Return To My Love II, The Conclusion 5/5

May 31, 2006 03:15

and the wrap of of Return Two.
Feedback? yes please.

By Summer

Class: Slash (LOTR)
Pairings: Frodo/Sam
Rating: PG
Time and place: Post Quest, After Frodo leaves Middle-Earth.
Beta read by: Grapeofdeath

I would also like to dedicate this story to Slip.

Disclaimer: I am making no profit, I do not even dare to try to own these characters, I am simply playing with them. Once the story is over, everything goes back to whence they came. Happy?


He poured the contents appropriately and, turning to leave, he stopped. Still holding the vial in his hand, he saw that his secrecy was over. A small hobbit was looking up at him. He was missing a finger, luck seemed to be with him. All to easy. How he came to be here and why he did not know, but before the hobbit could turn and flee, he was upon him.

Frodo found a cloak thrown over his head and rough hands covering his mouth. He tried to kick and run but found he was unable. Moments later, Frodo cringed in fear as rope was tied around him, his muffled screams cut off by the humans hands. Something hard hit him in the back of his neck and then... darkness.

When Frodo awoke, he found himself being jostled. Moving. Opening his eyes, Frodo cringed to feel both his legs and arms were bound. He was also in complete darkness. Taking a breath, Frodo found he was in some kind of baggage or trunk. The sound of horses footsteps could be heard and he could tell the descent was downwards. Whoever he had spotted in the citadel's kitchens was obviously taking him from the White city.

What was happening? His heart fluttered fearfully as he thought of Sam, waking to find his beloved gone. He would at first think he had gone for a walk or to the kitchens for a snack. By the time he realized Frodo was missing--it would be too late.

Frodo struck at the trunk with full force with his legs and hands. Bound or not he could still make noise.

A sudden tap was heard and Frodo heard the mysterious man's low muffled voice. “Anymore movement, my dear little halfling, and I promise you that I will slit your throat.”

Frodo stopped all struggle. Whether the man would carry out his threat or not was mute. Frodo would not endanger his unborn child. Feverishly, Frodo plotted what to do. What could he do?


A dream, he had to be in a dream. He seemed to be walking down a long tunnel. Ahead of him was a light, a form within. He recognized her at once and smiled, but then dropped it when he saw the fear and urgency in her face. She was speaking but in elvish. Sam tried to make sense of what the White Lady was saying but couldn't. Images of Frodo hit him then. Darkness, can’t breathe, bound. He was in danger, his beloved was in danger.


Sam abruptly opened his eyes pulling himself from the dream. His hand fell to the other pillow to find Frodo was gone. Sitting up, Sam looked all around the room. Empty. The fire place was nearly dead. It would have to be restocked if it was to survive.

Flinging off the blankets Sam got to his feet. The fireplace could wait. Where was his beloved? Sam tried to calm his fears, thinking Frodo must have gone to the privy. A quick check and he found it too to be empty.

Then Frodo must have gotten hungry and gone to the kitchens. Why didn't he wake me? Stubborn hobbit. Sam pulled on his robe and headed for the door. As he entered the dark hallway, a flash of light came from below grabbed his attention. Sam looked down at his hand and saw his ring was glowing, the emerald stoned ring given to him by Lady Galadriel.

He had given Frodo the other, a sapphire ring, a sort of vow and seal to the love they held for each other. It was glowing. Odd, that was truly odd. Sam started for the kitchens and the glowing ceased. He turned to the courtyard. Nothing. He then turned to the other corridor, that led to the streets and the ring started to glow once more.

Something was wrong. Frodo was in danger.

Sam went back to his room and grabbed for the one thing he knew he would need. The sword seemed to be waiting for him on the table. With Sting firmly in his hand, Sam hurried to the streets, intent on finding Frodo.


The kitchen staff were coming in. It was early yet, but they had a kingdom to feed. The King and Queen especially would require breakfast. The head chef summoned several servant girls to fetch flour and eggs. Heading to the stove, he rekindled the fire within and setting the pots and pans in place, he filled the pans with fresh water in a nearby cauldron. Not knowing that the pans he was starting to cook the food in were laced with more than water.


The cook of course would be blamed. He would be strung up and his family banished. All the better to place the blame elsewhere.

