I mean New Year's wishes XD
I tried going to a few journals and doing greetings, but it would take ages to go through each and every one XD not to mention some of you disabled comments on your post!
So, I'm a little late, but...
Happy New Year
Now on to more interesting stuff!
video present #1: Narimiya!! )
Comments 32
Btw, is Yamapi in a concert? because he really seem in a model walk xD
I still have to see the other perf of Ponyo on MS.
I didn't know of this other perf. It's gonna be hard finding it >< I tried jpopsuki but they don't have it. what sort of show was it? probably there were other singers, right?
I have no idea where this was from. But it was probably either a concert or a live performance at some show. he looks super, doesn't he ? ^__^
tutt'ora mi piace tantissimo, non ho visto Innocent Love perche' mi rifiuto (dopo Last Friends, Cat Street e i film di Nana non voglio piu' una sceneggiatura di Asano Taeko a rovinare la mia vita ;_; ), ma l'ho amato tantissimo in Bloody Monday per esempio... sa passare dal ruolo di bravo ragazzo della porta accanto a quello di psicopatico in maniera eccellente ♥ L'ho visto veramente in un sacco di parti *_*
poi, in questa stagione ha filmato due drama con due caratteri talmente diversi !!!! sa qlcs del suo carattere in IL ? nn me lo sarei mai immaginato !! XD però, nn ce lo vedo per niente ! XD
ah io nn faccio mai caso ai nomi tipo direttore, scenografo, etc. questo però sarà meglio tenerselo in mente ^_^;; hai visto cat street? io ho visto appena 10 minuti del primo episodio e mi sono annoiata, e nn ho più avuto il coraggio di riprenderlo XD ho solo bisogno di qlcn che mi dica che nn ne vale la pena XD
Dici del fatto che Subaru e' gay? (se non ho capito male... ho leggiucchiato degli spoilers)
Se e' quello, sappi che anche Narimiya lo e' ^^;
ah io nn faccio mai caso ai nomi tipo direttore, scenografo, etc
io sempre, il cast tecnico e' importante quanto quello artistico se non di piu'... perche' un attore recita su uno script e diretto da qualcuno, e se queste persone non sono capaci c'e' poco da fare.
Asano Taeko ha fatto tutte sceneggiature che mi hanno fatto schifo, quindi la fuggo come la peste.
Al contrario per esempio io ADORO Kudo Kankuro, quello di Ryuusei no kizuna, tutto quello che ha fatto l'ho adorato, pure il mio drama preferito e' suo.
hai visto cat street?Due puntate intere ( ... )
dovrò tenere in mente allora quei due nomi. me li sono già scordati XD
E ora le domande ovvie: qual'è il tuo drama preferito? E quali sono gli altri 2 drama brutti che hai visto nel 2008?
Is Innocent Love that bad? LOL you made me want to watch it just to see how bad it is XD
Flumpool definitely rocks XD I've been listening to their album on repeat for the past week or so. Every time I watch their performance or pv, I marvel at how wide the singer's mouth is LOLL
IL is that bad. lol Why do you want to torture yourself XD I finally realized that Horikita Maki isn't that good of an actress, Kitagawa Yuujin is a better singer than actor, and the story is just too full of unpleasant events. It feels they just put in there as many ugly things as possible to make people interested, which had the exact opposite effect on me ^_^;;
:O I didn't know that Kitagawa is a singer! I thought he's a brand-new actor LOLL. I'm not exactly a fan of Nari or Maki, so I guess the drama's going to be something I'll watch when I have nothing else to watch LOL (which is not going to be anytime soon... so many things to watch!)
Kitagawa is the main singer of the duo Yuzu. I like some of their songs ^__^ He did act a long time ago as well, but then stopped and dedicated his time to music. LOL seems like you're not a fan of anyone in that drama. More of a reason to leave it XD watch bloody monday or sth !! XD now THAT is an awesome drama ^__^
But it really isn't worth it. Is there anything else you didn't watch this season?
Yamapi! O_O
suke-chan T_T ohisashiburi da ne ><
How've you been? How's the connection nowadays? Does this mean you'll be online more often now? *__*
Narimiya <3 Did you see him in Bloody Monday too? He's really great in that ^__^
Nozomi-chan is so adorable ^__^
Connection's good. I'll be online way often now ^_^
ahhh he's in there too!!! O_O *didn't know* SWEET. I love him haha.
SHE IS~~ haha.
Yay, I'll be looking forward to more interaction from now on then ^__^ though I have limited time myself ^_^;; I saw the Japan pix you posted <3
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