
Jun 19, 2006 16:32

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Comments 27

iadorespike June 19 2006, 15:57:12 UTC
Ooohhh!!! Congratulations, sweetie! The SGA fandom is a fun place to be. :) I think you're going to be very, very happy...*g*. I don't know what you've read, but Oblivious by Shalott (Astolat) is the very first story that I ever read in SGA, and I've never looked back! I didn't even know for sure who Rodney and John were at that point, but the story was so compelling that I went looking for more. Let's just say that I haven't regretted it. Enjoy!

Anna *hugs and smooches you*

Oh, and first, on the poll! I'm never first for anything! LOL...


suki_blue June 19 2006, 16:14:12 UTC
~g~ I can't believe it took me so long to catch on!! This stuff is gold!!!

I haven't read that one, but I'll add it to my little list of fics to read before the end of the week even if it means breaking my own leg so that I can stay at home and get around to it. ~g~ Yay!!!! Thanks!!!!

Oh, hey, I'm never first for anything either!! LOL! congrats!! Yay!!!


iadorespike June 19 2006, 16:30:25 UTC
Wheee! It really is wonderful. *g* One more thing to share...*nodnodnod*.

Yeah, the fic I recced is soooooo worth reading. She has written a lot more amazing SGA fic too, and you can get to the rest of it from that story...there's a link. I always think of her as the eliade of SGA, except that she (eliade) writes SGA too!. There are some other wonderful BtVS/AtS writers who write in the SGA fandom too. Just a few are ladycat777, darkhavens, yin_again, kyrieane, wolfshark, and I'm sure many more that I'm forgetting (no exclusions intended!). And the writers I've found because of SGA? Wonderful! You're going to have a ball! *g*

*hugs you*


suki_blue June 19 2006, 17:00:10 UTC
Oh, thanks for all the names, hon!! How exciting! I love my Btvs to bits and I Spander will always be my number one. But finally to have stumbled across another fandom and another pairing that gives me that wibbly, excited feeling is just wonderful.

It was actually darkhavens that encouraged me to see the beauty that it McShep and sent me the whole first series and part of the second.

You guys are all so wonderful!

I feel kinda the same way that I did when I first discovered Slash, this 'WOW' feeling.

And if this series gets cancelled I'm gonna start chopping heads!! LOL!!


eithnex June 19 2006, 16:55:10 UTC
Just wanted to say that I'm always up for a new potential addiction. Will there be crossovers with S/X? I'll look forward to whatever you come up with.


suki_blue June 19 2006, 17:03:38 UTC
OMG! You know, I was dubious, but I thought I'd give it a go. I just didn't see them as a good pairing at first. I wasn't even sure that I fancied them.

But then I watched the fist five episides and ep by ep I started to really see the pairing. By episode 10 I was frantic. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. I LOVE THEM!!!

I've been a jibbering, wibbling, bouncing wreck ever since.

Crossover with Spander? You betcha!!!!


darkhavens June 19 2006, 20:51:20 UTC
There might already be one in the works. *looks shift* Maybe. For a ficathon. *scurries away*


suki_blue June 20 2006, 20:56:03 UTC
Hee! I can't wait to see what you've done with it, you shift thing you!!


karinms June 19 2006, 17:05:49 UTC
I've never seen an episode since the show was never aired in Sweden. Since they never even aired the whole show SG1 (they cut the show at a cliffhanger!) I doubt they'll ever bother with SGA. Anyway, I've tried a few fics (mostly crossovers) before I found this fic: Alone In My Mind by James. It's a threesome with Sheppard & McKay as an established couple and Beckett added later on. It's mostly from Beckett's POV but I think it's a good read. The archive Wraithbait where it's on have some more fics for you to read (e.g. 1235 fics of McKay/Sheppard).


suki_blue June 19 2006, 17:12:58 UTC
Oh, that such a shame that you can't see it! Would you be able to dowmload it? I do that with quite a few shows because they always show them first in America and I don't have the patience to wait until they hit British shores! Hee!!

Thanks for the rec and the archive name. I shall certainly check them out!


yin_again June 19 2006, 17:15:58 UTC
I write McShep! Also, many pet stores sell a spray product called Lo-Shed (I think). You wash the dog, then spray the stuff on and rub it in and it's supposed to help. I used it on my cat years ago with good effect. Also, it depends on the breed of dog - some do a big shed twice a year of their undercoat and there's nothing you can do about it.


suki_blue June 19 2006, 17:22:46 UTC
Yay! I'll come scrabbling through your journal later ~g~ Is there a McShep equivalent to bloodclaim? I'm wondering now just how popular the pairing is.

Oh, I'll go have a look at the pet shop tomorrow. I've never heard of it, though. I'm not sure we have it in England.

Indy is shedding at an incredible rate. He's a Black Lab and it seems to be his ENTIRE undercoat coming out. He's just about to turn five and it's never been like this before. Still, he doesn't seem bothered. ~g~


kaleecat June 19 2006, 17:26:47 UTC
Sigh. I so do not get the McShep, had this conversation last night with someone else on LJ. I don't like John that much so I find it very hard to get interested in fic focusing on him. (loathe weir though)
That said, I *do* enthusiastically second the rec up above for James' 'Alone in Your Mind' because its a Carson-centric story and I adore him. so it makes the inclusion of john into the mix okay.

Since I like Carson Beckett so, Rodney/Carson is a pair I can totally get behind. and wouldn't mind being in front of or in the same room as. ;-)

(big fan of Carson/Radek as well. Love Radek.)

James also has a great centaur-AU set in Atlantis. Its kind of hard to explain, but really really good. Actually, I recommend James/Gila period. I'm going to assume you read James' most excellent Spander series written with Wolfling, "Sands of Time".

If you want to try some Rodney/Carson, I recommend the most excellent writing of
MiceThe 'Moments Sacred & Profane' series is long and wonderful. For a more accessible and quicker intro, try ( ... )


suki_blue June 19 2006, 18:03:56 UTC
I love John!!! I think Rodney is my fav, though. He's so grrr but auwww at the same time, you know?

I think Carson is a very funny character. I can see him in a lot of comedy fics. I'll def read your recs and see what I think about him and Rodney. I'm not sure though. I feel as thought my love of McShep will be as anal as my love of Spander. But then again, I'll take Xander with just about anyone now, so maybe that will translate to Rodney too.

it makes me kind of sad because so many Stargate SG-1 Jack/Daniel writers have completely abandoned it for SGA.

you know, I think SGA takes quite a few writers from different fandoms. I remember being dismayed that people on my flist were driting over.


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