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suki_blue August 5 2006, 15:41:50 UTC
I don't know why, but anytime a fiction character gets shot in the arse it is Hi-Larious.

Hee! I remember Johnny Depp gettting shot in the backside by Peter Deluise in 21 Jumpstreet. Bloody funny. Always is.

Of course the character that gets pierced becomes the butt ~g~ of all the jokes and hijinks ensue.

~groans~ Must be a bit of a bummer. ~bg~

Both of the Stargate series do an excellent job of combining absurd humor and serious situations. Somehow they are able to blend them together and really make it work.

They have the Joss touch without actually having the Joss.


eyezrthewindows August 6 2006, 04:39:24 UTC
JD got shot in the ass on 21 Jumpstreet?? Why have I not heard about this before?!


suki_blue August 6 2006, 14:46:29 UTC
LOL! Yeah. I forget what series it was but she was standing by his car and some guy was shooting at him. Then Penhall (No idea how to actually spell that) shoots at the guy shooting at JD and accidentally shoots Hanson in the backside instead. They both have to have therapy and Penhall buys Hanson a rubber ring to say sorry. Hee! It was very funny.


amejisuto August 5 2006, 16:07:07 UTC
Think Carson and John will kiss it better for him?

Then again based on the subtext from last night it'll be Carson and Ronan kissing it better. HEE!


suki_blue August 6 2006, 14:51:46 UTC
Ah, John has already kissed it better, I'm sure of it. ~g~

Of course I will take Carson and Ronan for a substitute of John is absent for the time being. Hee!


anonymous August 5 2006, 16:59:47 UTC
Ha Ha Ha. Yes Rodney got shot in the arse. I loved last nights episode. From that incident, to John stumbling over his admission that they are all family to him, and Carson questioning Rodney on why he's to go on a mission injured, and finally Carson and Ronan hugging.

But, I don't know if you caught last weeks episodes they where great too. Atlantis had me wondering what else Rodney might have John doing for him while under the influence of that drug, and willing to do anything to do anything to please him. And, Stargate was a crossover with Atlantis. Rodney got lent out to SG1 for the mission. Also, Cameron recommending a slingshot manuver had me flashing back to farscape, and giggling like crazy.


anonymous August 5 2006, 17:21:03 UTC
OK! looking back on this sorry for the errors above. I should quit multitasking while writing something.


suki_blue August 6 2006, 14:57:18 UTC
Heeheeheee, hugging is always of the good! ~happy sigh~

Yep, I saw all the previous episodes and I've loved all the SGA ones so far. I have to say, I definitely wondered what else Rodney had John doing and how funny that it was John he put under his influence and not any of the others. Hmmmmm. ~g~ Oh, and Rodney saying that Ronan held him against the wall. Yum.

I didn't like the crossover one. Firstly becasue I'm brand new to that fandom so I had no clue what was going on and secondly because everyone was really mean to Rodney. My poor Rodney ~huggles him~


darkhavens August 5 2006, 20:24:50 UTC

Yis! And we got to see his underoos! Decorated in kiwi slices!


suki_blue August 6 2006, 14:59:14 UTC

I wonder what the pattern was. Sadly, I was fully prepared to go back and look today after I'd checked my emails. Now I don't have to!

Oh, oh, and I bought the first series this week. I couldn't help myself. ~happy sigh~


darkhavens August 6 2006, 17:54:35 UTC
I recognised the kiwi design immediately, for some bizarre reason, but I have seen lots of people saying it's lemon, and that it's smiley faces and... I made an icon to set them straight. :D

And see, this is what the corporate eedjits don't understand. Fanfic and illegal file-sharing create more fans and then a fair share of those new fans go out and buy DVDs. If Kyri hadn't sent me the first chunk of S1 I would never have bought it - not sight unseen - and as it's showing on 5, which I can't get, I'd be totally screwed and left out of the fandom. As it is, I have S1, am waiting for S2 to come out in box set, and will also be buying the box set of Supernatural if and when it ever graces our shores.
/rant. :D


suki_blue August 6 2006, 18:01:43 UTC
Hee! That is a great icon. Well done you! :oD

Exactly!! If you hadn't sent me series one and half of series two I would never had the oppertunity to get into the series. Now I own series one and most of series two. And I have the series one companion and am considering the CD and the trading cards (because yes, I am that much of a geek).

Also, I made grandad watch the first three eps of Supernatural that you did for me and he loved it so much that we're gonna buy it.


kaaatie August 6 2006, 05:46:46 UTC
Heehee! Poor Rodney's arse! *kisses it better* :D

It was a GREAT episode. I loved the arguing between Carson and Rodney over Ronon, and there were lots of lovely McShep moments! *loves my shiny show!*

And yep, hopefully they'll be lots of great fic from this episode! :D


suki_blue August 6 2006, 15:01:18 UTC
Heehee! Poor Rodney's arse! *kisses it better*

LOL! ~also kisses it better~ I bet john kissed it first, though. ~hopes~

I loved the bickering. It was so very sweet and adorable! Bless their little cotton socks.

~sits back and waits for the fic~


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