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Comments 29

authoressnebula November 7 2005, 06:20:37 UTC
Amen sweetie. *huggles*



suki_blue November 7 2005, 06:25:25 UTC
~huggles and plants a big sloppy kiss~



writan_bur November 7 2005, 06:29:00 UTC
*hugs back*

As a similar late-comer to the fandom, I can't help but agree.

There's still so much left to explore, I don't want the fandom to die. Not when I only discovered it so recently (ok, it's about 2 years now, but still!).

and yes, I don't have any intention to desert to cricket slash, not totally, at least! ;-) I got a corner of my heart reserved for all time for the Spander loving! ;-)


suki_blue November 7 2005, 06:36:41 UTC
Exactly! We're just beginning! And I bet there there others who are even newer to the fandom than we are! We must welcome them with open arms!!!

I've got into Giles/Xander recently, but I know that I've only just scratched the surface with that pairing. See? So much left!


amejisuto November 7 2005, 06:46:24 UTC

You made some really great points sweetie!! While I've watched Buffy faithfully since mid-second season. But I didn't find slash until after the show was over so I missed years of drooling on Spike and Xander!

I will always be a Spander Girl. But I've always been multi-fandom. I found Spander fics after reading my dear lomelinde_sama's fic Chosen Ones which is a crossover with Gundam Wing. And it wasn't even slash because I'm the one who got her hooked on Spander!

You write and play in other fandoms, but there isn't any reason to throw Spike and Xander out! They're still cute! I also don't have a problem with people trying out new things, or stretching your writing talents, I'm doing that myself but don't forget the people who got you started writing!

I may play in other playgrounds, but I'm a Spander Girl 4ever!!

As for reviews, read Child of the Hunt if you can find it!! I lost it when I moved two years ago and cried because it was so damn good!!


suki_blue November 7 2005, 06:55:17 UTC
Thanks, luv!

Now, you are the perfect example of someone that has respect for a fandom. You play all over the place, but I've never once heard you put another fandom down because you're not into as much as you were or because it doesn't quite match up to our beloved Btvs.

Why can't others be like that? Why can't we all play nicely? Why slag off someone elses' preference? Hey, I don't like Spangel, but have you ever heard me bitch about it? No. Because it's just as valid as Spander.

Child of the Hunt. Right. I'll search it out. Thanks!


amejisuto November 7 2005, 07:05:17 UTC
See if I had to get snotty about my first fandom, well hells it would have to be Batman. Daddy bought me my first comic with Bats when I was like three and I've been hooked ever since.

And there are fandoms I just can't stand and you couldn't get me to read without a gun to the head. And while I might joke I've never come out and put it down. I just don't read it! That's why the close button is on the window, if you don't like don't read!!

Everyone has different tastes, different ideas of what is fun to read or write. It doesn't make everyone who disagrees with you wrong, it just makes them different.


tyrical November 7 2005, 07:08:40 UTC
I, like you came to this fandom late ( ... )


suki_blue November 7 2005, 07:57:18 UTC
It's always good to know that I'm not the only one that kinda came in late!! And the plus side is that we do have a lot of stuff to look through. I reckon I've only just scratched the surface.

Hopefully our fandom will go on and on and on, and will continue to be a lot of fun. We all contribute, whether we're writing, leaving feedback or just discussing the fandom in general on our journals and in communities.

Btvs and Ats is still alive and it's all down to us - then fans.

~big hugs~


lunabee34 November 7 2005, 07:34:32 UTC
I completely understand about being a latecomer to the fandom. I did watch the show before I found fandom, but I didn't get involved in fandom until well after both Buffyverse canons were closed. I, too, am sad that I missed out on wondering where the series would go and squeeing over new episodes and being irritated that a fic I wrote got Jossed. I think that's one of the reasons I've gotten so excited about Firefly. I could look forward to and make predictions and dissect Serenity all as it was happening, not after the party was done like I've done with Buffyverse fandom ( ... )


suki_blue November 7 2005, 08:07:11 UTC
You're so lucky having that with Firefly and others with HP and SGA etc. It must be wonderful. So much excitement every week and so much worry for the characters. I would love to experience that. It must be a real buzz.

Myself, I'm well and truly happily buried in Btvs and I haven't been able to take on any other fandoms - not properly. I mean, I'm a total and utter Lost nut, and I do follow the communities and spend a lot of my day talking about it, but still something is missing for me, something that would allow me to take it to the next step - obsession. LOL!

And to be honest? I can't see myself ever leaving the Btvs fandom. And if everyone else leaves and it's just me here on my own...well, I just have to talk to myself about it! Hee!

But one day I might crossover a little and write something different, but I could never slag off (bitch at ;o) ) Buffy. After all, this is where I started.


lunabee34 November 7 2005, 08:43:29 UTC
You could always train Sims!Spike and Sims!Xander to have convos with you. LOL


suki_blue November 7 2005, 09:06:51 UTC
LOL! I could!


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