In time, he would be able to return to the city. By then, Faramir would have taken over as the next Steward. Everything would be perfect then, thought the man. That cowered weakling of a child would be easy to manipulate. Place the offspring and heirs in secret keeping somewhere from the city. Then he could step in and renew his old office as the councilor and chairman within the City. Not only would he have wealth but power once more.

As for those children, heirs-- they would meet an unfortunate fate. A band of Easterlings seeking revenge against the king. Yes, glory and power would be his once more. All he had left to do was deliver the halfling to Cerebus.

Entering the second level, the henchman picked up his pace.


Sam was out of breath. He doubled over and tried to catch his second wind. He had to hurry. The ring was now glowing even more brightly now, as if urging him to hurry. Sam was just about to continue to run when a hand reached out and grabbed his shoulder.

“Master Samwise, what are you doing out so late?”

Sam had never been so relieved in all of his life to see the Son's of Elrond and standing right behind them was Legolas and Gimli.


He couldn't breathe. Frodo touched all around the edges of his confined space and saw to his horror that the man had left no holes in which for him to get air inside the box. He would suffocate, already the air was thinning. Shaking his head, Frodo could feel his mind slipping away into the nothingness. His last thoughts before he passed out was the hope that Sam would be able to save their baby.


The Sun rose from the mountains, the rain long since had stopped in the night, though the ground was still a bit slick. The sound of birds singing filled the air, bringing all in the city to life. A new day had come.


Aragorn rose from bed and glanced out the window. He could see the sky was completely cleared. It would be another sunny day. Turning, he saw that Arwen was already breastfeeding the little ones. He had offered a wet nurse but Arwen would not hear of it. She wanted to feed her own babies.

The smell of the kitchens filled his nostrils. Breakfast would be arriving shortly for them as well. He was suddenly quite hungry. After breakfast he would go check on Frodo before heading to the throne room and continue with the every day duties set for a King.

Come what may, he would break for an early lunch and have a few hours to sit and be with his family. Aragorn smiled down at his wife and looked on at the two little bundles she held in her arms. His son and daughter. Life was complete now. He had his wife, children and his friends at his side. What more could anyone ask for?


The two servants were handed each a tray of food and with a slight bow to the chef, they turned and headed for the King's chambers.


Sam ran forward and stopped. The elves and Gimli stopped as well and waited. The Ring had stopped glowing. Not to the gardens on the third level. It was to the second level. Sam paused and looked to Legolas and then at Gimli.

“The gates?”

Legolas darted towards a man who was just bringing his horse out of the stable. The farmer was intent on cleaning the stables today. He was just about to scrub down his beloved Melanie when the elves, a dwarf and a periannath ran up to him.

“It is urgent. May I borrow your horse?”

What was he to do? He knew very well that the King loved the elves and periannaths, so he bowed and handed over the horse. Climbing onto the beast, Legolas pulled Sam up with him and then with a shout, galloped towards the gates.

Seeing two more horses in the stables, the twins also borrowed his other two young mares.

Gimli scowled annoyed at being left behind and started running after them.

“What about me?”

Fortunately Elladan swept back and pulled Gimli up behind him on the steed and then hurried the pursuit.


He was at the gates. All he had to do now was show his papers. He handed them to the guards.

“Your business in leaving the city?”

“I am selling some goods in Ithilien. I will return later this evening.”

The guard nodded, looking over the papers. All looked to be in order. He waved to the gate keeper. “Let him through.”


The gates started to open and he went to move his steed forward when the sounds of galloping feet claimed his ears. He was just about to dart out when a shout was made.


The man tightened his hold on the reins and without paying heed to the gateskeeper, who was starting to close the gates, and the guard ordering the man to stand back, he shot forward.

He was out into the pelennor fields and madly dashed for escape. It was too late, the henchman believed. He was free and with his precious captive as well. No one could stop him now.

“Take the reins Sam!”

Legolas handed Sam the reins as the horse galloped past the gates. A man on a horse could be seen fleeing on the pelennor fields. All that he seemed to be carrying were two large sacks and a large trunk tied to his horse. At first, not seeing Frodo, Sam thought he was on the wrong track. But, why then did the man not pay heed to Legolas's shout?

A fear started to take hold as Sam's eyes stared at the trunk. The ring on his finger was now glowing as if it was on fire. Taking out his bow, Legolas reached for an arrow. He took aim and fired a clear shot.

Legolas never misses his target.


Pain sliced into his shoulder and the man gasped, losing his hold on the reins, and then fell to the ground. His horse moved a few feet ahead then stopped, returning to his master's side.

