Nov 29, 2009 16:38

Please link to 3 other applications you have voted for: (If there is none to vote, state here).

Name: Chelsea Lopez
Age: 15
Country: New Zealand (but I'm finishing secondary school in the Philippines)

Basic information about your looks....

Hair colour: Dark Brown
Eye colour: Dark Brown
Height: 5'3"


Skirt or pants: Pants
Long hair or short hair: Long (but not that long!)
Gold or silver: Silver
Black or white: Black
Red or blue: Blue
Nails polished or not: Polished
High heels or tennis shoes: Tennis shoes
Purse or backpack: Backpack

Point of fashion..

SuJu fashion icon, why: Kyuhyun~ cause he has that simple style, and I love sweaters. :)
Non-SuJu fashion icon, why: Kate Moss because she dresses simply then just adds accessories. :)
Favourite designer/clothing brand (if there is any): I'll use any brands, as long as it's wear-able..

About your every day style...

What kind of clothes you normally wear? Skinny jeans, a shirt or a polo?
Do you dye your hair?: Once...
What is your favourite colour in clothing?: Grey...blue and black.

Any accessories?: Scarves, vests, sweaters, bracelets, and necklaces
Any makeup?: None..
Doing your hair in the morning?: I just brush it...

What would you wear...

at yours and the boy's/girl's you like first date? high waisted shorts, a white polo and a cardigan
at the concert of your favourite band? Skinny jeans and a music-related shirt?
at the wedding of your sister?: If I;m a part of the entourage, I have no choice, but if not, a vintage or summer dress. :)
at the birthday party of your best friend? a v-neck, shorts, and nike dunks. :)
at the school ending ceremony? i don't think they give you a choice. but a simple dress if possible. :)
when meeting your fave SuJu member?: A white polo or shirt, a scarf, flats, and skinny jeans

And in the end....

Describe your look with 3 words: Boy-ish, preppy, and simple
Your three favourite accessories: A scarf, a cardigan, and vests
Your three most hated "fashion mistakes": Wearing prints on prints. (when you wear a printed top and a bottom with a different print)... and wearing overly short clothes at the wrong places. everything else is bearable...
Link max four pictures of yourself:
Two... (i'm the one on the right)
Three... (excuse the fact that I'm in my P.E. uniform :D )
& Four! (left-most!)
Anything else: Nothing, reallyyyy. :)

mirror: eunhyuk

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