Return To My Love 2, 4/5 Frodo/Sam MPREG

May 30, 2006 08:19

and now the next latest chapter for your reading pleasure.

Note: changed the rating, simply because it is not NC-17 as no real sexual content in this part of the series.

Return To My Love II
By Summer
Class: Slash (LOTR)
Pairing: Frodo/Sam
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mpreg
Sequel to Return To My Love

Beta read By: Grapeofdeath

I would like to dedicate this story to Slip. Who inspires me always to continue to write.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. I am just playing, when the story is complete everything goes back to the way it was before. Happy?


Pippin hugged Frodo first, followed by Merry, who refused to let go of his cousin.

“Merry--Merry--Merr, it is only 5 months. You'll be back before you even know it. Stop or I will start crying, too.”

Frodo lowered his hands, but Merry continued to cling to his cousin. He was not letting go. Frodo looked to Pippin for help, who with a hearty laugh slapped Merry on the back and pulled him away. The two looked on at Frodo and Sam and then finally mounted the ponies. With a brief wave, they headed out of the gates, bound for home. Frodo watched them depart, waving until they were out of sight. Then glancing at Sam, he buried himself in his arms and had a good cry.

“Must be one of those emotional moments, Strider was saying.” murmured Sam.

Frodo sniffled, but didn't argue the point. He already missed his cousins. It would be a long five months before they would return.

Sam had decided in the end to stay. They turned and, with the Twins at Frodo’s side, they headed back to the citadel. No matter how hard Frodo tried to convince Sam he was perfectly safe now, with the emissary gone, Sam refused to leave. He was taking no chances.

As protective and fussable as ever, his Sam. It warmed Frodo’s heart.

After much discussion with Merry and a lengthy note to Rosie's parents, Sam put his foot down announcing his intent to stay and bring the children here to Gondor. Sam then spent half the day in conference with Aragorn as well as Merry and Pip, along with Elrond's sons and of course Faramir, Legolas and Gimli. He had a plan and he knew it would work. He would acquire some land near Ithilien and build a second homestead for Frodo and his family. Two hours later, Gimli and Legolas were heading out of the city for Ithilien.

When Sam found Frodo sitting with Arwen in the sun room, a few hours later, he informed Frodo that the plans were under way. In a few days, Sam would take a brief trip to Ithilien and help to oversee the making of the soon to be Gamgee's Homestead. Everyone seemed completely positive and upbeat with Sam's idea. Especially Aragorn, who not only gave the entire hill to Frodo and Sam to live out their lives, but also over 25 acres of land for them to use at their leisure.

It was an overwhelming proclamation, and Frodo had felt that the gift was too much, so he marched right up to Aragorn and tried to offer him payment. But the King of Gondor would not permit it, stubborn ex-ranger of the North.

“Should I not give you payment for granting me to become King. It is you that I have a Kingdom, a wife--children.”

Stubborn, pig headed, ex-ranger.

After setting up a sketch with Sam on how to design the smial, Aragorn sent off two dozen of his men to follow Legolas and Gimli and start work. Frodo had eventually given in, on one condition. When the Smial was built, the King and Queen would come for a special visit.

Two weeks later, Frodo and Sam, accompanied by the twins, headed for Ithilien. It was high time Frodo saw where they were going to live before his condition prevented him from leaving the city.


It took them until late afternoon to arrive at the outskirts of Ithilien, stopping frequently for a rest stops and to have elvenses. Sam had made certain to pack an abundance of food for the trip. Mushrooms, baked apple pie, roasted chicken, some tator's and fresh baked cookies. After a delightful small picnic and a brief nap, they got back onto the ponies and continued towards Ithilien.

Reaching the ancient city, Frodo and Sam both waved to several of Gondor's and Ithilien's soldiers as they passed, who in return waved back with shouts of joy to see the Ringbearer had returned from the West.

Journeying to the eastern side of Ithilien, Frodo spotted a lovely field of wheat and a beautiful cluster of trees just beyond it. As his pony Firelight tread along slowly beside Sam's pony, Willy, he paused to glance at the different species of trees growing serenely before him. Pine, maple, birch and even apple trees. It was indeed breathtaking, a perfect place for children now that the fear of Sauron was gone.

