Spuffy Questions

Oct 06, 2005 16:21

Peekaboo! )

fanfic stuff

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Comments 25

vichan October 6 2005, 09:19:39 UTC
I'll warn ya before you read through this whole thing - this is Not Helpful. I just started typing and it turned into my train of thought of Spuffy, because I hadn't thought of it in a while. :p (Sorry ( ... )


suki_blue October 6 2005, 09:42:28 UTC
LOL! That's okay. It's good to hear what people think about the subject in general.

I gotta say, I got into Btvs after it had ended. So I basically bought all the DVD's and watched them one after the other over a period of about a year. Speed!Buffy! And, of course, I knew roughly what was coming. Reading the slash fic at this time, I saw a lot of Buffy bashing and learned the reason why before I even saw it on the show. So I guess it stands to reason that I automatically hated her!

You know, I wondered if maybe Xander got bashed in a spuffy fics. Huh.

I wonder if Buffy/Xander fics have Spike bashing...

I wonder! Anyone answer that??


spikedluv October 6 2005, 10:16:25 UTC
Spike and Angel bashing, I'm sure. What better way to get rid of or show the exes in a bad light?

In fact, I joined a Xander list once that only allowed het (which is no problem, I know there's a lot of slash lists out there), but the members there (at least based on the comments of the people who actively posted, so I don't know what the lurkers thought, of course), absolutely hated, loathed, abhored, both Angel and Spike. Didn't want either one of them with Buffy or Xander. Of course, that could also be because Xander/Buffy was the most popular pairing on that list.

And before anyone asks, I don't remember the name of the list. I scrubbed it from my brain with bleach.


suki_blue October 6 2005, 10:29:36 UTC
Huh. I never even think of Xander/Buffy as being a pairing that would be popular. Just goes to show what I know!

I find it bizarre that a Buffy shipper would hate Angel! I mean, okay, yes, the Bangel in canon made me want to stick my fingers down my throat in the end because it just went on and on and *ON*, but still, *that* didn't make me hate either character.

Now, i'm a complete Xander nut. I've read maybe 3 or 4 fics and the last year that havn't had Xander in the main pairings. And of Course, Xander and Angel had that...tension thing going on, mutal jealousy and wotnot. But still, that did not make me hate Angel at all. I love Angel!

~sigh~ It must be the exes thing. It almost seems that as the writer of a fic *we* are jealous of the ex.

Hmmm. I wonder what the Bander shippers make of Anya?


amejisuto October 6 2005, 11:04:18 UTC
Hee! Thanks for the rec luv. You know the only reason I wrote that was to kill Buffy off.

I kinda liked her up until season six. That was when it went downhill for me. She was always a bit whiny but after that Heaven thing she might as well have started wearing all black and started writing poetry about death and darkness. She was depressing as hell. And just as much at fault in her bad breakups as the guys but for some reason most people thought she was getting the fuzzy end of the lolly pop.

Personally I'd just like to stick that lolly where the sun doesn't shine.


suki_blue October 6 2005, 11:44:23 UTC
yeah, season six really pissed me off. The Heaven thing got boring, just like the Bangel love angst had by the end of season 3. As much as I loved Angel, I was glad he fucked off! Thank Christ he got his own series!

Anyway, I digress. Season seven pissed me off too. I didn't like the whole First plot and it was downhill from there. I just hated what the writers did with Spike. They could have done so many wonderful things with him.

Well, you know where they went wrong, don't you? When they gave him his damn soul back! Grrr! And by using Buffy to degrade and use him I think they turned a lot of fans against her. I know Spike did bad stuff too. But he's a vampire, for gods sake! He's supposed to be a little bit evil. That's why we love him!

Anyway, I keep digressing so I think I'll go write some G/X. Yay!


Off on a tangent of my own sweet_exile October 6 2005, 12:55:32 UTC
I've never read a Spuffy fic that except what was written in Nexus. That's not really why I'm commenting.

