Gibbs is here!

Jun 21, 2009 10:54

My new computer arrived on Friday, which was way earlier than I expected. He's big, beautiful and orange and he weighs a fricking ton! But he lights up such a pretty blue and he looks fabulous next to my new Twenty-Two-Inch Tony ~happy sigh ( Read more... )

reid/hotch, reid/gideon, new shiny things, criminal minds, reid/morgan, reid

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Comments 17

woman_of_ June 21 2009, 10:45:33 UTC
New computer sounds wonderful, but I think that big a screen would just do me in. Especially when reading fanfic. Guess I'm just used to something smaller.


suki_blue June 21 2009, 12:12:37 UTC
I've got to say, it's going to take some getting used to, even though when I look at my old screen while I'm copying stuff onto my portable harddrive it seems far too small!


ravenqueen55 June 21 2009, 13:02:06 UTC
Hubby just bought The Sims 3 and has been playing it steadily ever since. And I remember what it was like when we got our widescreen monitor ~ it took me ages to get used to it, but I love it muchly!


suki_blue June 21 2009, 13:27:51 UTC
It such a great game and it's made such a difference playing it on a better computer. Luffs it.

It certainly feels very weird on my eyes at the moment, but already my little monitor looks far too small!!


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suki_blue June 22 2009, 16:34:03 UTC
That's such a shame! Reid is definitely the best one. I luffs him.


kmousie June 21 2009, 16:34:09 UTC
I'm v. amused that you named your computer Gibbs. ♥ He'd laugh out loud at that.

Also, Morgan. Guh.


suki_blue June 22 2009, 16:34:55 UTC
Hee! He just looks like a Gibbs, all tough and imposing ~happy shiver~

OMG, Morgan is just beautiful!


kmousie June 23 2009, 02:55:10 UTC
Silver Fox. *g*


saifai June 21 2009, 16:57:26 UTC
*giggles* You named your computer Gibbs? *hopes you don't notice my computer's Xander nametag*

Had that issue with my newest monitor since the screen is widescreen. Reading stories means downsizing the window. LOL Story tennis. I like that.

Yay for Sims 3!

Criminal Minds is awesome. Just finished season 4 here. Spencer Reid is my fav too, and I've not read stories for him. Let me know if you find any good Reid/Morgan stories.


suki_blue June 22 2009, 16:37:18 UTC
Hee! I also have a laptop named Lucius ~g~

I'll definitely post any Morgan/Reid recs as I stumble across them. I meant to start looking today, but got all distracted by a mammoth NCIS fic!


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