Return To My Love 5/6 LOTR Slash, Frodo/Sam

May 13, 2006 11:40

Warning: Mpreg
By Summer

Class: Slash
Pairings: Frodo/Sam
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Mpreg
Time and place: Post Quest, After Frodo leaves Middle-Earth.

Beta read by: Grapeofdeath

I would also like to dedicate this story to Grapeofdeath and to bluebell.

Disclaimer: I am making no profit, I do not even dare to try to own these characters, I am simply playing with them. Once the story is over, everything goes back to whence they came. Happy?


Days passed into weeks. Every day, Frodo wandered the gardens of the Citadel or could be found in the Queen's chambers knitting. Frodo was never left alone and almost always had the company of either the Queen herself or one of the Fellowship. Aragorn tried to keep Frodo's thoughts off Sam by talking about the quest or playing a game of chess. But Frodo's mind kept wandering and couldn‘t seem to keep his attention on any subject for too long. His very thoughts centered on Sam.

He had known all along, deep inside his heart, that something was wrong. He should have insisted on going to the Shire first. He should have insisted leaving as soon as he was told about Rose‘s death. Frodo sighed, and by the third week stay at Minas Tirith, Frodo was beginning to doubt returning to Middle-Earth had been the right decision. In returning, he was becoming a burden to everyone.

Even if Sam came, what difference would it really make. With Rosie gone, Frodo could not bring himself to even think about trying to repair the love he and Sam had for one another. Sam loved Rosie and had happy fourteen years of marriage with her. How could he compete and could he really? Did he even want to?

Frodo didn't want to replace Rose, he had only wanted to be apart of a family again. Now, it seemed even further away then before. Frodo stared down at his stomach and saw that a bump had finally risen. He smiled and would often rock silently in the chair and sing softly to the growing child inside of him. This was the only thing he could really call his own.

In his heart, Frodo was not sure where he fit in this world and even if he ever truly would.


The sound of trumpets caused Frodo to rise from his chair. The Queen had gone to lay down for a nap, and therefore Frodo had returned to his own bedroom chambers to have a nap himself. But, his deep thoughts about his future made sleep useless.

Going to his window, Frodo looked out at the courtyard. He could hear the sound of horses racing to the top level. At least several horse men were approaching the citadel. A few moments later, Frodo was not surprised to see the Twins had returned.

He almost stopped breathing when he spotted a mysterious smaller form set in front of one of the twins holding tightly to the horses reins. The Hobbit was a bit older, his golden hair had a bit of whiteness in it. He also seemed a bit thinner then he last recalled, but the gentle worn face and plain but well managed clothing made him unmistakable. Sam, had come.

Frodo quickly turned from the window and began to pace fretfully. His hand holding the other in a tight grip. He could feel butterflies in his chest and he wasn't altogether sure if he could continue to walk.

“Breath, just breath, you silly Hobbit. Be calm... you must be calm.”

Frodo had hoped that Sam or one of his cousins would come with Aragorn's letters however deep inside he held some doubt that any of them would come. Now it seemed the one he had feared the most wouldn't, had indeed come. Doubts and fears now raged inside of Frodo's mind and heart. What if Sam came only to scream at him? What if Sam had never forgiven him for leaving? What if... What if...

He did not hear Arwen enter until her arms took him gently by the shoulders. Frodo looked up into the Queen's eyes and felt tears swimming in his own. “I'm frightened,” he replied simply.

“I know.” She then embraced him and without another word she walked out of the room. Frodo remained where he was... waiting.


His hand shook as he made to open the door. It was too much, it was just too much. Surely it wasn't possible. It can't be possible. It was a mistake. It had to be. A horrible joke being played on a simple gardener.

The Queen placed her hand gently on his shoulder and Samwise Gamgee looked up into the Queen's eyes. “You have been so brave Samwise Gamgee, for many years. Do not lose hope now.”

Nodding, Sam took a deep breath and, with one glance behind him, he nodded at Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and of course Faramir that stood in the wings. They were just as nervous at this reunion.

Ten years. Ten years my master has been gone--my beloved. My first love. Sam could still remember running up to Bag End. He had been told that Master Bilbo had a new heir that was coming to live with him. Wanting to meet the new heir, Sam, in his, haste did not watch where he was going and ran head long into a fellow hobbit. When he opened his eyes and managed to get to his feet, he looked up and was mesmerized by the pair of the most bluest eyes he had ever seen with the most beautiful face that went with it. He had never been the same since.

The years that followed seemed to go by far too quickly and, although he was soon after made Bag End's gardener, he was so much more than that to Frodo Baggins. They had become the dearest of friends, breaking through the barrier of servant and master. There were days of fishing and long walks, and trips to the Green Dragon for a cool drink of ale, and stories -- elvish stories told in front of a roaring fire.

