If it's the only card you need to master his deck, yes, it's very much tradable!;3 That cert offer sounds really shiny but I feel like I'm taking advantage... ^^;;
Aaaw, thank you so much! Well, if all else fails I'll definitely cert or cardex you something, because it's still stealing a keeps from you. %D Add to that it's the awesome star slugger of the Nishiura team and there you have it!
Yes, I'm one of the many Tajima fans out there. He's awesome. And I bet there doesn't even exist such a thing as Tajima-haters. ;D
Aaaaw, I know what you mean. I keep trying to master these decks in the order I want them to, but the randomizer keeps getting in the way. D: catcher and woobie will always remain at the rate this is going.
Tajima <3 is everlasting~
*checks deckpost and has cardiac arrest* SINCE WHEN DID YOU HAVE A GUARDIAN03?? O_O
*lol* Yep. Happened a LOT of times to me... ^^;; Sometimes I don't know if I'll be amused or annoyed.XDD;; Nah... you're close to mastering catcher, me thinks. Just a few more and you'll master Abe-kun before you know it. ;3
You've said it! XDD
EH?! O__O;; Oops... I forgot about that card. ARGH! I really have a terrible memory... I think it's been there for quite some time... >.<;; Want a hold on the card? ^^;;
Oosh, sorry for the awfully late reply again. We had a crisis going, but I think we're finally getting a handle on things again... ^^'
Abe-kun will always be a pain in the butt, it's what he excels at. %D But yeah... I mean, it's really annoying, seeing as I'm missing three cards of every current and first priority deck now. It's insane!
Haha, I keep forgetting things constantly. I guess I'm not that good when it comes to organizing things as Rashiea. And I'd love a hold on it too, if it's not too much trouble. %D I only need one more here too then and then I've mastered the guardian deck~
Oh another reason I came running to your post. I'm about to have a card for you certed and I wanted to know which card you'd be most interested in? :D It's for the wank card because I keep putting nearly mastered decks in my masteries, but I can't seem to get them mastered fast enough. Hopefully this will help. -__-'
Well, it sure is nice to be glomped! *glomps back* XDD
I really don't mind so, don't worry about it. ;3 Although I hope things are finally going well for you... :<
XDD;; I'm with you when it comes to Abe-kun which is why I wanted to collect Mihashi and him together.^^;; And I think missing just 3 cards on those decks is both frustrating and nice in a way. Frustrating since you only need 3 more to finish them but nice since it means there's a big possibility of mastering more decks at the same time. ;3
*LMAO* I don't think anyone can beat Rashiea and Mango when it comes to that. They're both monsters... ^^;; Well, Bon as well when she was still single-handedly mod-ing TCG... XDD;; Of course it's perfectly fine! I'm already holding him for you. ;3
So that's why I couldn't see Tajima in your post!XDD;; I was looking for it the other day... ^^;; Umm... would it be all right to ask for a seer04 then? it's the last card I need to master Kakyou
( ... )
I sure could use one so I'm not letting go anytime soon. *glomp*
My Father lost his driver's license a few weeks back due to driving under influence, but he still hasn't gotten it back despite swearing off alcohol. He's been doing great though and I'm awfully proud of him. The thing is a week ago my Grampa had a stroke when he was out on vacation in Spain, so they had to hospitalize him there. Then a few days ago one of my Uncles who'd traveled over there said he was out of intensive care, but yesterday we got word he isn't up to coming back home because his condition is too precarious at the moment...
The irony is that we had planned a family trip to Spain at the start of October.
I just asked Doodle if she would cert me a seer04, by the way, so you'll get that one soon-ish. Thank you so much! ^^
*huggles* Hang in there, okay? ^^ *glomps you some more* XDD
I'm really sorry to hear about that. I'm hoping for your Gramps speedy recovery. :< Although if he's still in a precarious condition, I guess it would be best not to travel, yet. Same thing happened to my Grandpa last year... his doctor was so relieved when they decided to stay until he fully recovered.
