Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Nov 01, 2009 13:11

Please link to 3 other applications you have voted for: (If there is none to vote, state here).
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Name: Angela Gabrielle :]
Age: 13
Country: Singapore

Basic information about your looks....

Hair colour: Naturally Black, but hints of brown can be found due to my weekly swimming lessons.
Eye colour: Black?
Height: 160cm ( I grew a cm shorter compared to the past year! )


Skirt or pants: Skirts :] but pants when i'm out with my family for church
Long hair or short hair: Long hair :] like now
Gold or silver: Silver, it's just so myserious?
Black or white: Both! :] I just can't bear but have them together! Even when i photo edit! I always use the blacknwhite tool!
Red or blue: RED! (I'm implying that it's my favourite color :] )
Nails polished or not: Nail polished :] but since I still have activities in school although now being the school holidays, so I can't wear it at all
High heels or tennis shoes: Tennis shoes! High heels just makes me feel so tall! especially being at this age. 8O
Purse or backpack: backpack! I can never carry a purse, I just feel so posh, i dunno why! XD

Point of fashion..

SuJu fashion icon, why: Yesung! His fashion style is like AWESOME! :DDDD
Non-SuJu fashion icon, why: Yoochun from DBSK, I like it how he wears hats and he looks oh-so-dandy! ^-^
Favourite designer/clothing brand (if there is any): I have a few but mainly, CottonOn, since they sell all those fabulous clothes that are so comfortable! *____* I think i need to go to CottonOn later....

About your every day style...

What kind of clothes you normally wear? what i normally wear is what is found in my closet! XD well, it's Polo Tees, Graphic Shirts, Shorts, Skirts, Tights, Skinny Jeans,hoodies,cardigans,P-James, my school uniform, some sophisticated dresses and formal ones too! :D
Do you dye your hair?: No, but it's all dyed from the chlorine from the swimming pool D:
What is your favourite colour in clothing?: Black,Red,White. :]

Any accessories?: shades,clips,jelly bands,headbands,necklaces, and maybe headphones or earplugs to finish off my style? :]
Any makeup?: Never! I hate Makeup!
Doing your hair in the morning?: drying it off infront of a fan after a bath, I can't afford to walk around in school with wet hair and a wet shirt(which exposes my bra! OMFG!)

What would you wear...

at yours and the boy's/girl's you like first date? sundresses my mom would buy or mini skirts plus cute t-shirts?
at the concert of your favourite band? whatever is casual or baggy, i wouldn't want my clothes restrict my crazy jumping!
at the wedding of your sister?: I don't have a sister....-.-' but if it's a wedding, i'd wear whatever my parents thinks best, of course with a taste of my own style
at the birthday party of your best friend? my closet and some shades to give that cool look or if not, i'd just wear those party hats!
at the school ending ceremony? (This depends of course of your culture; some people have to wear uniforms, but..): by ending ceremony do you mean prom? cuz that's the graduation itself here in Singapore. I'd wear those dresses that reaches my knees and some heels cuz they compliment dresses, but if not, i'd wear pumps.
when meeting your fave SuJu member?: whatever to give them a good impression of myself! That would mean abit of mix-n-matching and shoes to top it all off!

And in the end....

Describe your look with 3 words: hip,trendy,me!
Your three favourite accessories: my shades,headbands,earplugs
Your three most hated "fashion mistakes": when you wear skirts and shoes(with no tights!),boots with knee length socks, yes, mistake made recently, and lastly sling bags with a dress.( I'm so foolish, very. and this mistakes were made by me D: )
Link max four pictures of yourself: WARNING! All photos are too not nice? Haha, and the link is the same, so just click any!
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Anything else: I'm sorry if the text is in a mess(?), please vote and thanks for reading my application!

mirror: donghae

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