When did the barrier break away and go even deeper than friendship, Sam did not know. He only knew that one day, out of the blue---it dawned on him that he was in love with Frodo Baggins. Completely and eternally. The Quest had only caused his love for Frodo to grow stronger. But in the end, his love hadn't been enough. Perhaps once it could have been... before that blasted foul Ring.

Frodo had declared his love to Sam upon that firery mountain, but when they awoke in Minas Tirith, something had changed. He felt it even before they headed back to the Shire. Frodo had started to pull away from everyone and everything. Even him, even his Sam. Sam had tried everything to bring back the light in his love's eyes, but nothing worked. And as the days and years passed, Frodo seemed to slip away from him, until finally he sailed away, never to return.

He had gone on with his life. Though he had not wanted to. He had done as Frodo wished and turned to another. He had wed Rosie Cotton who he had always cared for since they were children. He loved her, true, but it had been a different sort of love then what he held for Frodo.

His love for Rosie was warm, like sunshine. Friendly, inviting. She was a dear wife and a wonderful mother. Her very nature spoke of kindness and purity. She was the embodiment of sweetness. She had brought him much joy in the past fourteen years. Simply put, she held his heart. But his love for Frodo had been quite different between the love he felt for Rose.

With Frodo, the love he felt for him seemed beyond this earth. Frodo held his soul. That was the only way he could explain it. It was passionate and flaming. It ran so deep that sometimes Sam had to force himself to remember to breath. His love for Frodo was indescribable. He had never been able to explain it well to his dear Rose. Somehow though, she knew and understood even without him explaining.

That too was a gift. She had even been willing to share. What an exceptional woman she had been. He would never forget his Rose. Her death had been too quick and tragic.

His heart snapped and for a time he thought indeed he would break in half. That his entire body would shatter. He had lost his dearest love, and now his sweet wife. His two greatest loves. He had wanted to die. He had wanted to just lay down and surrender to the darkness. Hope unquenchable. His hope was gone.

It had partly died when Frodo left Middle-Earth, the rest of his hope died with Rose. And he would have gone into that void of nothingness, if it hadn't been for his children. They still needed him. Rose had made him promise not to let go.

“The children will need you in the years to come. You must be there for them.”

It was strange then, though it had not made sense to him at that time. Just before Rosie had closed her eyes she had smiled and began to laugh.

When he reached out to her she turned to him. Her hand gently touching his cheek. “He shall come in the spring. Hope shall be renewed. Yes, oh yes. Be happy my Sam. Know always you have my blessings. I will feel no betrayal. It is all right. I had you for fourteen wonderful years. I have no regrets. Return to thy love.” And then she had closed her eyes and her light came to an end.

Now, it made sense. Rosie had somehow been given a glimpse into the future. The dreams came months later. He dreamed of the sea, and a boat and that instead of sailing away into the horizon, it seemed to be returning, coming towards him. He would often awaken and weep bitterly knowing that it was a foolish dream.

You are a fool Samwise Gamgee. A fool.

Then, the letter came. Sam had fallen to his knees when he read the words from Strider--The King. He had to read it twice and then finally have his oldest child, Elanor read it to him.

It was then he looked into the twin sons of Elrond and told them he would be packed by sundown. And he was. He had paused for a long while, unsure at the last moment if he should leave the children. But Elanor had already sent for Rose's parents and she was old enough to watch the younglings until they arrived. He had paused once more as he made his way out of Bag End's door. He turned and met Elanor's eyes and saw her smiling.

“Go to him father and bring him home once and for all.”

“I loved your mother. Make no mistake of that.” Elanor had reached out, hugging her father and sadly whispered into his ear. “I know father. But it is Frodo you loved first and always will.”


He had been astounded by her insight. But Elanor only chuckled at her father.

“How could I not. I have read the Red Book a thousand times and heard your story told time and time and again. Only a fool would not know how much Mr. Frodo meant to you. As mother said to you on her dying bed, I give you my blessing as well. Now go. Don't look back. It is time to put away the tears and return to love.”

And Sam came. Now, here he stood. A door was all that held him from all that he had been yearning for the past ten years.

Ten sad and pain filled years. This past year the worst wounding of all.

Return to love.

Frodo was healed. Healed and whole. Sam paused and doubt filled his heart. But what if Frodo was still distant, what if. Frodo no longer loved him anymore. What if--

“Go Sam.” Aragorn opened the door and quickly pushed the hobbit inside.

The door closed and locked behind him. Sam stumbled forward then catching his feet he raised his eyes and beheld the most bluest eyes he had ever seen and the most beautiful face. Time seemed to come to a stop, and for a long moment they just stared into each others eyes and then--

With a sob in their throats, they flew into each others arms and embraced each other once more. Ten years of seperation had come to an end. Never again would they be parted, not in this life or any other. Frodo and Sam---had returned to their love.


Previous parts here:

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Nearing the conclusion. Will post the last part tomorrow. Then I will be uploading the story on my website. Feedback, yes please.
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