Hmm... that is ironic... although if you look at it positively, you can enjoy Spain with your Gramps.^^
...and I wonder if this'll make you happy but I Rashiea just okay-ed Kazu-san's deck.^^ Just do be patient 'tho.^^ I think they'll include him in the next release. ;3
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts! For a time it all seemed to be going okay, although he doesn't speak a word of Spanish he hung in there and the doctor even said (in English) that he was a model patient and he could go back home by Friday, but then we got word that there were some complications and now he has to stay for who knows how long
( ... )
I think your Gramps will be out of that hospital soon. ;3 Just have faith in him.^^ He seems to be a really great grandfather... *___* And like what they say, fortunate things always follo unfortunate ones.^^
Meh... no need to worry about spamming and such! To be honest, I spend more time updating and replying to comments in this TCG post than reading my friends' journals. ^^;; *gets shot* With how my work is these days, I can only do things here and there. I am in the process of organizing more things 'though... ^^;; They just keep piling up! x___x;;
Glad to hear that then!XDD And those images are the least bit crappy! I'm actually more nervous that what I made was not as good as the other Oofuri decks... ^^;;
And there's a whole nother reason I won't let go -- the autumn weather is seeping into my bones. O~O *HUGGLE*
Yes, he will! We went to see him this sunday because he finally got transferred back to the Netherlands, but he still has to stay in the hospital for at least one day. I hardly recognized him because of him losing so much weight, but I was so glad to see him. ^^ He cried, thinking I wouldn't come because I hate hospitals since that was where my Mom spent most of her last days...
Confession time. I haven't read any of my friends' journals since a few days after joining TCG. %D Not that I'm good with that sort of thing to begin with... ... Ah, I know what you mean. TCG is really much more time-consuming than you might think at first glance! :O And it's so easy to drown in trades and prize claims -- I have a hard time catching up with everything, just because I spent a few days from home... x_xThank you~ And I'm sure it will be a great deck! I really can't wait to see it. And master it. And put it up with my Junta deck, all
( ... )
;__; You're prolly in your vacation right now... I really fail at replying... x___x;; But I do hope you'll enjoy it~~ *___*
As for the weather... *gives you a blanket and huggles you some more* or maybe you can go here since the weather here is still quite hot.XDD;; I guess living in a tropical country sometimes has its advantage... ^^;;
I'm really glad he's back and is recovering! That truly is great news! ^,^ And I'm sorry about your Mom... :( Although I hate hospitals, too. I think I've had enough of it to last me a lifetime. I've been a very sickly kid so, I used to be confined in the hospital almost every month. x__x;;
*lol* I really admire people who can stay updated with everyone.^^;; Hmm... or maybe at first when you don't have a lot of cards it's still pretty slow but wait until you reach level 07 or 08 and that's when things'll start getting complicated. XDD;; I haven't answered all my prize claims to be honest... >.<;;;XDD I hope you like it then~~~ *____* It was fun making his deck with all the angles and stuff
( ... )
Here's cuffs16
( ... )
( ... )
If it's the only card you need to master his deck, yes, it's very much tradable!;3 That cert offer sounds really shiny but I feel like I'm taking advantage... ^^;;
Aaaw, thank you so much! Well, if all else fails I'll definitely cert or cardex you something, because it's still stealing a keeps from you. %D Add to that it's the awesome star slugger of the Nishiura team and there you have it!
Yes, I'm one of the many Tajima fans out there. He's awesome. And I bet there doesn't even exist such a thing as Tajima-haters. ;D
No problem at all~~ ;3 I'm glad you're mastering Tajima already. I don't want him to be left out in your card post. He'll be really lonely. XDD;;
And yep! Me too~~ He's someone who's just difficult NOT to like.;3
Aaaaw, I know what you mean. I keep trying to master these decks in the order I want them to, but the randomizer keeps getting in the way. D: catcher and woobie will always remain at the rate this is going.
Tajima <3 is everlasting~
*checks deckpost and has cardiac arrest* SINCE WHEN DID YOU HAVE A GUARDIAN03?? O_O
*lol* Yep. Happened a LOT of times to me... ^^;; Sometimes I don't know if I'll be amused or annoyed.XDD;;
Nah... you're close to mastering catcher, me thinks. Just a few more and you'll master Abe-kun before you know it. ;3
You've said it! XDD
EH?! O__O;; Oops... I forgot about that card. ARGH! I really have a terrible memory... I think it's been there for quite some time... >.<;; Want a hold on the card? ^^;;
Oosh, sorry for the awfully late reply again. We had a crisis going, but I think we're finally getting a handle on things again... ^^'
Abe-kun will always be a pain in the butt, it's what he excels at. %D But yeah... I mean, it's really annoying, seeing as I'm missing three cards of every current and first priority deck now. It's insane!
Haha, I keep forgetting things constantly. I guess I'm not that good when it comes to organizing things as Rashiea. And I'd love a hold on it too, if it's not too much trouble. %D I only need one more here too then and then I've mastered the guardian deck~
Oh another reason I came running to your post. I'm about to have a card for you certed and I wanted to know which card you'd be most interested in? :D It's for the wank card because I keep putting nearly mastered decks in my masteries, but I can't seem to get them mastered fast enough. Hopefully this will help. -__-'
I swear TCG has made me age a decade...