Frodo could almost see this as a new Shire, secluded and untouched. He already felt at home here. The singing of the birds, the shining sun, the big white fluffy clouds, the sounds of a nearby waterfall completely entranced him to the scenery. Peace settled over him and Frodo's initial fears that this was not a good idea were slowly fading.

Passing the last of the trees, Frodo halted his pony and looked all around him in wonder at the large clearing. He just couldn't believe his eyes. Fourteen years ago, Sam and he had passed through Ithilien, why hadn't he seen this incredible wonder before him?

To Frodo's left, he saw a small pond. Several pine trees and a willow tree were perched around it. A small hilly area showed a straight path that led to the Anduin river. Two white creatures were settled in the middle of it and appeared to be enjoying the brand new spring day.

Frodo gasped and pulled on Sam's shirt to get his attention. Sam smiled, as Frodo pointed at the creatures. “Oh yes. Faramir mentioned that a pair of swans migrated to that pond just a few months ago. They call the pond Little Dawn. They are beautiful, aren't they? Elegant and slender. Let's call them Elrond and Celebrian. I do believe that Celebrian is expecting wee ones. Springtime truly is the time of renewal. What do you think, Mr. Frodo?”

Frodo just beamed with joy.

Looking to the other side on his right, Frodo could see the city of Ithilien. From this vantage point, the devastation of Sauron's hand wasn't noticeable. It truly was a beautiful city. Ithilien was not as overwhelming or towering like the White city. It seemed more majestic and historical.

“They have done quite an extensive job in rebuilding the city. It will be years still before it will be anywhere close to its former glory, but--I can see why Faramir and his Lady have decided to live here on a permanent basis.”

Frodo grinned, as he realized they would be able to join him for tea almost every day. Sam finally nudged Frodo to look straight and when Frodo took a good look at the terrain, he thought he had surely returned to the Shire.

The hill was huge and was a bit of a climb upwards. It had a flat top with two trees standing above it. The trees were apparently Birch and seemed to be entwined with each other as if connected forever as one. The rest of the area had plenty of grass and bushes and a wonderful view of not only Ithilien but also the White city. It was perfect.

Frodo could already see a small stone path, where right now was just grass, leading up the hill, heading for a small green round door (or perhaps white? Purple? Yellow?). Inside the rooms would be made of wood and have plenty of rugs and tapestries. Plenty of windows to let the sun in and it would be enlarged so that the home could accommodate big people as well as hobbits. A cozy fireplace in every room.

Frodo spotted Gimli and Legolas coming towards them from the city of Ithilien. A company of men and at least four wagons filled with tools and construction equipment were following them.

Frodo felt tears rise in his eyes as Sam got off his pony and then helped Frodo from his. As he led Frodo towards the hill, Sam held Frodo's hand in his own.

“Gimli and I spent most of yesterday discussing the construction of our home. I figure 16 rooms should be about right. I figured out a master bedroom for you and me, and two nurseries. One for Primrose and one for our baby. They will be next to our room, of course. Then I would have Elanor and Frodo your namesake have their own room. Rose, Goldilock's and Daisy could share a room, Merry and Pippins namesakes and Hammy (Hamfast) could also share a room. Before you go off, thinking they will be upset being squashed together, you tend to forget your stay at Brandy hall and I tell you truthfully Frodo, they are always in each other's rooms anyway. That includes Rose, Goldilock's and Daisy. They have their own separate bedrooms and yet Rose and I would find them huddled together in one bed by morning. So it won't be so unpleasant for them to share a room. Plus, I made sure that each room was enlarged for them so they will have plenty of space.”

Frodo wiped at his eyes, he could already see it in his mind‘s eye. He hadn't even thought about a nursery for his little one. Frodo gently touched his lower abdomen and sighed. His only thought had been to rejoin Sam and have a child of his own. What came after hadn't even entered his mind.

“--Two guest bedrooms and the second guest bedroom will be able to accommodate any big guests.”

Frodo sniffed, so much to take in.