Bringing the horse up, Sam and Legolas leaped to the ground. Sam at once ran to the horse shouting his master‘s name. “Frodo! FRODO!”

Legolas quickly subdued the man, while Sam pulled the trunk down from the other horse and gently put it on the ground. The Twins and Gimli arrived shortly after with several guards at the gates right behind them.

The wounded man was not dead, Legolas had been careful in his aim. Whatever happened Legolas wanted this man to pay dearly for his crimes.

The Trunk would not open! Sam fumbled over the lock and cried out his frustration as he continued to call Frodo. There was no sounds coming from the trunk. “FRODO!”

Gimli came forward and pushing Sam back, made careful aim, and slammed down his ax on the bolted lock. The lock split apart.

Opening the trunk, Sam gasped to find what he feared. Frodo lay within, his eyes closed and unmoving, his arms and legs bound. A gag was jammed into his mouth to keep him silent.

“NO!” He gathered Frodo into his arms and removed the gag. Gimli and Legolas both assisted in untying the knots. They were horrified that the human, who had taken Frodo, had made the ties so tight that they had nearly cut off all circulation. The Twins held the human and glared on in barely suppressed rage at what had happened.

Elladan glanced at the human and knew that when Aragorn got his hands on him, he would be wishing for death.


“Frodo... Frodo please. Please, me dear... open your eyes. Please? Don't leave me now that we have finally found each other. Don't go where I cannot follow.”


He could hear a voice calling to him. It seemed so far away. So far away and he was so tired. He just wanted to stay and rest. Sleep. The sound of water filled him and he could sense a presence at his side.

Gandalf, Galadriel, Elrond. They were all here beside him. Someone else, someone he loved dearly was at their side. A smaller figure, old but hearty. Smiling. “Frodo Lad, it is not your time. You have many years left to live and those will be of great joy and pleasure for you. Return to those that not only love you but need you.”


His head hurt, he groaned and felt arms holding him. Another voice calling his name. Sam? He took a breath and opened his eyes to see his beloved staring down at him. “Sam?”

Relief flooded through him and Sam wept. “Frodo, oh Frodo. I thought I lost you.”

Frodo reached for his abdomen. The baby! No, say I have not lost my baby! That was when he felt it. Just a small movement. It didn't hurt, but it reassured him that his child was alive and well. It was then he remembered something else. “No, Aragorn... Sam!”


The trays were brought forward. Aragorn smiled at the young servant girls. He allowed them to look upon the new Prince and Princess. They cooed and bowed to Arwen in delight.

“My Lady, they are truly the most beautiful of babies.”

Arwen smiled back at them. They bowed several more times before leaving.

Alone with his wife, Aragorn set on preparing the trays. The food smelled delicious. He picked up a plate and brought it towards his wife. The joy shined in their eyes. The world was finally put to rights. All was wonderful and perfect and beautiful.

Arwen allowed Aragorn to place the babies back into their nearby cribs then, returning to his wife's side, he placed the plate of food on her lap. They smiled at each other and then kissed. Every kiss was like the first. Always. Aragorn picked up a piece of toast and offered it to his wife.


A sound of yells hit the air. Outside his chambers, Aragorn could hear an argument taking place. The next moment, the twins pushed past the guards and into the room.

Arwen was just about to sip her tea when Elrohir jumped forward and slapped it away from her. The teacup went flying and all of its contents spilled on the carpet floor.

Elladan reached for the trays of food on the table and threw their contents onto the ground with one sweep of his hand.

Aragorn rose to his feet, his anger boiling over before seeing reason. “What in the name of Valar do you think your doing?” What had gotten into his adopted brothers?

Arwen's eyes were wide with fear and grabbed her husbands arm. Bow twins bowed, and when they looked up, Aragorn seemed to gain more control but his temper was still blazing.

Finding his words, Elrohir spoke one word. “Poison.”


The arrow had been removed and, with great reluctance, healers had closed the wound. Once this was done, the man was brought before the King, promptly thrown to his knees.

The room was filled with courtiers and a bustle of people, including the Queens brothers who stared at him with pure hatred. Licking his lips, the man looked up and met the eyes of the King. And he trembled in fear.

Still not sure what he had been told, Aragorn had examined the food himself and, as an expert herbalist as well as healer, he detected the smell of almonds in the tea. The poison had been in the tea. Hardly original, but it had been done many times in the past, when greedy men desired power.

