Canon Points You Guys

Apr 29, 2010 22:33


So the mod table has been talking. A lot of our older canons -- and some of our newer ones, too -- have become kind of convulted and confusing. Apping a character often means talking to all your canonmates in order to figure out the canon point, which can be kind of intimidating if you're a new potential player. Some characters have been rendered unappable, simply because of the current canon point -- FOXHOUND members, Krystal (the female character in Pokemon Crystal), etc.

Despite that, we've already got some "time paradoxes" existing in SBG. Characters that have aged significantly between games have used the hot springs of youth to appear as their younger canon selves. Characters from Mother 1, 2, and 3 all exist together. Any Fire Emblem game is appable, even if that means risking Eliwood and Roy meeting or Nino running into her twins. Characters from Link's Awakening and Majora's Mask are appable, even if they're from dreams/freaky parallel worlds/etc. Toon Link and adult Link can exist together.

So, SBG, here is the question: should we extend that and say that players can app from any point in the canon that they want to?
- It would be less confusing for new players
- It would settle the issue when players are having difficulty ironing out a canon point
- If someone wants to canon update, the entire cast doesn't have to update with them
- Characters that would be dead/significantly aged/turned into cyborgs/not born yet because the canon point is in 1952 can still be apped
- If your character changes significantly over the course of canon, you can play the version that you want to

If you have a character already in the game and would like to change their current canon point, you will be allowed to canon update. This would be handled somewhat like the student -> teacher changes -- a shorter app, basically, explaining the changes to your character's personality and backstory.

- Potential IC confusion ("Hi dad!" "...I don't have any kids what the") that players may not want to deal with
- IC spoilers ("Yeah you die a horrible death in like two years" "...oh 8(")
- Potential retconning ("Yeah my character never actually saved the world even if he talked about it with your character like ten times now") -- a memory wipe or a "reset"/blank slate, or just a partial retconning of certain events, would be an option if you wish. This is totally up to your discretion.
- People you have CR with may choose to reset when they canon update -- just the same as when a new mun apps a previously-played character and resets, that CR has to be restarted

But how is this working? Wouldn't this cause a million time paradoxes?
It's Brawl. We've already got medieval swordsmen hanging out with galactic bounty hunters. If an IC explanation is necessary, then take your pick:
- Dr. Wily built a time machine/bought the Phase Distorter off Ebay and is messing around with it
- All the magic and crazy wacko stuff concentrated in Smash Academy alters the fabric of reality itself
- If Dawg's cool with it we could play the "Dialga did it" card
- Or just go with an AU for your character if you don't want to app with any of those explanations.

Please only vote with one account. Bear in mind the poll is set so text entry responses, as well as voters, are viewable to this account only.


mod post, important

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