mirror mirror on the wall~

Jun 15, 2010 14:43

Please link to 3 other applications you have voted for:

Name: Sabrina
Age: 15~almost sixteen in a few weeks!
Country: Canada! (YES WHERE MOCHI LIVES BUT..kind of far from him..)

Basic information about your looks....

Hair colour: Dark brown
Eye colour: Brown
Height: 5'1 (ehehe...I'm short. ^^;;;;)


Skirt or pants: Pants~
Long hair or short hair: Short? My hair is medium length but I really liked it short too.
Gold or silver: Silver~
Black or white: Black! No..wait..yes, black. Keke.
Red or blue: Blue~
Nails polished or not: Polished only if I have to. XD Otherwise no, just nicely groomed nails.
High heels or tennis shoes: Tennis shoes, for sure. I'd rather not kill myself in heels X3
Purse or backpack: Backpack!

Point of fashion..

SuJu fashion icon, why: Hm, probably a tie between Donghae (bias bias bias!) and Shiwon. I like Donghae's casual, comfortable yet still very trendy style, and I like Shiwon's classy and sophisticated look.
Non-SuJu fashion icon, why: Kim Jaejoong, because he's always styling and his looks are comfortable and fashionable (seeing as they fly about a lot, airport style ♥ )
Favourite designer/clothing brand (if there is any): Hm, I don't think so.

About your every day style...

What kind of clothes you normally wear? Skinny jeans, tees, hoodies and jackets.
Do you dye your hair?: Only have once or twice, Right now it's natural again.
What is your favourite colour in clothing?: I like darker colors, blues and green.

Any accessories?: Backpack, headphones, bracelets sometimes.
Any makeup?: Sometimes, depending on how I feel. Usually just a little compressed powder and that's it.
Doing your hair in the morning?: Again, it depends on the day, haha. If I feel like I want to then I do, otherwise I just shower and blow dry it out really fast.

What would you wear...

at yours and the boy's/girl's you like first date? Jeans and a nice shirt, flats.
at the concert of your favourite band? Jeans, sneakers, band t-shirt~
at the wedding of your sister?: Um, I'd have to wear traditional clothes. ^^; Bollywood styyylee~:D
at the birthday party of your best friend? Black trouser-style skinnies and a nice top.
at the school ending ceremony? (This depends of course of your culture; some people have to wear unofrms, but..): A nice dress.
when meeting your fave SuJu member?: Something I can faint in Normal clothes, just some of my "nicer" outfits and I'd have to do my hair, haha~

And in the end....

Describe your look with 3 words: Casual, trendy, boyish
Your three favourite accessories: Headphones (do they count?), a watch, bracelet.
Your three most hated "fashion mistakes": In general on others? Leggings/tights as pants, women who dress too young for their age. On myself? Long skirts. XD
Link max four pictures of yourself:
Anything else:Ahaha... here's one... and another. i'm really camera shy ./////.

mirror: donghae

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