I really don't mind so, don't worry about it. ;3 Although I hope things are finally going well for you... :<
XDD;; I'm with you when it comes to Abe-kun which is why I wanted to collect Mihashi and him together.^^;;
And I think missing just 3 cards on those decks is both frustrating and nice in a way. Frustrating since you only need 3 more to finish them but nice since it means there's a big possibility of mastering more decks at the same time. ;3
*LMAO* I don't think anyone can beat Rashiea and Mango when it comes to that. They're both monsters... ^^;; Well, Bon as well when she was still single-handedly mod-ing TCG... XDD;;
Of course it's perfectly fine! I'm already holding him for you. ;3
So that's why I couldn't see Tajima in your post!XDD;; I was looking for it the other day... ^^;; Umm... would it be all right to ask for a seer04 then? it's the last card I need to master Kakyou ( ... )
My Father lost his driver's license a few weeks back due to driving under influence, but he still hasn't gotten it back despite swearing off alcohol. He's been doing great though and I'm awfully proud of him. The thing is a week ago my Grampa had a stroke when he was out on vacation in Spain, so they had to hospitalize him there. Then a few days ago one of my Uncles who'd traveled over there said he was out of intensive care, but yesterday we got word he isn't up to coming back home because his condition is too precarious at the moment...
The irony is that we had planned a family trip to Spain at the start of October.
I just asked Doodle if she would cert me a seer04, by the way, so you'll get that one soon-ish. Thank you so much! ^^
I'm really sorry to hear about that. I'm hoping for your Gramps speedy recovery. :< Although if he's still in a precarious condition, I guess it would be best not to travel, yet. Same thing happened to my Grandpa last year... his doctor was so relieved when they decided to stay until he fully recovered.
Hmm... that is ironic... although if you look at it positively, you can enjoy Spain with your Gramps.^^
...and I wonder if this'll make you happy but I Rashiea just okay-ed Kazu-san's deck.^^ Just do be patient 'tho.^^ I think they'll include him in the next release. ;3
Thank you as well~~~ *___*
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts! For a time it all seemed to be going okay, although he doesn't speak a word of Spanish he hung in there and the doctor even said (in English) that he was a model patient and he could go back home by Friday, but then we got word that there were some complications and now he has to stay for who knows how long ( ... )
I think your Gramps will be out of that hospital soon. ;3 Just have faith in him.^^ He seems to be a really great grandfather... *___* And like what they say, fortunate things always follo unfortunate ones.^^
Meh... no need to worry about spamming and such! To be honest, I spend more time updating and replying to comments in this TCG post than reading my friends' journals. ^^;; *gets shot* With how my work is these days, I can only do things here and there. I am in the process of organizing more things 'though... ^^;; They just keep piling up! x___x;;
Glad to hear that then!XDD And those images are the least bit crappy! I'm actually more nervous that what I made was not as good as the other Oofuri decks... ^^;;
Yes, he will! We went to see him this sunday because he finally got transferred back to the Netherlands, but he still has to stay in the hospital for at least one day. I hardly recognized him because of him losing so much weight, but I was so glad to see him. ^^ He cried, thinking I wouldn't come because I hate hospitals since that was where my Mom spent most of her last days...
Confession time. I haven't read any of my friends' journals since a few days after joining TCG. %D Not that I'm good with that sort of thing to begin with... ... Ah, I know what you mean. TCG is really much more time-consuming than you might think at first glance! :O And it's so easy to drown in trades and prize claims -- I have a hard time catching up with everything, just because I spent a few days from home... x_xThank you~ And I'm sure it will be a great deck! I really can't wait to see it. And master it. And put it up with my Junta deck, all ( ... )
As for the weather... *gives you a blanket and huggles you some more* or maybe you can go here since the weather here is still quite hot.XDD;; I guess living in a tropical country sometimes has its advantage... ^^;;
I'm really glad he's back and is recovering! That truly is great news! ^,^ And I'm sorry about your Mom... :( Although I hate hospitals, too. I think I've had enough of it to last me a lifetime. I've been a very sickly kid so, I used to be confined in the hospital almost every month. x__x;;
*lol* I really admire people who can stay updated with everyone.^^;; Hmm... or maybe at first when you don't have a lot of cards it's still pretty slow but wait until you reach level 07 or 08 and that's when things'll start getting complicated. XDD;; I haven't answered all my prize claims to be honest... >.<;;;XDD I hope you like it then~~~ *____* It was fun making his deck with all the angles and stuff ( ... )
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