Criminal Minds: A Very Small Morgan Picspam

Jul 23, 2009 18:39

He's a hot love god with a gun and a massive heart. He's the perfect man. Don't believe me? Click the cut and see for yourselves. literati, make sure you're sitting down.

Caps are by me and are from The Fisher King, Part One. You may take and use as you will.

Derek Morgan )

criminal minds picspam, criminal minds, morgan, reid/morgan, reid, picspam

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Comments 33

slrcosmos July 23 2009, 18:23:12 UTC
Tell me about it! I just bought the first three seasons and I'm halfway through season 3 right now. I think CM is one show where I actually like every character. That doesn't happen that often for me.


suki_blue July 23 2009, 18:26:30 UTC
Oooh, you've got some treats in store!!

I think CM is one show where I actually like every character. That doesn't happen that often for me.

Yes, same here! It took me a while to warm to Gideon and then Rossi and I went off Elle, too, but now I luffs them all! Especially my Spencer ~huggles him~


slrcosmos July 23 2009, 18:31:47 UTC
I've seen all the seasons before. I actually started following CM during season 3. It's just nice to watch them all in order.

My least favorite character was Gideon and sometimes Elle. I warmed pretty quickly to Rossi and Prentiss and Spencer is my favoritest.


suki_blue July 23 2009, 18:51:38 UTC
LOL, love your icon.

Oh I see! Yeah, I was surprised how quickly I warmed to Prentiss. She's very cool. I don't quite know what it is about Spencer, but he's so lovable! Can't wait for season 5.


darkhavens July 23 2009, 18:35:16 UTC
*licks the screen*

If I actually saw a guy like Morgan in real-life, I would be tempted to pass out.

I wouldn't blink, just in case I missed something. *g*

So very delicious. YUM!


suki_blue July 23 2009, 18:52:47 UTC
LOL! I really do feel the need to lick him all over! Have you seen the naked pictures of him?


darkhavens July 23 2009, 18:56:34 UTC
Naked? Morgan? *flails*



suki_blue July 23 2009, 18:59:09 UTC

... )


kmousie July 23 2009, 18:48:37 UTC
Omg, yes. This totally made my day.

My knees would go on break if I saw a guy like Morgan. He'd be all startled and help me up. Heh.


suki_blue July 23 2009, 18:53:17 UTC
LOL! He would so help you up, yeah definitely!


kmousie July 23 2009, 19:14:37 UTC
I'd stumble into his big, strong arms. ;-) He'd probably be used to that!


ningloreth July 23 2009, 19:28:29 UTC
I love that icon! It is the cutest!


ningloreth July 23 2009, 19:27:19 UTC
Wow... Naked! He has nothing to be ashamed of, does he?

I love his tattoos, too :-)


suki_blue July 23 2009, 19:29:30 UTC
I bet he's rather proud! Very nice.

I love those tats. The lion is so Morgan.


saifai July 23 2009, 20:16:24 UTC
That second to last one, a very sweet pic indeed! *happy sigh*


suki_blue July 27 2009, 19:09:10 UTC
It's so cute, isn't it? Morgan staring into his eyes ...


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