mattered was the three of them.

“What have I set in motion, Sam? More evil?”

Sam laid his hand on Frodo's shoulders and leaned against his lovers back.

“Frodo, me dear, everything you have done has brought only good. Think about it... If you had not come back--Aragorn would still be blaming himself for you leaving Middle-Earth. Lady Arwen and Lady Eowyn would not have had you to help them through their pregnancies and don't even say it-- you know that your presence helped them to think not of their woes but you. You became a beacon of hope to everyone. A light when so much pain had come to Middle-Earth. And that vile woman-- she used you as the means of why she did what she did. You know very well if you had been here or not, pregnant or not, she would have eventually tried to harm Strider's children. Only you wouldn't have been here when she did the deed. She looked at anyone who was different as an evil. She allowed her loss to corrupt and change her into a vile creature. Now perhaps she can find peace with her child in the after life. Love, you must know that you are a shining light. A guide to everyone. Especially to me. You bring such joy and goodness into everyone’s life. Your returning brought me healing. Without you, I would still be mourning my loss. Now I am complete, no longer torn in two.”

Lying on his back, Frodo brushed his hand on Sam's wet cheek and nodded. “Oh Sam, I'm sorry. I love you. Right or wrong. I love you!”

Sam smiled and bent down, slowly, to kiss Frodo's lips. An annoyed mewl had him pull away. Star glared at the two of them as if to say, 'Hey I am in the middle here, stop trying to crush me.'

Putting Star to the side, Frodo reached for Sam. Sam moved into the circle of Frodo's arms and kissed Frodo ever so gently on the lips and then broke it. Frodo smiled and waited and Sam came back, deepening the kiss, lingering in the embrace and the warmth of their love, needing, wanting.

They would not be able to do too much, now that Frodo was nearing his time, but Sam and Frodo had long since discovered other ways of making love. Breaking the kiss to get some air, Frodo felt his cheeks flushed and felt a need pulling at him. But before they could continue, Frodo had to make his decision.

“We will stay.”

A decision that was made months ago. The kitten watched the two for a moment and then, finding sleep overtaking her, Star turned twice in the bed and found a good lumpy spot. Curling up into a small ball, with her fluffy tail covering her eyes, she drifted off into a deep sleep.

Frodo and Sam made love throughout the rest of the night and when the first rays of sunlight filtered into the room, Star awoke to look for breakfast and found the two hobbits sound asleep in each others arms. She meowed several times to try to awaken them. They did not even stir. Most put out, Star leaped down from the bed and made her way to the table. She easily jumped on the chair and using the cloth and her sharp claws, she managed to reach the top of the table. Giving the two sleeping hobbits one last look, she toppled over what she was looking for and happily lapped at the cream.

Life couldn't get any better than this.

Feedback, yes please!
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