“Who are you?”

He said nothing. Faramir stepped forward. “Councilor Headden. He once ruled under my father, Denethor. After the War of the Ring, he resigned his office and I thought he had left the city. A few days ago, he approached one of my men and asked to gain a job or position again in the citadel. He was once a man of great respect and meant a great deal to my father.”

Aragorn didn't take his eyes off the man. “And your allegiance was to Denethor, not the King. Correct?” The man still said nothing. “You meant to poison myself and my wife. To take our lives. All because you could not accept me as your king? You would kill an innocent woman just for revenge.”

When Headden raised his eyes he made a noise in his throat and spit at the King. Two guards and two elves bounded forward, but Aragorn raised his hand to hold them off.

A young servant girl came forward and kneeled, offering the King her own white napkin. Aragorn took it and wiped his hand, then smiled gently at the servant girl. It was one of the girls that had brought the trays that morning. He saw the tears in her eyes and fear. He shook his head. “Be calm, child. I do not hold you or your fellow servant or Master accountable. You are innocent and did not know of the poison. Go. Let no one lay any accusation at your feet.”

The servant only bowed lower and kissed Aragorn's robe before rising and leaving the room. Aragorn returned to stare at Headden. The man only looked on in defiance.

“What was your intent in taking the Ringbearer? A prize? A trophy? Ransom?”

The man said nothing. Aragorn felt the rage once again boil over him. “Speak now or I promise you, I will have you hanged before this day is over!”

The man lost all contempt and defiance, his fear suddenly taking hold. Gimli stepped forward and handed Aragorn a small bag. “I found this on his horse.”

Within were over a thousand gold coins. But they were not of Gondor making. But from elsewhere. Suffleous, for on the gold coins was the image of a three headed dog. Aragorn threw the bag down in front of the man. He finally put it all together.

“So, you were hired by the Prince were you? Your rage and hatred of me was finally put to the test when money is thrown at your feet. And the Ringbearer-- he was a trophy, but not for you. For Cerebus? Is that so?”

The man hesitated and then nodded. Aragorn moved back to his throne and stared at the audience before him. “You have all heard. What say the court and my people for this act of betrayal, deceit and attempt to murder not only your King and Queen, but also to sell the Ringbearer into slavery?”

The shouts that followed had Headden cowering, for all shouted for his death. Aragorn waited until the shouts stopped and then spoke to Headden.

“Your sentence has been made. However, I will spare your life, on one condition. You were taking the Ringbearer to Cerebus, which means that he is in Gondor. Somewhere. He was ordered to leave and has disobeyed my Law. He is also the true perpetrator of this attempt upon myself and my wife. Tell me where you were to deliver the Ringbearer and I shall allow you to live.”

“And go free?” asked the man.

Aragorn only spat back. “I said live. I make no further promises!”

The man swallowed and made to think of all his choices. He then lowered his head. “Near the Anduin River, near Ithilien. We were to meet tomorrow eve by the docks.”

Aragorn leaned back in his chair. His fingers drummed on the stone as he contemplated this mans fate. “If you speak truth, then your life is spared. If you are lying to me, you will hang by the gallows by tomorrow eve.”

The man lowered himself to the ground. “I speak truth.”

Aragorn got back to his feet and was still undecided about the mans fate. “For now, you will be taken to the dungeons. After I contend with Prince Cerebus, I will deal with you. Take him away from my sight!”

Legolas approached Aragorn, who now fell back on his throne, his hands covering his face.


Sighing, Aragorn lowered his hands and stared at his old friend. “How fares Frodo?”

“The healer Graham has looked him over. He is well, but will be kept in bed for the next day or so. It wasn't your fault. You could not have known of Cerebus's plans.”

“No Legolas, I should have known. I should have. But I promise you this, I intend to finish this once and for all.”


It was dark and the night air was filled with the sounds of a distant owl. He stood by the ship, his hands close together. Headden was late. He was eager to be away with his prize. What was keeping him?

A movement was heard behind several trees, and the prince looked up to see a man coming from the darkness. He was dressed in a brown leather cloth, a cloak hid his face. But the one thing that was truly noticeable was that the man's cloak was held together by a green shinning brooch. A long sword was sheathed at his side, but nothing else. Did the man fail? Where was the hobbit?


