Title: Till Time Shall Cease, 4/4
sahiyaPairing/Rating: PG-13, Gen (Giles-Buffy friendship + Angel)
Word Count: 32,000 total
Disclaimer: Not mine. They belong to Joss, Mutant Enemies, and a bunch of other people. S6 would have gone totally differently if they were mine. As you shall see.
Summary: Post-"Flooded" AU: An angry, exhausted watcher, a glowery, ensouled vampire, and a suicidally depressed slayer find themselves in the flat-share from hell in London. And, oh yes, did I mention that something's haunting Highgate Cemetery?
Author's Note: Betas, betas, oh how I love my betas. A million thanks are owed to
fuzzyboo03, and
kivrin for hand-holding, brainstorming, picking the nits that had to be picked, helping me see the forest for the trees, and, in the case of Antenna, dragging my ass to Highgate in the first place back in January, without which this story wouldn't exist at all.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Thanks very much, everyone! See you back here at the end of July for my second (well, third, I guess, technically)
summer_of_giles day!