Return To My Love Book Three: The Birth

Jun 22, 2006 12:55

I couldn't wait. Not one moment longer. (I am soooo bad). But I will only post this, for now on my LJ. (I will post on the communities part one, on Saturday) So, here is part one of Book Three Return To My Love. (You get to see it first!)

Return To My Love III: The Birth
By Summer

Beta Read by Grapeofdeath
I dedicate this story to Honeyvinegar. A true inspiration and I look forward to many more Zeke and Casey stories.

Class: Slash, Lord of the Rings
Warnings: Mpreg
Pairings: Frodo/Sam
Writer’s note: Ten years later, Frodo returns to Middle-Earth, healed--whole and with child. This is the continuing love story of Frodo and Sam


Frodo could not believe his eyes, as he stared out the window and looked down into the courtyard. The garrison of Rohan soldiers had arrived and among them was the King of Rohan, Eomer.

Nearly fourteen years had passed since he last saw Eomer and he hadn't changed all that much. A little more whiteness in his hair and kingly clothes, but otherwise he was unchanged. Hearing the trumpets and realizing who was coming, Frodo had fretfully tried to figure out what he was going to say or do when he saw Eomer again after so many years. He knew he was being foolish and Frodo wished Sam was here.

He had gone to Ithilien earlier that morning to continue to help Legolas and Gimli with fixing the new homestead that would eventually become a home for Frodo and Sam's entire family. Frodo still had mixed emotions about the homestead. He was fearful that the children, accustomed to living in Bag End, would resent the move. Sam insisted that all would be well. Still, Frodo couldn't shake the guilt.

It had been nearly two months since Merry and Pippin had headed for home. They hadn't heard any word yet but Frodo was sure they would any day now. In the years following the War, Aragorn had established a better letter system. He had even hired special couriers who's duty was to receive and send letters to certain areas all over Middle- Earth. It was intriguing and Frodo hoped, in the near future, to look into this new system. It sounded quite fascinating.

The young hobbit let out a sad sigh and thought of Sam, wishing with all his heart he was here with him, to hold back the memories. It seemed so long ago, but Frodo still remembered the raw attraction he felt for the newly made King of Rohan.

They had shared one very intimate kiss, under an apple tree, which left Frodo wanting for more. Yet, at the time, more was just not possible. His health forbid it, and besides, their was Sam. Eomer understood and they parted ways. Frodo never saw him again and now, fourteen years later, he had heard Eomer was married and had a daughter.

Feeling his arm hairs stand on end, Frodo looked down to see he was being watched by none other than Eomer. Their eyes connected, Frodo blinked and then Eomer had disappeared into the citadel. Frodo wondered how long it would be before Eomer would find his way to his quarters. To Frodo's surprise, Eomer never came.

Sam returned late that evening and together they had a quiet dinner. Afterwards they sat out on the balcony and held each other close, counting the stars in the heavens. It was the most beautiful and peaceful of nights.

With his fingers entwined with Sam's, Frodo couldn't help but still feel curious about the mysterious rings given to them by Lady Galadriel and Lord Elrond. If it hadn't been these rings, Sam would never have found him in time and rescued him from a fate of slavery with the now deceased Emissary, Prince Cerebus. Curious indeed, Frodo had asked Arwen about them, but other then the fact that they were elven made, she could not help him in unlocking the secrets contained within the rings.

A thought occurred to him and Frodo knew he would send a letter to Lord Celeborn, who still resided in Lothlorien. He was still in Middle-Earth, choosing to stay for a time before joining his wife in the West. It seemed, like his grandchildren, Celeborn was having difficulty leaving the lands he had come to call home. Perhaps he could help unlock the ring's secrets.

As the air grew cold, Sam had called it a night and, going to their beds, Sam made sweet and gentle love to him. Every touch, every kiss, reminded Frodo why he returned to Middle-Earth. Sam, my Sam. It seemed every day his love for Sam grew stronger. He was truly content now. He had everything now.

Later that night, Frodo awoke to the pangs of hunger. Seeing Sam in a deep sleep, Frodo found he could not bring himself to awaken Sam as he seemed to do nearly every night to have him retrieve him some carrots, or some of that special cheese with the holes in them. After being awoken three nights in a row, Sam now left extra bits of food in the chambers, just in case.

However looking out from his side of the bed, Frodo saw the crates and baskets on a nearby table and realized he was out of pickled eggs and for some reason his body was just screaming for them. Frodo reached over to the night table and taking up a candle, got up as carefully as he could out of the bed, so as not to waken Sam. Putting on a robe and making sure Sam was still asleep, Frodo made for the kitchen, or rather, waddled.

His stomach was expanding now at his fifth month of pregnancy, and Frodo found a lot of his clothes had become confining. Arwen and several of her ladies had begun sowing him bigger clothes and taking out seams on certain pants. It was a bit disconcerting and Frodo would often look at the mirror and stare at his growing body. To Frodo, he felt like a walking butterball. Everyone, of course, was informing him he looked as radiant and as beautiful as ever. One glance at the mirror and Frodo knew they were a bunch of lying jackasses.


Having no trouble finding the kitchens, and thankful that the fits of morning sickness were over, Frodo quickly made a beeline to where the pickled eggs would be found. Once he had them on the nearby kitchen table, Frodo found he now wanted some of that special cheese, and perhaps... yes ,there it is, that really weird cake brought from the East. Banana bread they called it. Oh, this would all hit the spot nicely.

A soft meow got his attention and Frodo smiled to see the kitchens stray cat had awoken. He was sleeping on the nearby fire place, finding a comforting spot on the still warm bricks. He had no name as far as Frodo knew, but he had always loved animals, especially cats and now gave the hungry animal several long strokes of his fur. He was an older cat, and was black and white and was often seen chasing after a mouse. The cat seemed most happy to be getting some attention and sought an added bonus.

