The Hub 2: Photoshoot Pics

Mar 17, 2009 17:53

Under the cut is me with Eve, Gareth and Matt Rippy. I haven't included the one with Kai because I looked like a shape-shifting alien that fails at life.

Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! And stuff. )

gareth hugs, siiiiiick, torchwood, the hub2, pics, eve myles, gareth david-lloyd, matt rippy

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Comments 43

sweet_exile March 17 2009, 18:34:59 UTC
Sorry you're feeling sick but only you could get excited about catching Gareth's germs.


suki_blue March 17 2009, 18:36:22 UTC
LOL, I really do live in a fantasy world!


sweet_exile March 19 2009, 09:24:46 UTC
I officially have Gareth germs too! I woke up this morning with a sore throat and feeling a bit blurgh!


suki_blue March 19 2009, 09:55:53 UTC
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! You're in the gang!

OMG, Gareth has caused an epidemic!! A Garethdemic! Or epigareth!!


sueworld2003 March 17 2009, 18:36:49 UTC
Oh these are all brilliant! And you look wonderful!! Yay!!


suki_blue March 17 2009, 21:00:37 UTC
Thank you! I'm still all wibbly with excitement!


accioscar March 17 2009, 18:43:24 UTC
OMG!! I am sick, too!! I was just about to write about it in my post! WE HAVE GARETH GERMS!!! EPIC!! *\0/*


suki_blue March 17 2009, 21:01:22 UTC
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I've never been so happy to be sick!!!!!


piksa March 17 2009, 18:55:37 UTC
Lovely pics!

I'm just putting my photos up as well, or into photobucket. Will probably post them later tonight. You've already seen them though *g*

I went to see my credit card bill and then quickly closed the page and thanked the PTB that I only have to pay it next month. My credit card bill was about €900 which I guess is about the same as yours was.

I'm not feeling sick so I guess I didn't manage to catch Gareth germs *g* Talking about Gareth. In my opinion the things he said were tamer than in the previous con. I think JB had a bad effect on him. *g*


suki_blue March 17 2009, 21:03:15 UTC
Brilliant, can't wait to see!

It's lots of money, but I think it was worth it, and part of it was two gold tickets for next time. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Talking about Gareth. In my opinion the things he said were tamer than in the previous con. I think JB had a bad effect on him. *g*

Really? I wish I'd been there! I really hope Gareth goes to Hub 3


velvetwhip March 17 2009, 19:16:07 UTC
You look so adorable!



suki_blue March 17 2009, 21:03:26 UTC
Thank you, luv!


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