Although Buffy was horrible to Spike. That wasn't what bothered me about her. It was the whole I fight alone, am the only one stuff. I know Faith was in prison at the time but she is still a Slayer and deserves some recognition. Not forgetting about Kendra who no one ever mentioned again after her death. Buffy's friends are important and it didn't seem right to me that she forgot that. Buffy would have died at the end of Season 1 if Xander hadn't given her the kiss of life.

As for the whole Buffy/Spike saga. It was Spike who really annoyed me. I just wanted to shake him and tell him to get a grip. I think it spoiled the character of Spike for me. I liked him much better when he was evil but that might be just me *grin*.


Re: Off on a tangent of my own suki_blue October 6 2005, 13:12:02 UTC
That's the thing, Buffy wasn't a sticking to the rulz sort or Salyer, as Giles turned out be the same as her Watcher. They both broke the rulz and allowed friends to fight by her side. She was always protective of them, but as the seasons progressed her chacter seemed to forget how important they were and what they had already done.

I could kill the writers for what they did to Spike. I get that he had an obsessive nature but there were others ways to exploit that. He was evil and so much fun! I remember sitting down to watch Lover's Walk with my grandad. I was bouncing in my chair going 'ooh, this is Spike. He's the BEST one!!!' And my grandad's going 'but he's a bastard! He's evil!'

EXACTLY!!! He might be Love's Bitch, but, for me, he never should have been Buffy's bitch. Erm, talking about Spike there, not my grandad. ~g~


Re: Off on a tangent of my own sweet_exile October 6 2005, 13:22:37 UTC
Yes Spike was a bastard but that's why we love him. The writers seemed to forgot and/or ignore that fact and made him whiny and annoying.

He got a little better in Season 5 Angel mainly because he was there to piss off Angel. Which is always good for a laugh.


Re: Off on a tangent of my own suki_blue October 6 2005, 13:26:42 UTC
Agreed on both points.

I actually thought that S5 of Angel was the best one and Spike was the reason for that. The two just played very well of each other and they were both a lot less whiny!!

And who can ever forget the Caveman/Astronaught Argument?!


lunabee34 October 6 2005, 20:11:34 UTC
I think my problem with Buffy was that I didn't start watching until the tail end of season 4, just about the time Spike started thinking he might like her. So all my enjoyment of the show was really centered around his character. It wasn't until recently when I went back and watched the first two seasons really closely with notetaking,LOL, that I remembered how much I really like Buffy and how cool she is. Now, I feel more understanding towards her character during those later seasons.

I actually completely understand the Buffy/Xander ship. The show itself was shipping them really damn hard and I think it would be an interesting pairing. It's actually one I've never read, but one I think could be done really well.


suki_blue October 7 2005, 02:56:31 UTC
Yeah, see, I liked her up until Spike came along and got all googly eyed at her. I just hated that whole story line with a passion. And I think that one of those reasons that I hated it was not just because it degraded my blondie bear and changed his character, but also it made me hate Buffy.

I really don't want to hate her and I'm determined to get over it. So much so that I'm even considering writing a Buffy centric fic. ~shakes with fear~ Hey, I could try Buffy/Xander! ~vomits just a little~

Hmmm, but seriously, I see a small bunny and it's hoping towards me in slow motion.


lunabee34 October 7 2005, 06:19:25 UTC
*wipes the bile from your chin and hands you a pencil*



suki_blue October 7 2005, 06:20:32 UTC
Why thank you! Only a true friend would do that!


authoressnebula October 6 2005, 20:24:36 UTC
Weeell, much like slash stories, they can have their happy ending (like I tend to give them) or they can follow the path of what season 6 could've been, season 5 could've been, hell, season 2 could've been. If things had changed ( ... )


suki_blue October 7 2005, 03:17:18 UTC
Hee! I just *knew* you'd be the one to deliver such a comprehensive answer! Hee ( ... )


authoressnebula October 7 2005, 06:58:19 UTC
*giggles* I aim to please. Hee ( ... )


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