“I know we discussed it and I knew you would be wanting a nice spot for Strider and His lady to have a place. It will be back towards the other side of the hill and I’ll make certain to have a nice window view put in. You can see the Anduin clearly on the other side. It's quite lovely to look at in early morning. Gimli will make certain to have a special kitchen and two dining halls constructed. One for just our family and another for surprise guests and visitors.”

Frodo counted the rooms in his head. That brought it to 12.

“I also arranged for a den and a library, as well as a nice family living room and a smaller more private quiet room for those nights you and I be needing some piece and quiet. Sixteen rooms in all. Not including a private bath for you and me, our guests and of course three more for the children.”

Frodo couldn't believe it. It would be like living in a castle. “Oh Sam.”

Sam then brought Frodo to the side of the hill where a small grassy clearing could be seen and a small stream that came from the pond was sprouting along it.

“And here will be our garden. I’ll start tilling the soil and create a protective gate around it. It will take me most of the summer just to decide on the right flowers to plant and I know I will be needing to consult some of the Ithilien's own gardeners, to make sure I have the seasons and environment of the land correct, before I start thinking of seeding. Not even a mile from here, I heard Faramir and one of his men discussing the creation of a small school for the children in the city. Naturally our little ones will be attending the new school too. Those days we want to go off, we can easily hirer a nanny to help out with the little ones. Faramir has even made me a list of ladies he thinks would be most suitable for the job. So you see, Frodo love... all is not impossible at all. We will still live in the country setting and yet be surrounded by all those that we love.”

Frodo couldn't take another word, he slumped to the ground and wept. Sam, fearing Frodo had over done himself, put his arms protectively around him. “Frodo? Oh, I knew it was too soon to leave the city. You fool Gamgee.”

Frodo only clung to his Sam and planted kisses over his face. “Oh Sam. Sam!”

It was then, to Sam's delight, that he realized Frodo was not crying in sadness, but of sheer elation.

“I didn't tell you the other surprise,” Sam replied and pointed just to the tail end of the hill. A wagon had pulled up to that side and several men started to unload some tools and equipment. “Merry and Pippin have decided to make a second home here as well.”


After a lengthy luncheon and after discussing the last details of construction, Sam and Frodo headed back to the White City, the Twins right beside them. They had just passed the gates when the news was brought to them by one of the guards sent down from the citadel. Lady Arwen had gone into labor.

Waving the twins off to hurry to their sister's side, Sam and Frodo hurried at their own pace. By the time they reached the Citadel, Frodo couldn't help feeling worried. Arwen had already lost one child. What if this one was lost as well? Arwen and Aragorn would be destroyed.

Sam, seeing his loves distress, reached out and clutched Frodo's hand, squeezing it gently in reassurance. Reaching the Queens Private Chamber's, Frodo was allowed to take a seat outside the door. Elrond's sons, Aragorn, Healer Graham, as well as the mid-wife, were already within.

Frodo was pleasantly surprised to see Eowyn join them, carrying her own baby in her arms. Her eyes also spoke of worry and concern. It was then, sitting on that bench, that Frodo realized how quiet it was. No screams, no guards or servants talking. Even Eowyn's baby was hushed. It was dead silence. It was as if the entire kingdom was holding its breath. Waiting.

They didn't have to wait long. Frodo looked up when he heard the door click open. Healer Graham, a man as tall as Aragorn but more slender and showing of his years, stepped out of the room. He looked at the audience and after a moment he smiled. “Both are doing fine.”

Frodo got to his feet and approached the healer. “I don't hear any crying.”

“Not all babies cry when born, Lord Baggins.”

“Is it a boy or a girl?”

The healer laughed. “Indeed. It is a boy and a girl. It seems that the Queen was carrying the wonder of twins.”

Putting his hand to his mouth, Frodo started to laugh. The healer at once ushered Lady Eowyn, Frodo and Sam inside. They entered the chamber to see Arwen was in bed, now covered in thick blankets. Her hair done back, and what ever pain and suffering she had gone through was clearly past. Elladan and Elrohir stepped back, looking extremely pleased, at the two small forms cradled in their sisters arms.

