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Comments 11

kitty_poker1 January 1 2010, 21:16:49 UTC
Loved the Adipose!

The bar scene kinda made sense to me. Jack was obviously depressed and hadn't moved on. In my head, Ianto was his greatest love, never to be forgotten, but it wouldn't really fit with Jack's character to stay celibate forever. *sob*

Russell Tovey was a good choice as his rebound fling, I thought.

It's early days, but Matt Smith made a very good first impression. The ending, revisiting previous Ten companions and friends, was a good idea, imo. It gives Eleven a clean slate. Looking forward to Spring!


sweet_exile January 1 2010, 21:28:44 UTC
I agree with Kitty. The Janto Shipper in me hopes Jack will remember Ianto forever but that's a long time.


suki_blue January 3 2010, 17:31:23 UTC
I do love that we have a clean slate now and I'm looking forward to seeing Matt Smith in action. I have a really good feeling about him and will have my nose to the ground sniffing out information on the new series.

And I really need to give Jack and the Adipose a great big hug!


ionaonie January 1 2010, 22:35:55 UTC
The Adipose was SO cute. I totally squealed.

The Doctor and Master scenes were awesome. I so squeeed when the Dr said the Master could have been beautiful.

The end, with Wilf doing the knocking and DT's face - oh, that was beautifully acted and broke my heart.

I kind of liked the bit in the bar, although I might just have liked the fact that Alonso was there and was another nod to previous episodes.

I'm looking forward to the new beginning, too. If RTD had remained in control I would be too scared to carry on watching Dr Who after he fucked up Torchwood so amazingly.


suki_blue January 3 2010, 17:34:38 UTC
I so squeeed when the Dr said the Master could have been beautiful.

I don't even ship them and so did I! That must have been such a wonderful moment for the shippers.

The end, with Wilf doing the knocking and DT's face - oh, that was beautifully acted and broke my heart.

Oh yes, that's the bit that really got me. I'd been thinking the knock four times thing had turned out to be a bit crap but then that happened and my blood ran cold

If RTD had remained in control I would be too scared to carry on watching Dr Who after he fucked up Torchwood so amazingly.

LOL, I agree. I'm rather excited now for the new season.


accioscar January 2 2010, 03:28:56 UTC
I hated the bar scene. Not because I don't want Jack to ever be happy again, but because it was clearly RTD sticking the knife in. Well you know what? RTD can kiss my arse!

Tbh, I wasn't crazy about the whole thing. To me, it felt anticlimactic and just lacking in general. The whole 'defeating the Timelords' scene was pretty pants overall. He just shoots the machine and that's it? It's over? Just like that? I could've done that! And I didn't really like the ending either. Martha/Mickey?? WTF?

Basically, all I have to say is I'm so VERY, VERY sad to see David leave, but I will NOT miss RTD AT ALL. Honestly, if he hadn't been leaving I wouldn't have carried on watching. Just like I won't be watching Torchwood S4. The simple truth is, my Torchwood, the show I fell in love with, is DEAD. I think I've finally accepted that now but it still HURTS.

Anyway... I am SOOOO looking forward to Moffat taking over (and to seeing what Eleven's going to bring to the role. I think I'm going to really like him).


suki_blue January 3 2010, 17:39:39 UTC
I hated the bar scene. Not because I don't want Jack to ever be happy again, but because it was clearly RTD sticking the knife in. Well you know what? RTD can kiss my arse!

That's exactly how I felt. I can totally accept and believe that Jack would try to shag away his pain with a cute guy, but I don't think that was the point in the scene. Imo, it was a message to us from RTD. I cannot be convinced otherwise.

I still haven't decided if I'm watching S4 of TW. I think I will, because it will hurt to watch it and I'm sometimes a bit of a masochist about these things. I am tempted to illegally download it, though, so as not to up their ratings ;o)

I think I'm going to like Eleven too. I'm getting excited about it now.


thismaz January 2 2010, 05:12:14 UTC
Not watched it yet, but wanted to wish you a very happy new year and a great 2010.


suki_blue January 3 2010, 17:40:32 UTC
Happy New Year, luv!! I hope it's a fantastic one filled with wonderful things for you!


kimalis January 2 2010, 23:55:25 UTC
... )


suki_blue January 3 2010, 17:42:29 UTC
Happy everything to you too! I hope you are well.

The bar was very Star Wars Cantina I thought, but it was nice to see Jack again and smiling too.

LOL, yes it rather screamed Star Wars, didn't it?

After months of being unsure, I think I might like Matt Smith.

Me too!


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