TW Fic Rec!

Sep 21, 2008 14:51

Me and Mr Jones by lady_sb -- Jack/Ianto

What begins as a fleeting look at a wedding between Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones soon develops into a deep friendship that neither expects. However, Ianto is happily married and Jack is in the midst of planning his own wedding. How will they both cope when feelings start to stir?I'm breaking my own rules with ( Read more... )

torchwood, tw pimp, jack/ianto, janto pimp

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Comments 17

lucy_locket September 21 2008, 14:15:03 UTC
SQUEEE! I knew you'd fucking love it! And wasn't the sex up against the bookcase HOT?


suki_blue September 21 2008, 14:23:59 UTC
ZOMG, I knew I'd love it after the first scene. It's so awesome and every one should read it. Thanks for reccing it, hon.

And wasn't the sex up against the bookcase HOT?

Hoboy, scorching hot! I can't wait for the next part. NEED!


lucy_locket September 21 2008, 14:29:22 UTC

Oh, and have you read this one? It's Jack/Ianto/Idris. I read this at 3am last night and it fucking melted my brain with the hot.


suki_blue September 21 2008, 14:39:29 UTC
I saw that listed at torchwood_three and I nearly read it. But I'm not used to reading things that aren't rec'd! But now you've rec'd it so off I go! LOL!


kitty_poker1 September 21 2008, 14:15:09 UTC
*splutter* But, but, but... What if it's not a happy ending? Is it worth taking the chance? Really? Okay, I will if it's that good. *whimper*


suki_blue September 21 2008, 14:29:10 UTC
*splutter* But, but, but... What if it's not a happy ending?

LOL, I know, that's what I said to Lucy, but she was so insistent -- on several occasions! In the end, I caved and started reading. I really don't know what it is about this fic, but I can't get enough of it. There are a few grammar issues and stuff like that, but it just has *something* that puts it miles ahead. I realy hope it ends well or I shall be shattered by it. If it helps, I think it will end very well.


lucy_locket September 21 2008, 14:30:41 UTC
Yes. Suki's made it clear that it's all my fault if it ends badly, haha. But it's just that good, I think it's worth it.


kitty_poker1 September 21 2008, 14:40:23 UTC
LOL! I'll be second in line with the blaming, then. Okay, I'll give it a bash. But I'll cry if it all goes horribly wrong. *g*


jans_intentions September 21 2008, 14:25:11 UTC
I've been thinking of reading it despite not knowing HP. Her other one, did it have a happy finish? I saw it was done recently. xx


suki_blue September 21 2008, 14:31:07 UTC
Drop Dead Gorgeous isn't finished yet. It has one more chapter. She just finished Quality of Mercy, which is meant to be excellent, but I haven't read that one yet.

I reckon DDG will have a happy ending. It wouldn't make any sense if it didn't. I hope! HEE!


shannon730 September 21 2008, 15:21:15 UTC
You know if you keep reccing fics I'm never going to get mine written and you'll never find out how Jack fixes things...:) Actually can't write now anyway because the kids are a bit afraid of the Rocket!Dog also known as Delilah...she quite likes to launch herself through the air at them to play....


suki_blue September 21 2008, 15:52:47 UTC
Sorry! I just like to distact people with shiny things so I don't feel so bad about my own abandoned stories :OD

Rocket!Dog!! BWAHAHAHA! Christ, she sounds just my Indy -- mad!


shannon730 September 21 2008, 16:00:16 UTC
Ah, is that what you're me I have plenty of abandoned stories mostly BTVS ones...

And yeah, she's stopped doing it to me but the kids, they wave their arms around and walk around with food and she's a puppy and wants to play...And they aren't used to puppies that move freely around the house (well not completely all the bedrooms are blocked off). They have 2 puppies at their house but they keep them chained in the backyard or caged all the idea what the point of a dog is if it's not treated like a pet...or you know a person (did I mention buying a dog cookbook so I can make treats...)


hpstrangelove September 21 2008, 20:25:59 UTC
Well I'll take a chance since it's rec'd by you!


suki_blue September 21 2008, 20:27:48 UTC
Go for it, honey! There's no reason not to love this one.


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