Title: When Righteous Turns Foul
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Main!KyuSung, Main!RyeoMin, Main!EunHae, Friendship!KyuSungRyeoMinEunHae, BestFriends!KyuMin, BestFriends!YeWook
Genre: Adventure, Angst, Fantasy!AU
Summary: Infiltrating an antagonistic city is one thing. But living there for 5 years, forming friendships and even finding love, and eventually
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Comments 608
Again, HeroKyu, with some broken fingers come to the rescue... :D
Aww..the last scene....just...squeaaaaaaaaaaaaal...*sorry for the massive fangirling*
Have a good rest Bi..You can do everything when you're healthy :D
Umm. . . . MGJGMGDAPJMJTGAGB. . . . Aaaah. . . *grins stupidly*
OMG I'M SOADDICTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(her exact text, well I added a few exclimation points. haha)
Okay, I totally hate KyuHyun's father. I nearly killed JongWoon !!!! I can't accept this !!
Hum... KyuSung is just so perfect there ^^ Seeing death together but geting safe together ! And well... I don't know what makes JongWoon change his mind with Kyu but I'm glad ! Perhaps nearly loosing him was the shock he needed ?
Thanks !!
I cant believe it, so exciting XD
I really want to know why Jongwoon kissed Kyuhyun but well, who am I to complain right?☆〜(ゝ。∂)
I hope the next chapter has some answers and moreeee KyuSung moments ( can never get enough LOL )
Awesome chapter like aways^^ good luck with writing more
Cant wait!!!~<3(⌒▽⌒)
Ik heb hier een hendige giggle-fit~ XDD
Helemaaalll haaaapppppyyy~~ XD
Hoe dan ook;; ik like the chapter~ <33
Maar Kyu's appa is mean. ¬_¬
En op je vraag in het vorige hoofdstuk;
Ja ik heb een twitter; maar ik doe er bijna niets mee...
Ik heb nl bijna nooit wat te zeggen~ XD
Ik heb overigens wel eens daar met je gepraat~
Toen Eunhyuk in Nederland was~ XD
Ik moest toen echt even met iemand daarover praten~ XD
Anyways;; gebruikersnaam is ___superhero~
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