Title: Mistakes
AaronlisaFandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing/Characters: Rupert Giles, Faith Lehane
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Summary: Giles realizes over the years that he's failed Faith as a Watcher.
Word Count: 1158
Giles is aware.. )
Comments 11
If you don't mind a small tiny critique? You have an error in the first paragraph that needs correcting; it made me frown and pulled me out of the narrative a bit: this sentence here-
All he can do is hope that the Watcher has promised to send out for her is one that can break through the walls that Faith has erected around herself.
I'm thinking you meant "the Watcher that the Council has promised to send out for her" instead?
I do think, if Giles had been Faith's Watcher, things could have turned out differently though. Look how he was with Willow, and she went way eviler than Faith did.
Thanks for sharing!
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