Title: Snapshot author: suju_shinki pairing: yoosu genre: drama, fluff, comedy, school au length: 2/? summary: Junsu has a boyfriend. And he has Yoochun.
mwahahahha yoochun got chance to steal su and all they talk about is sex and virginity LOL XDDDD wow i hope su realize how much chun likes him kekeke i hope chun realizes it too so he can fight for su! >:D< loved the update! thanks xDDDD
Dawww. Yoochun should have just pushed him down and been like "I'm not gonna be a virgin for long >D" I hope Junsu sees how much Chun likes him though <33
Comments 28
Yoochun should have just pushed him down and been like "I'm not gonna be a virgin for long >D"
I hope Junsu sees how much Chun likes him though <33
Loved this hehe. Thank you ~
yoochun virgin?! lmao!
next one please!
thank you for sharing this one1 ^.^
"Park Yoochun is a VIRGIN!!!!!!!!"
woah,what will happen next? XD
cute update! i likeeeee it :)
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