Summer of Sam Love 2012 Challenge

Jul 02, 2012 21:23

After some thought, the easiest way to get your contributions up this year seems to be if you just do a post to the Summer of Sam Love comm. Anything submitted during the posting period (July 1 - August 15) will be included in the two polls (one for fan art, one for fiction).

Things to remember:

- Your entry needs to be gen (no slash, het, romance, etc.) and family friendly (no explicit sexual content, minimal graphic violence, minimal harsh language) in order to be accepted.
- Other characters are welcome as long as Sam figures prominently.
- Any season, pre-series or post-series is fair game.
- Your entry should emphasize Sam’s heroic efforts and the setting should involve summer.
- There is no minimum word count for fic entries.
- Please include spoiler information in your post.
- If you don’t want your submission included in the poll then please mark that in the subject line.
- We’ve extended the posting window from July 1 - August 15.
- Have fun!

Future posts will disclose how to vote with the polls being open August 16 - August 30.

instructions, guidelines

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