Aragorn sat next to his wife and was truly overcome with joy, unable to find any words to speak. Constant tears rolled down his cheeks and upon seeing Frodo and Sam, he gestured them closer. Arwen pulled back each swaddled baby's blanket and allowed Frodo to get a good look at the new Prince and Princess.

“They are beautiful,” replied Frodo. He looked at Arwen and grinned. “You didn't know?”

Arwen laughed in pure happiness. “I kept trying to reach them in my mind. I could feel the light within happy, and healthy, but could not sense if I was having a son or a daughter and neither would answer me. No, I didn't know that I would be blessed twice.”

Elladan couldn't resist. “It seems not even born, they are already acting like mischievous younglings towards their parents.”

“And you would know.” laughed Arwen. “All the trouble you gave Ada and Nana.”

The twins tried to look innocent, and failed miserably.

Frodo giggled at the two of them, and then Arwen gestured Frodo closer. She then held out her daughter to him. Frodo paused and then with great care, took the baby into his arms. Even though it was a newborn, to Frodo, the baby compared to a hobbit was at least six months bigger.

Frodo looked down at the little princess and felt tears coming to his own eyes. She was so beautiful, so perfect. The baby opened her eyes, staring fondly at Frodo. Already, it seemed, entranced by the blue-eyed hobbit.

“Hello, little Princess. My name is Frodo and you are going to be the luckiest little girl in the whole of Middle-Earth. You are going to be so loved.”

A soft gurgle sound was heard and Frodo turned to see Aragorn now holding his son in his arms. Frodo bent over and kissed the new born Prince on his forehead. “And that goes for you too.”

Outside the citadel, Frodo could hear a voice speaking out to the crowd. The Healer was making the announcement and the glad tidings of the birth of twins to Gondor. A wave of shouts and cheers followed.

“What shall you name them?” asked Sam.

Aragorn turned to his wife and Arwen nodded to her husband. “Our son was born first, and he shall be named Eldarion.” He then turned to Arwen, and as Frodo handed the queen her daughter, Arwen took the babe into her arms and cuddled her closer to her breast.

“Our second daughter. Always we shall mourn dear Luthien, but the Valar have graced us with another and so I shall name her Lalaith, for the moment she was born, she turned my sadness into laughter.”

Frodo decided it was time to depart and allow the King and Queen time alone with their new family. Returning to his room, Frodo laid down in his bed and for a long time stroked his abdomen. His thoughts longing for the day he would be able to hold his own babe.

‘Dearest one, please be born safe and healthy.’

Sam watched his lover, quietly, as he stood by the window. Outside a parade of Fireworks celebrated the birth of the twin Prince and Princess. Looking away from the window and back at the bed, Sam found Frodo had slipped into a deep sleep.

Smiling in contentment, Sam undressed and then climbed into the bed next to his beloved. Curling up against him, Sam laid his head next to Frodo's and then added his hand to Frodo's abdomen. He hadn't been this happy in such a long time. Far too long. He felt complete too, like all would be well from here on out. They would have a happy ever after. Surely, if anyone deserved such a thing, it would be his beloved Frodo.

Not even five minutes later, Sam joined his love in a deep, but peaceful, sleep.


Frodo was sick. He felt so sick and so dizzy and--the bile rose to his lips. He raced to the privy making it just in time. Second breakfast, like his first, had gone to waste. Sending for the healer, Sam put Frodo back into bed, doing his best to console the disgusted hobbit. Who ever heard of not holding one’s food? What if something was wrong? What if--. Surprisingly enough, it was Aragorn who arrived before Graham.

A quick exam revealed that all was well, Frodo had just started the normal procedure of all pregnant women, morning sickness. A few hours later, Frodo carefully ate a piece of toast with a bit of honey slapped on it. When Frodo showed signs of keeping it down, Sam brought some more honey and bread. By afternoon, Frodo was feeling better and able to eat a fair bit of luncheon.

Permitted to get out of bed, Frodo sat quietly in a nearby chair by the fireplace. The days were getting warmer, however, today dark clouds filled the heavens. It looked like they were in for some rain. A cool breeze chilled him slightly and Frodo soon found himself wrapped up in a thick blanket. Sam joined Frodo's side, offering him some freshly made hot tea. After what seemed like a long time, Sam looked to his beloved to see the mists of confusion and worry creasing Frodo's brow.

