May 01, 2010 02:09

Welcome to the 2010 summer_of_giles! We're ready again to celebrate two months of Giles-y goodness and we hope you are too. Remember, from June through July this site will be devoted to Rupert Giles, our favorite Watcher, librarian, sometime magician, smart, occasionally sarcastic, warm-eyed, sexy and protective man from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. If you're hesitant about signing up (say you had a date last year but you didn't make it, or you're feeling shy) - please sign up for a day! We welcome everybody! Especially if you want to get your toes wet for the first time in making something fandom related!

This year in addition to your favorite mods Elizabuffy & me, we've also asked Shannon (shannon730) to help us out! Please welcome her and adore her because she's awesome for stepping up!



Sign Ups start - Now!!!
Sign Ups end - May 31th, 2010

Master List Calendar: Check it out right now, right here!

Posting Begins - June 1st, 2010
Posting Ends - July 31st, 2010


How To Sign UP:

So, you'd like to join and do something (fic, icons, headers, drabbles, vid, meta) for summer_of_giles? YAY! We're happy to have you!

1) Just check out the master list calendar to see which days are open HERE
We are allowing two people to sign-up for every day (so don't be afraid if your day already has a name).
We are also allowing each person to sign up for TWO days if you want to. (Just 2 though, ok?)

2) Comment to this post with the following information:
Preferred posting date:
Do you want a second day: Yes / No
If yes, 2nd Preferred posting date:
What kind of Giles-y thing will you do?: (graphics/manip/icons? drabble? fic? meta?)

3) You will be notified confirmation of your day. Make sure you join the community (so you can post on your day) and friend it (so you can see updates)!

4) Go, create! Write, draw, icon, vid something, anything about Giles.

5) Post your creation on the day you have been assigned.

6) Feedback other creators, have Gilesy discussions, and bask in the reflected Giles-love!

Quick links:

For any questions, please leave a comment to any mod post one of your three mods will will be happy to answer!!

Let the fun begin!!!
katekat1010 & elizabuffy & shannon730

admin: mod post

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