Simply [Epilogue]

Sep 07, 2007 21:27

 Title: Simply 
Author: Sum3r            
Genre: Romance/Slight angst?
Pairing: JaeMin
Rating: hmm…. PG-13 - PG-17 
Warning: Needy!Jae and Innocent!Min. Higher rating later on.
Summary: Jaejoong waits for Min to express his feelings, hurting him but wanting him all the same, Epilogue
Disclaimer: Plot is Mine. Smexi boys arent.
[A/N] ahhh!! another late update! >.< sryy~ i got up with school and guessing you guys know how FUN tht is...
But here it is ^___^ the last part of my 5 part fic! woot! XD thanx for the comments and maybe? (dont kno yet) i will do another fic. Hope you guys enjoy!~~~

Changmin-ah? W-when did this--?


You close the door and gently put him to bed. You lay him upon the sheets and cover him, as he turns to his side immediately and breathes out evenly. You wish to join him in the bed, to pull him close and hear his heartbeat. To hold him in the simplest way possible, even for a second in this haven.

You close the door behind you as you enter into the living room, where the rest lay sitting. Yunho took the love seat, his legs crossed, his face worried and thoughtful. Yoochun and Junsu took the sofa, Yoochun with his eyes on his interlocked hands, pondering and Junsu with his confused and disbelief look shown straight on his face.

As you enter and take the second loveseat across from them, they all look at you, waiting for you to talk, to explain, to tell them.

Changmin is mine. You almost winch at the words, knowing that this is not what is supposed to be said. But you continue on regardless, with no emotion, no tone in you voice.

Yes, what you did see was correct. We are together-together as in a couple, as lovers. We have had feelings for each other for some time and now, we plan to be open with it.

You make your face unreadable, with no emotion and no hints of any of the thoughts racing around your mind.

But Jessica-ah - states Junsu - did you know before that you-

Yes. I have waited for three years. Junsu doesn’t say anything after that and there is silence. Lost in their thoughts, you wait for a bit. You greet silence with silence-leaving yourself open with any objections.

I will not let him go. Understand that, Accept it. This is who we are and what we will be. This time, you add force into the words. Saying them slowly and emphasizing the important parts, you make it clear to them. You each into their eyes and silently you tell them to make a decision.

Yunho is first. He looks at you, his eyes thoughtful, but with no malice or disgust. Maybe he knew, you thought, he was your best friend after all….maybe he understood from the beginning.

As long as it does not disrupt TVXQ’s activities, then as leader-shi, I do no object, says U-Know Yunho, leader of TVXQ. You knew he was already thinking about what will happen when it will end, but breaking-up was never an option to you. It was always, always about getting him, ending up together that breaking-up never entered your mind. And you knew that it will never happen. You will make sure it will never occur.

He gets up first and moves to leave, but not before he clasps your shoulder and presses hard.

I am happy for you, says Jung Yunho, best friend of Jaejoong. You nod your head with his acceptance, masking the relief in your eyes. But as you look towards the other two, your shoulders stay stiff, your posture rigid.

We have an interview in about an hour and a half. Get ready. He states out loud before leaving and heading into his room, as though this was a simple meeting. Maybe it was.

Yoochun is next. He looks at you, a question in his eyes. You thoughtfully ponder his movements and begin to notice his previous actions, little tid-bits you missed because it was Min whom you always looked at, Min whom you paid attention to. Maybe that was the reason why you missed his actions, and the way he would silently stare at the other member. Getting hot and cold, with the extra touches, and the looks.

­He was the only one for me. I accepted it a while ago. You say, giving him the words he needs to hear. He nods to you, understanding and glances at Junsu, giving proof to your thoughts. He then gets up.

It will be hard, but I think…I think you will be good to him. Good for him. You nod again, telling him that you knew. He looks at you one more time before he walks away, leaving only Junsu behind.

He makes a move to open his mouth, but then he closes it, his shoulders sagging as he fully grasps into the situation. You look to him, into his eyes, as he stares back, as though he wants to get the answer from within there. Maybe he did, you ask, as after a few seconds, he seems satisfied with what he has seen. Then he asks the one question you did not voice out, one question that the members did not say.

Do you love him? A simple question.

Yes. A simple answer. He then gets up, and puts his arms around you. You’re surprised, but you gently reciprocate back without missing a beat as he whispers It was hard, ne? Your stop your eyes from widening, only looking at him as he slowly pulls back. He gives you a small smile before he turns away, heading into his room as he leaves you standing there.

You still for a moment, replying the last moments until you are sure that it was the truth, sure that everything, for the moment, has worked out fine. You take a deep breath before you head back into his room. You close the door gently behind you slide into the bed sheets, coming near him, but barely touching him. You stare at him for a moment, realizing you do not have enough time, that it was only early morning, the fact that you need to make a full breakfast, make sure he will be okay for the rest of the activities, that you need to switch rooms.

But as you get closer, putting his head on your chest as you wrap your fingers across his waist, you close your eyes and listen to his heartbeats, matching yours with his. These realizations escape as you lose yourself with these feelings, if only for an hour, a minute, a second longer with him.

Why? You would ask yourself. Because he was simply yours.

fanfiction: dbsk, fic: multi

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