“Stop that,” he ordered at once.

Frodo looked back Sam perplexed, trying and failing to look puzzled. “What?”

“Stop obsessing over things. Of all the things that have changed, that has not. You still think too much. Always you fear of being a burden to everyone. I daresay it was from the loss of your parent's, when you were so young, that this was brought on and going off to Brandy Hall. But that is a long time ago and in the past. Frodo my dearest, we love you. So many love you. Their is nothing that we would not do for you. You are thinking you are making me sacrifice my home for your happiness. My love--”

Sam got to his feet and in two strides he was in the chair beside Frodo holding him in his arms. “My happiness is with you. It always has been. Since the day you came to Bag End. The sun only came out when you were present. My home is with you. And for your information, Frodo, don't you think that I have missed Strider, Legolas and Gimli as much as you have? You were in the West, yes, but I was in the Shire. Merry and Pippin came when they could, but they too were busy in other affairs. Wives and children of their own. I was sometimes very lonely. Though I was happy for everyone of them, I missed them all dearly. I wished just like you that we could all be together. To never be separated by such distance.”

Frodo tried to hold back the tears, but Sam kissed Frodo on the cheek and it was the undoing of it all. Tears slipped though. “Sam.”

“I know what is in your heart, because it is in mine too.”

Frodo couldn't help but shake his head. “What about the children? You and Rosie's? Is it so fair to have them move back and forth so. Are we not being selfish because we went on an adventure and never want to see some of it come to an end?”

Sam shrugged. “Here we go again. I thought we had this conversation already? Me dear, you seem to forget how children bounce back. That they can and do overcome great obstacles. I do not think that they will find this an upheaval or a bad thing. I think they will like this arrangement. I wish that you would trust me in this.”

“I do,” replied Frodo.

Sam squeezed Frodo's hand. “Then stop fretting so. All will be well. I can feel it. We have already overcome great things. What is a new home compared to all that we‘ve been through?”

Frodo finally took in a deep breath and let it out. When their eyes met, the fear had lessoned and Frodo was able to smile again. “I love you, Samwise Gamgee.”

“And I love you, Frodo Baggins, with all my heart and soul,” and Sam sealed that love with a kiss.


He headed silently into the kitchens. He had been given a great deal of money for this act. He had never liked the new King, weak he was. So lenient to everyone, even to the enemy. Denethor would have been a far better King. He had once worked under Denethor. Faithfully. Then came the siege and Denethor's death, his beloved Master.

It was the King's fault for his death. For so many long years he had kept silent, however, he kept his opinions to himself. Too many loved the new King. So many loyal men at his beck and call. Bah! Only drink and living in the lower levels of the city had helped to keep his temper under control all these years and to forget the Master he had loved.

Now he was given this chance to get even. For Denethor, for his beloved. Seeking work in the citadel hadn't been difficult. Some of his former friends and colleagues were glad to see his return. It only took a bit of sweet talking to get a higher position. Just enough to allow him access to certain places. Like the kitchens.

The dark shadow moved to the designated area where only the food prepared for the King and Queen was made. He took out a small vial from his pocket and smiled. By nightfall, the King and Queen would be dead.

Then--step two. While all feared the sickness of the King and Queen and grieve their sudden deaths, he would snatch up the Ringbearer. By the time they realized the truth of what happened, he would be far away. His revenge would be complete. Soon, Cerebus would have his new whore and he would be a very rich man.


He was hungry. No, he was starving, completely and utterly starving. He craved Mushrooms and pickled eggs. Yes, and some of that nice mustard and honey slapped on to some hot bread. No, butter would be better, butter and honey and mustard. Yeah, yeah.

Frodo crawled out of his bed and giving Sam a warm look, he leaped for the door, heading straight for the kitchens. All that was on his mind was food and he wanted it now.


Previous parts can all be found here.
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:

Return To My Love 1 all six parts will be posted on my slash website page later today. Will then place a direct link.

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