Another meow, a bit louder and with pleading gray eyes, made certain to show Frodo that he was looking for a snack too. Frodo quickly found some cream in the pantry and getting a saucer, put some cream into it and put it on the ground for him. The cat seemed to give Frodo one long look and then with a soft meow, as if to say thank you, set to licking the cream.

Before long, Frodo was happily munching away at the table, his feet dangling off the chair idly watching the stray cat have his fill of cream. That was how Eomer found him. “Frodo, it is you. You have returned? I thought my eyes deceived me.”

Looking up, Frodo swallowed down the last of the pickled eggs and made to take up a napkin. The cat ignored the man, intent on polishing off the cream. Frodo had known this moment would come, but he had hoped it wouldn't be for another day or too. When he was dressed and felt more confident. This had not been his place of choice to be seeing Eomer again.

Eomer had come to see his new niece, so Frodo had been sure Eomer's time would have been taken up for a little while. He had been wrong. Upon hearing the news, Eomer at the soonest opportunity had sought him out. The hobbit had hoped to prepare himself for this event. That too had not come to pass for he was not prepared at all.

The hobbit’s cheeks reddened. He must look quite a sight, sitting here, fat, stuffing his face and smelling like pickled eggs and cheese. Oh yes, a fetching sight indeed.

Eomer smiled at the sight before him. Frodo Baggins looked beautiful, more beautiful then he had remembered. Piercing sapphire eyes, skin as soft looking as silk and a face that would melt the most hardened of hearts.

Fourteen years had passed between them, Frodo was now staring up into the piercing dark brown eyes and felt himself melt. He was older but no less attractive. Feeling now quite full from his midnight snack, Frodo remained in the chair and clasping his hands together, smiled up at Eomer. Well, best make the most of the situation.

“Hello your majesty. It is so good to see you again after all these years. You look wonderful.”

For a second the world seemed to tilt and then just like that it was over. Eomer seemed to recover and took a seat facing Frodo. After a moment, he reached out his hand. Frodo gingerly took it.

“I received a letter from Eowyn and Faramir and they told me you had come back. I did not believe it was so. They also told me you are-- with child?”

Frodo grinned and nodded.

Eomer at once smiled back at the hobbit. “You look different. Younger, as if the years have fallen away from you?”

Taking up a slice of banana bread, Frodo offered it to the horse King. “I have been healed in the blessed realm.”

“And you came back. For your gardener, Samwise, isn't it?”

The hobbit nodded, but added, “And for all those that I loved and missed. Aragorn, Legolas--everyone.” Frodo meant to add, “and you,” but at the last minute Frodo faltered and kept his tongue.

Eomer took the bread Frodo offered, but put it aside. After a long lull of silence, Eomer again spoke. “I have married and had a daughter as well. She is my entire world. I wish you could see her. She loves to hear about Frodo and the dark lord's ring. She just turned seven.”

“I am so glad for you.” It was all Frodo could think to say.

It was only then that Eomer's eyes darkened, more of sadness than anger. “There would have been a time I would have traded everything for you instead. But it was not my love you sought so many years ago.”

Frodo swallowed and tried to speak, but Eomer had already released Frodo's hand and had gotten to his feet. “I am glad you have found happiness and healing, Frodo Baggins. I delight in your joy of the coming child you carry. Whenever you come to Rohan, know you will always be welcome.”

Eomer made to leave, but Frodo somehow managed to get to his feet and raced to Eomer's side. Frodo reached out and took Eomer's hand again.

“Forgive me, Eomer. I should not have played with your heart. I am sorry.”

The horse King turned and then kneeled down to Frodo. His arms tenderly wrapped around the hobbit and hugged him.

“There is nothing to forgive, my dearest Frodo. You did not play with my heart. I gave it willingly and you could not take it. You were not well. I knew that and you loved another. That too, I understood and accepted. We each made our own way and chose our own paths. I have chosen mine. I will not surrender what I have now. I love my daughter dearly, I will not deny that it took time, but I did heal as you did and found love again. All is at it should be. Seeing you again, confirms that.” He then whispered in Frodo’s ear. “You will always have a special place in my heart dear one. Always.”

They stared at each other for a long moment and Eomer gave Frodo a soft kiss on his cheek. Then Eomer rose, and with a slight bow, headed out the door and into the darkness of the corridor.

Frodo remained where he was, staring after the form of Eomer even after it was long gone. Then, with a sigh, Frodo cleaned up his mess and made his way back to his own chambers with a heavy heart.

Getting back into bed, Frodo was just turning over, to adjust his pillows, when two arms and a warm body wrapped itself around him. A soft whisper came from Sam's lips, calling his lover's name and Frodo clung back to his Sam and smiled. His heart lightened at once. Yes, all was as it should be.


Eomer King remained in Minas Tirith for two weeks and then returned to his kingdom, bidding his beloved sister and friends a fond farewell near the white tree. Frodo did not bid him a personal farewell in the courtyard. Instead, he remained standing on the balcony in his chambers, watching as the Horse Lord and his men prepared to leave.

A tear came to Frodo's eye, as he gave one last thought to the gentle Horse Lord who had been so kind to him years ago, and waved goodbye. “Be well, Eomer,” Frodo thought and prayed. “Be well and happy.”

Eomer started to turn his horse for the gates but then, he turned his head and looked up. He saw the small figure standing on the balcony, waving. The horse King smiled, and waved back.


Feedback, yes please!!!
Those needing to catch up, can find book one and two here
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