Title: Snapshot author: suju_shinki pairing: yoosu genre: drama, fluff, comedy, boardingschool au length: 8/? summary: Junsu has a boyfriend. And he has Yoochun
I'm very biased I always feel for Chun, even with Besties- I wanted to punch Junsu every once in a while. He tends to give himself without realizing it until he gets himself broken but does it all over again. . . AND JUNSU- he takes and takes. I almost hate him, but I love the drama :P
Ahh, my heart T___T This chapter was sooo sad and angsty~ Poor Yoochun!! *huggles* But I do feel sorry for Junsu too, coz he does seem confused and stuff... I'm not really feeling sorry for Taegoon... Heh ^_^" Can't wait for the next chapter :3
Comments 53
u are hurting my chunnie!!!!
how could chuuuuu~~~~~~
susuuuuuuu i hate chuuuuu!!!! *for now*
and now.. wil they reunite again?
*english failed me again today. =.=
Can't wait for the next chapter :3
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