When the mysterious man got closer, Cerebus realized that the height and build of the man was different to Headden's. He went for his sword, but the man was faster and his sword was out and quickly plunged into his chest.

The pain was sharp and deadly. The Prince looked up and saw the mysterious man throw back his hood to reveal a King. Elessar.

“I warned you. Now here is my justice. For Arwen and for Frodo.”

The man died seconds later, his body dropping to the ground with a sickening thud. The three stood on the bow of the ship and looked on as Aragorn threw the body into the boat.

“I warned him not to return. I warned him to leave Frodo alone. Now he has paid for his folly.”

The men bowed, but only the red haired one spoke. “Our Lord has always been impetuous. His father will grieve his eldest sons death, but we will tell him of the reasons why. There will be no war over this.”

Aragorn bowed at the man in return. And then he stood on the docks, watching as the boat quietly pulled up its anchor and made for the sea. Never to return.


A day later--

“The danger is over now, Frodo.” Frodo looked up from his breakfast.

His eyes filled with sadness. “It was my fault.”

“Nay, it was not. Prince Cerebus and Headden have only themselves to blame. Not you.”

“What will befall Headden?” Frodo asked in concern. He then added softly, “I would ask for you to spare his life.”

The sound of Sam's protest hit the air. Frodo glanced at his beloved, who had been restocking the fireplace, and was now staring at the two of them in utter surprise. “No more bloodshed. Not over me. Please?”

Aragorn took Frodo's hand into his own. “Frodo, Cerebus death was not your fault. He tried to kill Arwen and myself and take you. He was evil and he would never have stopped coming after you. As for Headden, I have already spared his life. He will be branded later today, the letter T will be put to his hands, so as to show all that he meets he is a traitor. I have sent a letter to King Eomer. He will take Headden to Rohan. Their he will work in the community in restoring and rebuilding of all lands for 15 years. Then, he will be graced his freedom. But he is not to return to Gondor. He is banished forever. If he returns or is seen here, his life will be forfeit. I wish I could grant him a second chance, Frodo, but understand, some people will never learn and my heart tells me he is one of them. He blames others for his misfortune and does not respect others. His only loyalty was to Denethor. Perhaps from this, fifteen years from now, he will have learned and if so, he will start over and grace himself with a new lease on life. But that is his concern, not mine. My concern is for my family and my friends.”

Frodo squeezed Aragorn's hand and then a knock came at the door. A servant girl entered carrying a large tray of food. Frodo licked his lips and, without even waiting for Sam to check his food, as he was doing since the attack, Frodo tore off the lid and grabbed the first mushroom. Frodo’s face completely lit up, ah the smells of mushrooms. He was truly starving and mushrooms would hit the spot.

“Frodo!” Sam called, but Frodo had already swallowed it whole. Licking his lips and fingers in quiet joy. It was a few minutes later that Frodo was out of bed and in the privy.

Sam's concern fell when Aragorn's hand touched his shoulder. Sam and Aragorn paused and seeing each others eyes, smiled.

“Morning sickness.”

The next few months were going to be a long road for the both of them. A minute or two later, Frodo entered the room and looked at the two of them. His face completely filled with annoyance. “Another perfectly good breakfast wasted.” Frodo eyed the remaining food and the sweet mushrooms that seemed to call to him. “And delicious mushrooms too.”

Aragorn, with a playful expression on his face, picked up the tray and headed out the door.

“You're right, Frodo. We shouldn't waste such delicious mushrooms.”

The King even licked his lips to show his intent. Seeing his plate of food being taken away, Frodo took up the hot pursuit.

“Aragorn, Aragorn, wait. I may be able to swallow one or two mushrooms... Aragorn! This is cruel, come back with my tray. Don’t make me tell Lady Arwen about this. I am feeding for two now! This is most unkind of you--Unkingly! Y-you ruffian! Aragorn!”

Sam remained in the room, a smile set on his face. He returned to restocking the fire. Five months, three weeks and 3 days to go. They would soon be holding their baby in their arms. Soon.

(Yes, Return Three is in the works: Aptly called--The Birth.)
Personal note, I meant to add a brief discussion about the rings Sam and Frodo wear but that will be discussed and dealt with in Return III. They will both learn they are not just rings vowing their love. But so much more.

You may find both completed stories on my Summers slash page. Just follow the link, scroll down to Frodo and Sam pairings.

Summers Lord Of The Rings Page
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