May 25, 2009 17:07

I told myself I was going to watch all the seasons before I started reading the fanfic, but as it turns out, I'm far too impatient for that. Who knew?!?!

Puppy Love by xanthestories -- Gibbs/DiNozzo

Tony's true inner self is revealed - as is his heart's desire…

Why should you read this? Because Tony gets turned into a puppy and it's damn cute.

Wants and Read more... )

ncis, gibbs/dinozzo, gibbs, tony dinozzo, gibbs/dinozzo recs

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Comments 33

mulder200 May 25 2009, 16:57:03 UTC
Thanks for the recs!


suki_blue May 25 2009, 17:06:02 UTC
You're welcome!


kitty_poker1 May 25 2009, 17:05:05 UTC
Bugger. I really wish I liked DiNozzo more.

I've got any number of J2 fic to rec, though. *g*


suki_blue May 25 2009, 17:08:27 UTC
He's a nice guy under all that chauvinism and womanising and arrogance. It was his upbringing that did it. He just needs an older, marine-type guy to put him right. ~cough~ Yep, got it bad.

How's the J2 reading going?


kitty_poker1 May 25 2009, 17:13:46 UTC
LOL! I'll try again because it's you, but he really seems like just a pretty plank who doesn't add to the team.

J2 reading is going brilliantly! I'm reading possibly the best ff ever, better than Sands of Time or Repossession, imo. And, babe, you know if I say that, it's serious. *g*


suki_blue May 25 2009, 17:23:36 UTC
LOL, he is very pretty, but he also has his hidden depths. VERY, VERY hidden, but I sees them. Hey, if Abby likes him, he's gotta be nice, right? Hee!

Wow, better than SoT? But I thought nothing was better than SoT. Whoa ... :oD


mjmcca May 25 2009, 17:06:36 UTC
I suggest you read everything that Katherine has written. She is an amazing writer. She is also know as KSL and has some stories on that have not been posted to her website yet... plus her home page is a geocities site and they are closing soon. She also archives her NCIS fiction on WWOMB.

As to your other rec Xanthe also has some amazing NCIS stories out there They should also be available at her site.


suki_blue May 25 2009, 17:13:42 UTC
Thanks so much for the pointers! Oooh, I'd forgotten Geocities was coming down.

I had no idea there was an NCIS archive. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! ~rubs hands together~



mjmcca May 25 2009, 17:34:01 UTC
here is another NCIS specific archive:

For LJ I would start with this community. it lists everything posted about NCIS every day, caps, articles fic recs and searches, fan fic posts, Icons, awards

This is a new multichapter AU story that I've been reading

ch 1:

ch 2:

There is a really good multi chapter story out there WIP but is Gibbs/Dinozzo Father /Son rather than 'ship. very well done though let me know if you want to read it.


suki_blue May 25 2009, 17:46:57 UTC
I was wondering if there was a newsletter-type-comm. Thanks so much for all the links. I'll check out the WIP, too.

Yay!!!! ~huggles~


ningloreth May 25 2009, 17:30:41 UTC
I've only seen the odd episode of NCIS but I really like the old guy (old guy -- listen to me) who used to be in Chicago Hope. I've just seen him in Freaky Friday... There's something really sympathetic about him, whatever he plays.

[I also, out of curiosity, watched Stargate Atlantis the other day. Can't say I was very taken with Mc or Shep, though!]


suki_blue May 25 2009, 17:52:25 UTC
LOL, yeah, there's something about him. I think it's his eyes. Gorgeous. He's a proper silver fox, lol!!

Oh my god, I love McShep so much. But for me it took some time to arrive at that conclusion. Half my flist disappeared off into that fandom and they raved about the John and Rodney love. I didn't get it.

You need to watch the first series and I guarantee you'll see it by the end. It took me until the 12th Episode where, approx a minute and a half into it, my heart wetn boom-titty-boom and the McShep love hit me square in the face. I promise you, the love is there to be found!


(The comment has been removed)

suki_blue May 25 2009, 17:53:20 UTC
You got to meet him at work?!?!? What do you do? Did you get to speak to him? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


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