Meme & (belated) Greetings

Jun 13, 2010 00:25

oh, and welcome my new friends from Indonesian friending meme: haloalkanamatisuri , chopinporn eh chopinston   and tsunderoid


Meme 2

Coba tanya siapa paling ganteng se-erte

Pasti jawabnya Mas Heru*

Tangan gatel nge-klik elje

Yang dibuka gambar BL melulu

(* referensi tentang Mas Heru ada di lj-nya dame_bellatrix  )

Yeah. Ini meme paling garing dalam sejarah LJ. Pingin ikutan ( Read more... )


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Comments 7

z_hard June 14 2010, 00:12:09 UTC
HAHAHHAHA saya suka jawaban Anda, jeung! Kalo skrip Anda tentang rencana mischa dijalankan, saya yakin pasti Fitri langsung menderitatatattatatata seperti terjeblos ke dalam lidah, eh, lubang buaya. Sayang kru CF tidak seinovatif itu *plak

Eh eh eh kok apdetan jurnal Anda gak masuk ke friend page saya ya? o_O


sujeneng June 14 2010, 17:51:53 UTC
mwahaha... kebayang kalo saya yg mengendalikan CF dan semua sinetron *evil laugh*

euh. nggak muncul lagi ya... kenapa sih lj sirik ama journal yg namanya indah dan berseni tinggi spt sujeneng? /plak


:D dame_bellatrix June 17 2010, 00:56:21 UTC
Jawaban pertanyaan terakhir meme pertamanya wuakakakakak! Epic LOL!
Ada gak ya penulis fanfic yang mau bikin fanfic sekaligus menghancurleburkan Cinta Fitri? :P


Re: :D sujeneng June 23 2010, 19:41:03 UTC
yaelah, tega amat ngancurin sinetron ancur o.O

tapi mungkin asik juga bikin challenge ala film Hot Shots! ato Superhero dsb gitu. film2 model gitu kan murni parodi dr berbagai film box office, dirangkai dgn alur yg asdfhjkgl jadi kocak.


jack_rowen July 3 2010, 05:04:27 UTC
ask me anything


sujeneng July 5 2010, 02:04:21 UTC

1. Are you a morning or night person?
2. Who is your favorite superheroine/heroine?
3. Your reading preference: guilty pleasure or enlightening book?
4. Your writing preference: a WOW! setting or a very lovable/hateable character or a thought-provoking plot?
5. If you have 10 seconds to live, whom would you kill to make your last 10 second-life more beautiful?

(uh. kinda nervous asking you random questions :D)


jack_rowen July 13 2010, 19:48:21 UTC
1. Night Person. Love the dark, love the quiet. Unless I'm in the woods, then I'm not so much full of love as full of blinding fear.

2. Motoko Kusanagi of Ghost in the Shell.

3. I enjoy both.

4. I tend to lean towards a thought-provoking plot over lovable characters. Though I try my best to incorporate both.

5. There's no one I hate that much to be honest.


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