Apr 08, 2011 03:17
- 17:01:23: Today's such a nice day. And I'm stuck at work.
- 23:54:20: Rereading Twilight for shits and giggles. Maybe it'll get my writing mojo going. If she could, I can.
- 23:57:59: @ MoonNavyKaiser What? Like I said. If she could do it, I can totally do it. And better. >=3
Tweets copied by
Apr 03, 2011 03:15
- 08:51:38: Pink Elephants on Parade! -officially lost mind when downloaded the song two nights ago- Yes, singing it at work.
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Mar 30, 2011 03:17
- 15:41:53: Glenda is something else. I just bought all those red shirts and now she wants us to wear green. Grrrr
- 18:00:11: I'm having a bad day at work. Forgetting to do stuff, take money, make drinks. -sigh-
Tweets copied by
Mar 24, 2011 03:16
- 15:15:25: RT @EpicTweets_: That awkward moment when you realize you’ve been pronouncing a word wrong your whole life... #epictweets
- 19:20:44: RT @EpicTweets_: Dear sexually active,Roses are red,violets are blue,STD's are contagious,so be careful who you screw.Sincerely,public s ...
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Mar 23, 2011 03:21
- 00:00:33: RT @EpicTweets_: There's always that one guy that no matter how bad he hurts you, if he says "i love you" you'll always say it back♥ #ep ...
- 00:01:36: RT @EpicTweets_: Dear left leg of slut, Long time no see! Sincerely, right leg of slut. #epictweets
- 00:01:53: RT @EpicTweets_: Wouldn't It be //A W E S O M E// to go back to kindergarten
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