Fun With The Flash!

Feb 21, 2010 14:55

I just found some fabulously funny Silver Age Flash covers at scans_daily on Dreamwidth. I had to share.

Click to be disturbed and amused

Also, my Big Dick Fic is coming on nicely. My Muse hasn't been so willing for a long time.

comicsbigbang fic AKA My Big Dick Fic

6626 / 10000 words. 66% done!

comicsbigbang, the flashes

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Comments 12

kitty_poker1 February 21 2010, 15:07:07 UTC
Wow, the Muse is really getting a move on! *\o/*


suki_blue February 21 2010, 15:15:00 UTC
Yeah, I'm really pleased! Hurrah!


saifai February 21 2010, 15:22:54 UTC
*snerk* poor kate. Love the comments they made on the figurine. LOL

Good going with the fic. Moving right along!


suki_blue February 21 2010, 18:02:08 UTC
Thank you! I'm so pleased I'm actually writing something. I've been blocked for so long now.


shiny_glor_chan February 21 2010, 17:25:34 UTC
Oooh, nice progress. Can't wait to read and see what you do with Jason and Dickie and Timmy too. XD


suki_blue February 21 2010, 18:05:30 UTC
Thanks! It's turning into an epic. I'll be going way over the minimum word count. I'm still quite nervous about portraying Jason correctly! He's an easy character for writers (including the official ones!) to bash and I don't want to bash him. I want to fix him, and Timmy too!


shiny_glor_chan February 21 2010, 19:08:20 UTC
You already have the right attitude and lots and lots of reference material, so you should be fine. XD If you have anymore worries, just contact me, and I'll be glad to keep helping you. XD


suki_blue February 21 2010, 20:45:05 UTC
Thank you so much. You are incredibly kind :o)


darkhavens February 23 2010, 20:22:57 UTC
Wow! I just wrote a little over 1000 words today and am feeling most productive and eager to write more, and lookit you! Very well donw, darlin'!

OMG, some of those Flash covers are seriously disturbing. BWAH!

*twirls you*


suki_blue February 23 2010, 20:58:49 UTC
Oooh, well done, luv! Hurrah!! I know you're going to do some wonderful things to our Dick.

That sounds weird, doesn't it? Hee!

I loved the cover with the swollen head *g*


darkhavens February 23 2010, 21:38:39 UTC
The swollen head was freaky!

Dick is just about to climb into Slade's lap. How's that for wonderful? ;)


suki_blue February 24 2010, 16:10:18 UTC
Ooooooh, yay!


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