My nipples are a little sore ...

Nov 11, 2009 19:02

... so it's probably nearly that time of the month, which might explain my sudden emotional outburst yesterday. There I was happily catching up with DC's Blackest Night, specifically Issue 3 of the Titans tie-in, and I burst into tears. I'm marking the moment here because it's the first time a comic has made me cry ( Read more... )

dc comics, comic scans, blackest night, picspam

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Comments 12

aphelant November 11 2009, 19:47:25 UTC
Aaaaahhh oh my god, poor Donna! D:

(does that work, squishing their heads? I've only been reading the Batman and Superman crossovers, and they only took out limbs, which then grew back... I HOPE THE BABY'S HEAD DOESN'T GROW BACK OMG. EUGH.)

(also, Cassie's expression on the second page made me lol IRL)


suki_blue November 11 2009, 20:21:43 UTC

LOL, that would be rather ghastly! No, Dove somehow manages to sever the connection between the bodies and the Black Lantern rings they're wearing. Not sure how it works yet, though, or if or how it'll tie in to the main storyline.

(also, Cassie's expression on the second page made me lol IRL)

Haha, me too!


booster17 November 11 2009, 21:14:17 UTC
That got to me too. Poor Donna. :(

But as a long time Hawk and Dove fan, loving what they're doing at the moment. I suspect we'll end up with male-Hawk back at the end of this.


suki_blue November 12 2009, 16:45:23 UTC
That got to me too. Poor Donna. :(

It's really sad, isn't it? Out of all the zombie attacks, that's the only one that really got to me.

But as a long time Hawk and Dove fan, loving what they're doing at the moment. I suspect we'll end up with male-Hawk back at the end of this.

I admit I don't know a great deal about them, but their story is most definitely awesome. I can't wait to find out what happens next.


kerryblaze November 11 2009, 22:13:24 UTC
1) I think that I'm going to start reading this.

2) I totally want to cosplay Darkstar at D*Con next year.


suki_blue November 12 2009, 16:46:40 UTC
It's had some critisism, but I've really enjoyed it so far.

Cool, you'd look great!! I'm considering my dress-up options for the SFX convention. There's a masked ball.


hull1984 November 11 2009, 22:25:32 UTC
Okay a few things...

1. I read your subject line and spat wine onto my keyboard. So thanks for that ;)

2. I'm not a comic fan at all but clicked anyway (frankly I felt I owed it to your nipples)

3. Oh my heart. In my defence I am a mum. So heartbreaking :(


suki_blue November 12 2009, 16:48:14 UTC
LMAO, sorry about your wine! My nipples appreciate your attention. Uh ... you know what I mean :oD

It really does tug the heartstrings ~sniffle~


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suki_blue November 12 2009, 16:53:30 UTC
Yeah, they def all used the same formula, but this was the only one that actually got to me. Aside from subject matter, I thought they paced this whole issue really well. It certainly hit me in the right place :o(

Dear DC comics, Darkest Night is not as good or innovative as you think it is.

LOL, the thing that I really like about Blackest Night apart from zombies which always rock, is its simplicity. It's what I enjoyed so much about BftC, too. The storyline is simple and doesn't require much brain energy to follow. Being a follower of comics for only about the last five years, DC ties me up in knots sometimes tryng to understand just the history of the storyline!


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suki_blue November 12 2009, 19:05:30 UTC
I think the last issue is going to come with a sachet of poisoned kool aid for everyone to drink taped to it.

LOL, now if they actually do tape some kool aid to it I'm going to become seriously worried!


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