Holy Who-Would-Have-Thought?!

May 17, 2010 15:10

I totally took myself by surprise today. There I was drifting around the house complaining about the army of elephant-sized squirrels (builders) working on our roof and the next thing I knew I'd written the first draft of a small Catman/Deadshot porn fic. At one point, there was a Grandad and a nurse in the next room and five men outside my window ( Read more... )

dcu slash, catman/deadshot, secret six

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Comments 7

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suki_blue May 17 2010, 14:47:16 UTC
LOL! I need to re-draft it a thousand times, though. I suck at porn, so to speak :oD


velvetwhip May 17 2010, 15:49:27 UTC
If you can porn under those conditions, you have much of which to be proud!



suki_blue May 17 2010, 16:06:04 UTC
LOL, very true!


darkhavens May 17 2010, 19:45:19 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! You should feel proud! *feels proud on your behalf*

If you want to discuss porn-writing, I am here to give (hopefully) helpful advice and pointers. :D


suki_blue May 17 2010, 20:04:46 UTC
Teehee, 1400 word porn fic coming your way ...


kitty_poker1 May 18 2010, 00:55:34 UTC
LOL! So you should feel proud! I wonder what the builders would've thought if they'd suspected there was an evol mind behind that butter-wouldn't-melt face. *g*


suki_blue May 19 2010, 17:15:56 UTC
Hee! A dread to think!


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